The old and unwieldy GTA4 thread*

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I agree also. While I don't doubt the PS3 posed them more problems than the 360 (why would Rockstar be different from the majority of developers in that respect), if you listen to the 1up yours podcast, you will be reminded of how 1up/EGM saw earlier builds of the 360 version that had a very bad framerate, and that the version they've seen now runs more or less smooth.
Some hopeful news on the shooting parts of the game:

Indeed, in terms of combat GTA IV almost has more in common with Gears of War than it does with San Andreas. What we've seen happen over the last couple of years is that a new standard for combat mechanics has emerged for third person videogames, regardless of genre. Whether it's an action adventure game like Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, a straight-up shooter like Gears of War or an open-world title like GTA IV, certain things are expected – smooth, accurate control for targeting, intuitive cover mechanics and non-restrictive agility. GTA IV checks off all those boxes, and while going hands-on will be the most important test, it's clear from our latest – extensive – eyes on, that Rockstar North is on the right track.
Slide GTA over to the column I don't care about then.

Because it was already there, or because you liked the gunplay of the previous version so much then?

Because we all know, the gunfighting was the highlight of all previous GTA games, right? :oops: :LOL:
Before everyone declares jihad on DJ12 for daring to go against the grain, stop and think about it for a minute. GTA has always been more of a casual gaming experience than a hardcore shooter. I for one welcome the change, but can see why others would be put off.
Because it was already there, or because you liked the gunplay of the previous version so much then?

Because we all know, the gunfighting was the highlight of all previous GTA games, right? :oops: :LOL:
I don't like gunplay at all.

Being able to lock on, switch targets realtively easily and being able to run away was right in my tolerant zone for "gunplay"

Cover, spending time aiming (other than with a sniper rifle) and other such "realistic" stuff is not my cup of tea at all.

It's a game not a real life crime simulator.
I don't like gunplay at all.

Being able to lock on, switch targets realtively easily and being able to run away was right in my tolerant zone for "gunplay"

Cover, spending time aiming (other than with a sniper rifle) and other such "realistic" stuff is not my cup of tea at all.

It's a game not a real life crime simulator.

According to RockStar,

They seem to be making a concious effort to make the game into a "crime simulator", gunplay or not..

Point is, GTA's move away from the child's play "gaminess" & into the realm of "hollywood-style epic" was inevitable considering thats the kind of stuff that really sells to the mass hardcore (aka COD4/Halo3 crowd) & with other GTA-a-likes really raising the bar iun terms of quality this gen when compared to last (you only have to look at the differences between games like Saint's Row+Crackdown to games like True Crime to see what i'm talking about..) then it's pretty clear Rockstar REALLY needed to come into the current gen with a couple of GTA paradigm shifts to set themselves apart from the crowd again..

or risk getting lost in it by the swathes of AAA open-world titles either on the market or yet to come..

I'm not trying to downplay your expectations/desires for the next/GTA, i'm merely saying that Rockstar probably didn't have much of a choice with respect to getting rid of a mechanic which the vast majority of GTA lovers didn't like so much & preferred the offerings of competing IP (Saints Row..)
Sounds like they're trading pace and flow in favor of realism.

What was that game about anarchy that Rockstar did?

Are you going to be able to do hit and run, run and gun?

Is there going to be any manic gameplay?

:] ...
But it was exactly the game for me.

You will note the title Grand THEFT AUTO not Grand Theft Auto bogged down with crappy "skill" based aiming of guns and cover.
But it was exactly the game for me.

You will note the title Grand THEFT AUTO not Grand Theft Auto bogged down with crappy "skill" based aiming of guns and cover.

You're not making any sense. They have auto-aim, as well as the option to do things manually. In either case, shooting is going to be easier than in any previous GTA. You would be making sense if we knew that there would be a major shift from stealing cars to shooting compared to the previous games. Right now though, I don't get your complaints.

Personally, no GTA so far has been able to capture my fancy. Niko looks totally unlikeable and makes me feel that this time it won't be different, but the gameplay improvements may change that. It's not looking good yet though, for me. But for fans of the series so far who are afraid that the series will change too much for their liking, I think things are looking very well.
Did you read the comment I replied to?

I want GTA to be exactly what it has been since it was concieved, only for people to now tell me I don't want GTA at all, being rather obtuse in the process.
Yes, but I'm saying you're not paying close attention. The skill part is optional. People who enjoy aiming and stuff can use it, but it's OPTIONAL. :D
Did you read the comment I replied to?

I want GTA to be exactly what it has been since it was concieved, only for people to now tell me I don't want GTA at all, being rather obtuse in the process.

GTA as it was originally concieved was a top down shooter with no auto-aim whatsoever! And the majority of the game was mowing down massive amounts of people with different weapons, stealing cars has always been just a small portion of the gameplay.
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