I know what Max's role was supposed to be. I just think the writers/directors didn't come any anywhere near close to pulling that role off. She caused a barely noticeable amount of of friction between Lucas and Dustin. And in the end Dustin basically had bis "bros before hoes" moment, told Lucas it's all cool because Steve had given him some Heather Locklear hairspray-based advice. I think that was basically it for changes in group dynamics. I also thought she was a fairly lazily written, safe, contemporary "girl character" (rebellious, too-cool-for-school, great at everything, largely Huff Post hit-piece proof). And Her brother had daddy issues because of course he did.
And considering how everone in the group besides Lucas treated Max like shit most of the time, it was a bit hard to believe why she'd continue to stick around with them.
As for Steve: how much more redemption did the poor guy really need after season 1. He was your stereotypical bullyish bad boy for a couple of episodes in season 1 at most, but they changed him fairly quickly and rather thoroughly. He was nothing less than a knight in shining armor throughout the latter half of season 1 already. The show established him as a principled stand-up guy a long time ago, and him getting his face smashed in didn't change the way I regarded him in the slightest. Sure, he wasn't particularly nice to Jonathan all the time, but then Jonathan was also a real fucking creep.
I also wasn't particularly thrilled about the way they handled Eleven in this season. When she wasn't angry because Hopper grounded her, her screen time was mostly spent on telling us details about her mom. Too bad we pretty much knew all of that already. Then there was poor number 008. She got quite the introduction, but besides starring in one heck of a momentum killing episode towards the end, she endep up doing little more than nudging Eleven's character towards a more righteous path. The kind of path nobody ever doubted she'd follow anyway because she was never portrayed as the vengeful type.
Oh, and Mike spent most of the season sitting on his ass moping.
The big stand out character for me in this season was Bob. Poor bob