The terrorists want Bush re-elected

I guess I just don't see the benefit to the current terrorists if Bush stays in power. Excepting, perhaps, that they believe that the irrational hatred of all things Bush will keep his policies from being effective.

Overall, I think its a "we, as his sworn enemies, will say he's the best thing since sliced bread for us in attempts to sway the american public to vote him out of office because they want to us to not have what we say we want", except they fail to realise that we're not farmers that fell off the turnip truck into the Madrassas.
Pfft. Where've you been Clashman. Didn't you know this? You can't have logical critiques of Bush at all. It's all just mindless bush hating. I do love however that some on these boards agree with me from end to end when I go off on Kerry, deservedly so, but when I do the same for Bush, I'm a hater. Ahhhhh the fun.
Im not sure if i take that group seriously. It just seems a bit weird to comunicate to all their other cells by writing a letter and having it read through the media.

i think his point was to do with bush's aptness for agression and the resulting... um... sympathy for the arabs this creates.
John Reynolds said:

Or they just want us to think they do so we vote for Kerry, which is what they want? Or do they want us to think they're trying to fool us into voting for Kerry so we vote for Bush, which is what they really want? 8)

wow :oops:

In a statement, obtained by two London-based Arabic language newspapers, the Abu Hafs al-Masri brigade claimed the attacks on Madrid represented a "victory" for the group.

"We gave the Spanish people a choice between war and peace, and they chose peace by electing the party that opposed the alliance with America in its war against Islam," the statement said.

Al-Quds al-Arabi newspaper quoted extensively from the statement, which said the group was planning further attacks, but would not target the US for fear of damaging President George W. Bush's re-election chances.

"Yes, your foolishness and your religious fanaticism is what we want" to "wake up" the Islamic world, the statement said, addressing the US president.

While the statement cannot be authenticated, the Abu Hafs brigade - named after an al-Qaeda leader - has often signed declarations on al-Qaeda's behalf.

well it looks like they have an agenda, and a clean one at that.

1. they want peace with other nations
2. they want Bush reelected as he is the "enemy" who will enable muslims to join together

interesting, and suprisingly reasonable.
Legion said:
much like any support of Israel?

When every single piece of evidence in a case points to IDF soldiers shooting a western journalist, including eyewitness testimony and video, and you say there shouldn't even be a public inquiry; when you insist that Palestine is disputed rather than occupied, despite numerous evidence where they are characterized as such in international law, (try UN Resolutions 452 and 465); when you claim that there is no such thing as a Palestinian, that they are really all just Arabs and nothing more; when you claim that Israel only acts in self defense when there are hundreds of cases to the contrary; then yes, you are truly a complete and total nut.

The insane fervor you bring to the table in discussions of Israeli actions is truly fanatical, and not merely "support". It eclipses all rational judgement and makes having civil discussion of any kind next to impossible unless you are deliberately ignored.
well it looks like they have an agenda, and a clean one at that.

I hope you mean "clear" and not "clean". There is nothing clean or spotless about targetting civilians with bombs or drive-by shootings to further your agenda.

Because of course, Russ, any disagreement with Bush's policies are the result of irrational hatred.
Both you and Natoma completely misread what I wrote. You can critique and disagree, but rejection of a policy simply because it comes from Bush is a patently obvious pitfall that Bush does suffer from today.

Not that any criticism or disagreement is irrational Bush hatred, but to deny that it exists is amazing.

1. they want peace with other nations
Bullshit. Hitler "wanted peace with other nations". If you give them what they want (a free hand to shape Iraq as they want, for example), you'll end up with the Taliban Afghanistan. And then it will spread.

They don't want peace; they want peace through Islam. They want the Caliphate.
Clashman said:
Legion said:
much like any support of Israel?

When every single piece of evidence in a case points to IDF soldiers shooting a western journalist, including eyewitness testimony and video, and you say there shouldn't even be a public inquiry; when you insist that Palestine is disputed rather than occupied, despite numerous evidence where they are characterized as such in international law, (try UN Resolutions 452 and 465); when you claim that there is no such thing as a Palestinian, that they are really all just Arabs and nothing more; when you claim that Israel only acts in self defense when there are hundreds of cases to the contrary; then yes, you are truly a complete and total nut.

The insane fervor you bring to the table in discussions of Israeli actions is truly fanatical, and not merely "support". It eclipses all rational judgement and makes having civil discussion of any kind next to impossible unless you are deliberately ignored.
The same can be said about your anti-israel views.

Not every thread needs to have a discussion on israel/palestine.
John Reynolds said:
Or they just want us to think they do so we vote for Kerry, which is what they want? Or do they want us to think they're trying to fool us into voting for Kerry so we vote for Bush, which is what they really want? 8)

To both!

Really, Epic? If you have specific complaints, please PM me, (so we don't further clutter up this thread), and let me know what in particular makes civil discussion impossible. I would like to know if you have real complaints, or are just defending Legion.
Clashman said:
Really, Epic? If you have specific complaints, please PM me, (so we don't further clutter up this thread), and let me know what in particular makes civil discussion impossible. I would like to know if you have real complaints, or are just defending Legion.
No, what is quite stupid, is all the OT bashing that goes on. Im guilty from time to time. Lets keep the discussion at least slightly on topic. Read your post and tell me how that has anything to do with terrorist wanting to re-elect bush.

No, I don't think regardless of what they are saying here that they really want Bush reelected. I think this is total BS. Terrorist are worried that is why they are desperately bombing innocent civilians in attempts to influence electoral outcomes. The matter is that these groups were conducting terrorist operations well before the Bush administration came to office. These fundamentalist are not interested in peace from what I can see.. their main agenda of expanding Islamic fundamentalism has really been stifled by the war on terror.

9/11 came without the war on terror... The western nations of the world ought to really hunker down together against these thugs. They not only attack western interest but also their own people blowing up whoever does not accept their agenda. They are blackmailing democracy.
It was a response to Legion's equally off-topic remark. That's the only reason why it was in here. And so once again, if you have specific complaints, PM me.
RussSchultz said:
Not that any criticism or disagreement is irrational Bush hatred, but to deny that it exists is amazing.

Both sides of the fence are guilty of this (mystical/shadowy neo-cons).

Bullshit. Hitler "wanted peace with other nations". If you give them what they want (a free hand to shape Iraq as they want, for example), you'll end up with the Taliban Afghanistan. And then it will spread.

They don't want peace; they want peace through Islam. They want the Caliphate.

Agreed. But this shows how astute they can be, and to paint AQ as fundamentalist loons unhinged from reality, which I often hear (not necessarily from anyone on this board), is far from the truth. They know the Bush administration with its ham-fisted diplomatic clumsiness has almost singlehandedly destroyed the surplus of support America had when it came to dealing with terrorism and replaced it with suspicion or downright animosity, and now seek to further isolate us from former allies.