im not talking just about graphics, but about them being extremely talented developers, having the huge open worlds with lots going on, running on the ps2 with 32MB is pretty amazing.
What? Its not like GTA games run the entire world in the background while you play, they just stream the nearest two blocks. And the quality of those two blocks that you see haven't been particularly good, its been average, even compared to other free roaming titles (there are lots and lots of these games)
R* makes great games, they make fun good games, but i dont see them as technically giftet as many many many many other studios.
GTA3+sequels sold at least 50million copies thus theres obviously a huge market
how many similar games to GTA are there? saints row + what else?
why arent companies trying to take a piece of this huge pie instead of entering the crowded FPS arena?
Huh?? There have been released tons of games that are free roaming in cities, after GTA3 came out, for the next 2-3 years, there was tons of freeroaming games made. Some where significantly better than GTASA was graphically, none where IMO better overall than GTASA as a game.
Also, many of us have been playing freeroaming games long before GTA3 came out. Hell, if it wasn't for the fact that some MMORPGs have to account for having hundreds of players in the same area at the same time, EverQuest on the PS2 would probably look far superior than GTA3 did (they came out around the same year) and that game is 15 times larger than GTA:SA.
true GTA is a 800pound gorrilla but its also a LOT more difficult to develop a GTA style game (or MMORPG etc, how many of those are on consoles?) than a FPS/car racer etc
There are a few MMORPGs, and the real cost in these games are assets i think, because you need a crapload of space for MMORPGS (most of them have atleast 10x the landmass of GTASA).
Further while GTA may seem very difficult to develop because so much is going on, everything that GTA does is basic. The AI is basic compared to the FPS shooter, the physics are basic compared to the racer, everything is basic except for the immense land mass. I don't doubt that GTA is hard to develop, but it doesn't have to be all that harder than many other games, it may take longer time because you need more assets and you need to make more content, but in terms of coding? I doubt GTA4 is hard to code, compared to Crysis.