Finished Stranger Things 2 the other day, and...epic mullet! lol
Also, this season was perhaps a bit weaker overall, didn't feel as focused as the first. A dash of inappropriate situational comedy, often involving a certain tadpole thing making inappropriately cute noises and which likes nougat (and friggin BASIC, ugh), also, rather a lot of time spent on conflicts between characters instead of advancing the plot, which did not really interest me much. Was promised more horror beforehand, but ended up being less, due to all the inter-personal conflicts and the bizarre misplaced comedy I feel like. Or in short, not much really HAPPENED. One entire episode in particular was essentially just a big ole sidetrack which didn't lead anywhere at all.
It was good television, sure, and the kids were great, and Sam Gamgee was oh so fucking boring but you know, poor Sam Gamgee getting eaten alive by demodogs (SPOILER ALERT lol), that was a bit sad. He was a good guy after all, poor ole dead Sam Gamgee, very heroic, but...stupid. DON'T STOP if you're getting chased by monsters. Keep on running, man! Getting eaten, that'll teach you not to be an idiot for next time. Only there won't be a next time, but that's your fault man. Keep on running! Jesus.
So I get it, it's hard to follow up a smash hit and hit that same spot twice in a row without repeating yourself and do the same thing all over again, and that having a second great idea is much harder than just having that one first great idea, but I hope they can steer the show back towards the tone and pace of the first season or the third season is just going to kill this whole thing, and that would be a shame.
If season 1 was like, 9/10, this one's a 7 I feel.
Oh, and if you haven't finished watching the whole series yet maybe you shouldn't be reading this post, because like, I spoiled something. The mullet, you know. That was pretty epic! Except, you don't know about that yet, so disregard. Disregard! Clear it from your mind, because you haven't seen the mullet yet and you don't wanna be spoiled for when it comes.