I also seem to recall that it is rather a lot less utopian than Hamilton's universes tend to be.
Utopian? Not sure which Hamilton books YOU have read

but I've read Night's Dawn trilogy, Fallen Dragon and Pandora's Star/Judas Unchained (Commonwealth Saga or whatsitscalled, I believe); none of them are utopian in any way shape or form. If anything they're mostly dystopian; only the rich have it good in all books (and the rich are much fewer than the rest, as usual), and in Night's Dawn, also the Edenists, although they're also fewer in number than the Adamists. Fallen Dragon is extremely dystopian, describing an essentially dying society which is cannibalizing itself and holding hostage and murdering people for profit.
Overall, his books are mostly stuck in a rut, where society hasn't progressed past basic neo-liberalism/libertarianism/predatory capitalism of today, despite inventing things like FTL or wormholes, which is just ludicrous really. In the Commonwealth books you have wormhole tech that can stretch dozens of lightyears easily and AI computers, yet colonization of new worlds is handled by shipping in primitive tech and letting people build up essentially the equivalent of slums/frontier towns, when everything could be built by automated factories to utmost levels of comfort and luxury. Constantly "costs" is mentioned as a limiting factor, but the commonwealth spans hundreds of lightyears with gods knows how many solar systems chock full of every resource of every kind for the taking. Open up a ground-based wormhole next to an asteroid, point a mining excavating machine out of the opening and start chewing it up. Bring the proceeds straight down onto a planet surface for purification.
Rinse and repeat. Every man woman and child could have their own mountain of gold, easily. Money ceases to have any meaning when you're no longer supply limited in any way shape or form, yet money is still the most important thing in his books. That's just dumb.
The man writes fabulous fiction, but his worldbuilding is utter stupidity really.
Plus, he's also a sexist perverted pig, but that's perhaps another discussion...