The Passion

Gibson is right. Those damn jesus killing jews are still at their schema of world domination one bank at a time...
I never quite understood what's so bad about killing Jesus. I mean, according to Xian mythology the dude was supposed to die for our sins, no?
I can't wait to see it; it looks absolutely fantastic. While I myself am a dark-skinned Eastern Orthodox and therefore probably wouldn't be too popular in Hutton Gibson's circles, I still would recommend this picture to all who would like a different perspective on history than is usually tolerated in the Western world.
I don't understand what the Jewish community expected out of Gibson, for him to rewrite the Gospels? It were the Scribes and Pharisees who beat and tortured Christ, not the Romans. I was stunned when I read one Jewish writer's comment (I believe in the Boston Globe) that even sacred texts such as the Gospels can carry "the virus of Jew hatred".

And as politically incorrect as it may appear to be to suggest, there is some evidence that the numbers of Jews killed during the Holocaust has been somewhat exaggerated. And I couldn't care less, because even if it was only one million it's still incredible to imagine targetting any group and performing mass executions of them.
its a bloody movie... its not like the bible is being re-written...

the comments I have been hearing from people and rabbi's and priest concerning a movie most have not even seen is quite amusing however...

btw... I doubt a movie has received as much religious scrutiny since dogma... and never so much...
I think you overestimate the importance of the movie Dogma.

The last temptation of Christ, or the stageplay/movie of Jesus Christ Superstar were way more relevant and important movies that dealt with hot-topic issues concerning the Christian faith than Dogma was.
undoubtedly... but as I said... SINCE dogma... :)

@ my local theatres we had throngs of people lined up outside protesting the movie...

btw I Agree.. last temptation of christ was more meaningful... haven't seen the stageplay personally for Superstar though... how was it ?
L233 said:
I never quite understood what's so bad about killing Jesus. I mean, according to Xian mythology the dude was supposed to die for our sins, no?

The reasoning doesn't fit with the logic of the OT. This is an act of human sacrifice which has its roots in contemporary paganism...
The old testament/covenant demanded sacrifice for atonement. Jesus was supposed to fill this sacrificial requirement for the new covenant.

As for Superstar, I enjoy it immensely. I have a thing for musicals, but it also explores this free will/predestination thing, and turns the common conception that Judas was an evil person on its head by exploring what drove him to turn over Jesus to the romans.
Dogma was nothing more than antichristian propaganda meant to harm.

It was atheist tripe meant for selfaggrandizement to stroke the egos of the obviously intellectualy superior nonbelievers..
Legion said:
Dogma was nothing more than antichristian propaganda meant to harm.

It was atheist tripe meant for selfaggrandizement to stroke the egos of the obviously intellectualy superior nonbelievers..
Ditto. It didn't evoke religious scrutiny or make people think, it just insulted believers--which was all it seems it was meant to do.
RussSchultz said:
Legion said:
Dogma was nothing more than antichristian propaganda meant to harm.

It was atheist tripe meant for selfaggrandizement to stroke the egos of the obviously intellectualy superior nonbelievers..
Ditto. It didn't evoke religious scrutiny or make people think, it just insulted believers--which was all it seems it was meant to do.

I`m not trying to be a dick or anything, but what was so bad about the movie? I saw it some years ago and I don`t recall anything particularly religious about it (with the exception of the main movie idea, if that makes sense)
I`m not trying to be a dick or anything, but what was so bad about the movie?

it was meant to be insulting...

I saw it some years ago and I don`t recall anything particularly religious about it (with the exception of the main movie idea, if that makes sense)

... :oops:
Legion said:
Dogma was nothing more than antichristian propaganda meant to harm.

It was atheist tripe meant for selfaggrandizement to stroke the egos of the obviously intellectualy superior nonbelievers..

Kevin Smith is Christian himself and as far as he claims a very strong believer in god. It was just a shallow comedy...
Just to quote "The Name of the Rose" (?): "I am fairly sure Jesus enjoyed a good laugh."
While its been a while since I've watched it, I remember that much of the dialog was actually simplistic rants about the wrongs of modern day religion, and repetitions of the typical atheist vs. believer flamewars.

It played well to one audience (guess which) and was somewhat offensive to the other. It certainly didn't spark in me any critical thought about any dogma that I knew of.
Legion said:
Dogma was nothing more than antichristian propaganda meant to harm.

It was atheist tripe meant for selfaggrandizement to stroke the egos of the obviously intellectualy superior nonbelievers..

Just like Life of Brian, yes?

Dogma was propaganda? Dogma didn't propagate anything, it was a comedy. There was nothing in that movie that anyone could take serious. Shit demons? Black Jesus? Chris Rock as the 13th apostel? Metatron a cynical Brit? Alanis Morissette as God?

I am so tired of Xians with a persecution complex.
Legion said:
The reasoning doesn't fit with the logic of the OT. This is an act of human sacrifice which has its roots in contemporary paganism...

So it wasn't really Jesus's job to die for our sins? Did I miss something?
So it wasn't really Jesus's job to die for our sins? Did I miss something?

It is my belief this was myth generated by christian theologans of the early church. The human sacrifice element, imho, is a derivation of Zorroastrian mythraism (a principle act of many religions in fact) among others.
Legion said:
So it wasn't really Jesus's job to die for our sins? Did I miss something?

It is my belief this was myth generated by christian theologans of the early church.'re saying that Christianity is a myth generated by the early church?

The basic tenet of Christianity is that salvation comes through Christ, and that he died for our sins. The whole "lamb of God" thing.