The Official, Long Awaited, TV Shows Thread

Neither universe is ours? The styling of some of the men's clothes hint at that, but the bulky monitors in both worlds seemed like a tip off. So are the writers holding out in reserve the possibility of a third Universe, and a third Counterpart?
I decided early on that
neither universe is ours to not bother trying to relate historical events with the primary dimension to leave it open to writer creativity.

I just watched the 3rd episode. In that episode during the meeting with the diplomats...
in negotiating they're trying to pry census information from the other dimension. I understand the oil reserves location but why the census information? The population is vastly different due to the apparent pandemic that spread through the 2nd world. Is it information on population count and location density for possible invasion or something?
I decided early on that
neither universe is ours to not bother trying to relate historical events with the primary dimension to leave it open to writer creativity.

I just watched the 3rd episode. In that episode during the meeting with the diplomats...
in negotiating they're trying to pry census information from the other dimension. I understand the oil reserves location but why the census information? The population is vastly different due to the apparent pandemic that spread through the 2nd world. Is it information on population count and location density for possible invasion or something?
Important people might want to know the status of their counterpart, and that of the counterparts of their enemies. Also they might want to know who's more likely to have immunity to a similar pandemic on their side. Kind of a suspicious line of inquiry, but maybe the other side has also bargained for that info, during different negotiations. And that raises the question of information being power to different factions on the same side of the divide. Who took bribes on one side might take bribes on the other. Ditto that for being a spy, or having secrets that can be used for blackmail.
Finished watching the first season of Marco Polo. Pretty good and fun to watch. Too bad there are only two seasons (or is the second season really bad?).

I liked the second season as much as the first, if I remember correctly. I do think that this probably already rather expensive show would have gotten a lot more expensive still if they were to do a third season, considering where the 2nd season was going ...
Saw the season 2 premiere episode of Westworld today, I thought it was really rather good. I wonder how they'll build their story out of this brave new world they created in the season 1 finale; I guess we'll see.

Has anyone read the original novel, and know how closely the TV series follows it?

BTW... Friggin' Netflix, eh! Still no sign of The Expanse S3... I hope it won't take six+ months after the season ends in the U.S. until it comes to europe, like happened with S2. That one was a fucking debacle if ever I saw one.
Season3 isn't out? I thought I saw it on Torrentlee...some site earlier.

I haven't watched the first episode of Westworld yet, took me by surprise that it came out and I haven't had the time to fully focus/appreciate it.
Season3 isn't out? I thought I saw it on Torrentlee...some site earlier.
Lol! :D

It's out in the U.S., where it runs on a different streaming service (sci-fi channel, whatsitscalled?)

Westworld, you mean you haven't watched season 2 first episode yet? If you haven't watched westworld at all... Man! Then you've got something to look forward to! It's some of the best telly I've ever seen, tbh. Or well, that's what I thought anyway. It's very very violent, and quite often gory, and sometimes rather crude, but the story sure twists and turns in some unexpected ways.

I had a theory last year when I was nearing the end of how I thought everything would fit together, and lol nope. That wasn't it! Or even anywhere near it. :p (Although I still feel, whatever my full theory was - I've forgotten most of it now - was actually more elegant than what they wrote... A guy's gotta have some pride, I feel. Heh.)

And yeah - Michael Crichton wrote it.*

*Edit: the novel, I mean. TV series obviously had a different set of writers considering Chrichton died years ago now. ;) My bad.
This past week Comcast had a "Watchathon" where most movies and TV series were free. I thought Netflix's "Lost in Space" series was very well done and watched all episodes from season 1 .... a more serious Sci-Fi series than the comedic original.

Edit: Now all we need is a new "Jonny Quest" series. ;)
I'm on the 7th episode of Lost in Space. It grabbed me for a bit, but I got distracted and haven't went back yet. I watched the first season of Westworld and loved it, haven't had a chance to check out the new episode of the second season yet but probably will tonight because I feel I've been lucky in avoiding spoilers so far! ;)
This thread just reminded me that I have S3E2 and S3E3 of The Expanse waiting for part of this day!

I thought S2 of Expanse was easily just as good as S1. Maybe even more so, because the characters are now more fleshed-out, the actors feel more integrated with their roles, and the writing was just as sharp as the first time around. Or again, maybe more so. And there's some really freaky shit happening, and you don't quite know what's going on, and it's really delightful. I hope so much that S3 will still be able to keep up the awesomeness.

So you have something to REALLY look forward to. Super jelly! :D
Started watching S2E1 of Westworld and during the recap I realized I didn't finish watching S1! So I flicked through S1E9 then watched E10 last night. Wow, what an ending, nice to be a year behind.

So, new episode tonight!
Whoah. Westworld S2E2!

This show continues to own, big-time. It's smartly written as hell, or so it feels like anyway, like they have a plan, unlike goddamn Lindelof/Lost, which they flew by the seat of their pants from what I understand.

It bends the mind, this episode. You gain deeper understanding, yet you're more misdirected than you ever were in season 1. Very well done.
Westworld S2E2 ~ The Expanse S3E3
Insane to have two, simultaneous, good scifi shows available. Good scifi used to be an oxymoron!
If you haven't checked it out, you might want to add "Barry" to your Sunday night list. HILARIOUS Bill Hader original about an assassin who wants to go in to acting.
Whoah. Westworld S2E2!

This show continues to own, big-time. It's smartly written as hell, or so it feels like anyway, like they have a plan, unlike goddamn Lindelof/Lost, which they flew by the seat of their pants from what I understand.

It bends the mind, this episode. You gain deeper understanding, yet you're more misdirected than you ever were in season 1. Very well done.

I like the visuals well enough but I don't think breaking up the narrative into multiple timelines and then leaving breadcrumbs on the show and on Youtube videos are ways to give the story depth.

You might even say they're cynically capitalizing on what Lost engendered, getting people to come up with theories and fill in gaps in the story they haven't yet shown.

No matter how much they try, these hosts characters are not as emotionally engaging as practically any in GoT.
Spoilers Westworld last episode season 1/season 2:

You guys think Ford is really dead, or was it a copy of him who got brainsplattered by Dolores?

If that really was him, you think he committed suicide on purpose, essentially by proxy of his own creation, or did she sneak up on him unawares?

If it was on purpose, why did he do it you think? He seemed megalomaniacal and deranged; he had Bernard commit murder for him, multiple even. Was he so crazy he wanted his death to make some sort of a statement perhaps, or was it just to escape punishment for setting his horde of Frankenstein's monsters loose on every 'real' human in the park?

Is it just me, or is it just a comical coincidence of the ages that the Facebook/Cambridge Analytica thing happened just before William hints that Westworld could be the greatest spying tool of all time? lul!
I think they are trying to make the plot more than about some amusement park for rich guys to act out their sexual and violent fantasies out.

So they likely copied the growing concern about privacy from the real world.

I've heard some wild theories out there, like ultimately they want to replace humans with hosts or download human consciousness onto hosts for immortality.