Since when does being omniscient have anything to do with foreknowledge?
Since when is the state of
knowing all limited to knowledge of the present?
One doesn’t; that is the point.
The point is thousands of gods have been created by man. Blind faith in any of them is simply that; blind.
The Bible tells us what other people experienced and believed because of those experiences.
This can not be confirmed. There is no manner by which you can defend the argument the Bible was written with regards to actual occurances of supernatural origin.
I can only offer my reason why I believe in most of the text: that the bible contains many sophisticated philosophical truths revealed at a time when man would likely have been unable to understand all of these concepts on his own in the given situation.
This is likewise impossible to prove. How can you possibly judge what a person at any given time could understand? Obviously Jesus' followers followed him because they supported his ideologies. Ergo they must have been wanting the same thing as Jesus (assuming the stories are true). This perspective is hopelessly myopic though. Its clear the savior form of Jesus was not limited to him as a collective of savior cults were on the rise in Rome at the time.
It is my understanding that hell isn’t eternal, but that eventually God permanently kills those beings.
This doesn't strike you as obtuse? What is the necessity for a pit of horrible pain and suffering?
How does knowing/seeing all that is equal knowledge of the future?
Again, how is
knowing all limited to what occurs in the past and or present?
As far as I am aware, the concept of predetermination is a Calvinistic creation.
Point being? Christian religiocity is a creation of the early church.
Are you trying to suggest the vary notion of predestination did not exist prior to Calvinistic teachings? Do you think he invented his reasonings?
This is true and perfectly legitimate.
How on earth can you make such a leap from reason to madness? How can you love some one and threaten them with pain and torment if they do not love you in return?
The reason why is because of what God represents – the good.
Why? Because he says so? He is at the heart of the most distructive acts within the bible. I do not see him as a force of good at all. I see him as a force of rage, childlike jealousy, and arrogance.
If one is not devoted to the good, then one is not doing something constructive with their existence, and thus one’s life contains no relevance.
All in the eyes of the God perhaps. Its hard to render something irrelevant you once claimed to love.
I would also point out the
unproductive nature of evil by which one becomes a detriment, but I am not certain it would matter.
Yet God has destroyed the world in a great flood and is "good".
Well, ideally we should all love each other. If a person stopped loving what is good, then their fate should not be a surprise.
You aren't answering the question though. What is good is subjective.
I found this quote quite amusing as Jesus said those that enter the kingdom of God will be like children (or something to that effect

I don't find it humorous at all. You'd have to have a childlike incapacity to reason to continue to blindly serve a nonexistant deity such as God.
This is faulty logic. If God showed himself to a person, the person would simply know of him. Believing in God would not be required as is evidenced by the case of Lucifer and the angels that fell.
This is not faulty logic at all. Believing in something is really the acknowledgement of its existance.
Lucifer certainly believes in God. He simply chooses neither to worship nor serve him.
Jesus performed a few miracles and indeed was said to rise from the dead, yet people still killed him and do not believe in him.
Please provide any historical sources that provide evidence of these occurances outside of the use of biblical sources.
I would say requiring evidence is anti-Christian. It is a self defeating enterprise.
If believing in something you without evidence is your forte then you can expect to be labeled irrational and illogical.
Does ones belief in good and evil apply here. There are many things humanity believes in which are just unverifiable concepts and ideas. In fact, I would imagine we all believe in at least one thing of this nature.
I don't see Good or Evil anywhere in the quote you replied to.
Whether we believe in something or not bares little significance or relevance to its existance. I can believe in a purple elephant i think lives in my back yard. Doing so does not make the elephant real.
I was not aware of any such dogma. Would someone be kind enough to provide me with a written source. Furthermore, I fail to see what human religious institutions have to do with the truths of God. I think it has been fairly established that we are far from perfect.
The matter of God changing is readily identifiable in the NT. No longer is God an involved warmongerer but a distant, loving, yet personal God.
On several occasions I have prayed for various things, and gotten immediate results. I have know idea if this was the work of God, a greater being than I, or purely coincidence, but the personal experience was certainly initially surprising to me. The only other personal evidence I can offer is that now I can look in a mirror and realize what I see is not me.
I am confused. You reply as though what you stated above were evidence and then later refute it stating you have no way of decerning whether it is evidence or not.
Verify that it is not. Both are hypocritical statements.
No, not at all. He made a positive claim which can not be reinforced by the unsupported counter-notion. neither are inherently true ergo one can not be used to support or refute the other.
There is no sufficient proof for those who do not want to believe.
This smacks of circular reasoning. In order to have "evidence" you must first believe?
How could these deities possess these qualities if they didn’t exist. Furthermore, God represents everything not one specific idea.
How could Darth Vader possess such rage and hatred for the Jedi if he like wise does not exist?
Clearly Darth Vader does not exist. He is a character within a story.
If one could, then it would be his knowledge not his belief. No one can force a person to believe that the good is worthwhile, and that evil/destruction is useless; this is a decision an individual must make for the self, and probably criterion for judgment
You jump to making conclusions that God is good without any means by which to prove this.