Got it via Gamestop trade-in yesterday and played for a bit too. Seriously folks, if this game didn't look half as incredible as it admittedly does, nobody would give a single fuck about it. The story is dull as hell, the shooting isn't gratifying because there's almost no punch to it, combat feels stale because the A.I. is happy to just stay in place while taking pot shots from behind cover, and most of the time you're really just slowly walking about doing nothing. Supposedly the stealth is even worse than the combat (I'm not that far in), and if the reviews are to be believed, the story doesn't even come with an ending.
So far I'm sufficiently distracted by the spectacle to press on, but then I'm also what you'd call a graphics whore. Lucky me, because the gameplay in this game is utter shit.
Also: Damn you critics for hating on this game just because you're not "understanding" it.