Take Two posts 4th quarter losses

In that particular quarter Bioshock(PS3) was released. As a publisher relies on shipped/"sold to retailer" figures, the revenue from that shipment probably bumped the PS3 to the top.

I think the X360 has a slight edge over the year.......but of course this is only about revenue and doesn't tell you anything about profitability.
Thanks for answering midorigreenwood, that seems to be the case. Should research which games take 2 released for the quarter but i don't know a good and quick source to do it.

Commenting on the tangent. I don't think is correct to stigmatize the "HD development". Like Rangers pointed out, is nothing new when considering the standard transitions (we are used to) between console cycles. A very good example of and adverse climate for developers is at the beginning of the PS2 introduction (SD console).

This is another thing that is strongly making the rounds in this cycle the "HD dev costs". Makes me think that i dont seem to remember similar comments coming from the PC industry, im talking strictly about the resolutions increase and costs of development. Why is this the case?
Anyone remember the EA financials a couple of quarters ago where they also showed more revenues from the PS3? It was before the X360 price cut.

But I think people surmised that possibly greater revenues from PS3 in international markets offset whatever greater unit volumes for the X360 in the US/NA market.

I think Take 2 also derives a substantial portion of its sales in markets outside the US as well.
A simple message to third party developers. Evolve or die.

Good quote.

Personally I think they need more products around each release, like McDonald Happy Meal promotions, t-shirts, OST, cups, action figures, promoted more like movie apparels are promoted.

The console makers needs to push out game promotions through their systems in a more prelevant way. Not just have the Playstation Store sitting there but have it automaticly push information out to the end users.

For each big release have games ready for other systems, like releasing GTAIV for PS3 & 360 and at the same time have a DS game ready, mobile phone game and even a Wii game and have them somehow link to the main game (PS4 & 360) without actually being that game. They don't even have to be full fledged games, or on the same genre, just tie into it. Like Bionic Commando for Live!/PSN, just releasing it closer to the actual game. Have stuff unlock in your main game if you do something in the downloadable game.

More cross promotions between games, like MGS4 and LBP. Or MGS4 and Assassin's Creed. For instance when MGS4 is released why doesn't Konami release MGS4 characters like a DLC to their other games (they have a fotball game IIRC?). Have your OST as DLC from day one.

More cross promotion between games like Guitarr Hero, Singstar and Buzz vs other games. How cool wouldn't it be to rock out to the main theme of your favorite games? Maybe a question pack for Buzz won't work, but maybe it will?

While this is a way to generate more profits their costs are still high so they still need to lower their production costs. Using more standard game engines would be a good way instead of developing your own (unless your game really needs it). Having a focus of cutting costs on features when comparing how much they add to the actual game, ie how much of GTAIV consists of hand to hand combat? Not much, but you can't cut it. Helicopter flight? Not necessary at all, except for a few missions, very easy to cut. Multiplayer with 16 different modes? Gone! Reducing the number of radio stations? Yes, I think after they reached a critical mass of radio stations they just kept adding for the realism. Wardrobe changing? Reduce it! Nico needs to wear a suit to for a mission? Ok, but he doesn't need to be able to choose from several in combination with several different shoes.

I am just trying to examplify that some things are overworked and doesn't necessarily add much to the game (in terms of sales) while it costs the game developers lots of resources, I am not saying that all of the examples above are good.

Anyway, comments?