Shifty Geezer said:I find it more annoying to click on a thread where people are trying to discuss things, and someone injects nothing to do with the points in the conversation and only complaints at how biased people are. It's obvious you haven't picked up on Acert during you're time here (he went quiet, so you might'a missed most of his contributions). He's not a biased individual with an agenda, but he's having a think and throwing ideas out there for the sake of discussion. This time round it just happens to be about PS3 and marketting.
Well then my apologies. Perhaps i am just tired of reading line after line of hype about things like 1080P, HDMI and BlueRay, how superior Cell and RSX are. There is Sony's Facts, then there is facts, and finally theres realistics. This thread is entirely the former, and what struck me as annoying was that it contained so many points that have already been proven will never see the light of day due to realistic restrictions. Such as the RSX being able to power an abundance of games at 1080P. Let alone 1080P even matters considering TV's capable are way out of the price range of people. Or that the Cells bogus(excuse me..optimal) FLOP numbers actually matter. Need i remind people the Xbox contained a P3 derivative processor, and EE on the PS2 under their PR slides was capable of 3x more FLOPs, that number is totally garbage in trying to give you an idea of whats better.
I think i have said this well over a dozen times now. You'll have a good experiance no matter what your buying choice. For many people who have to make a choice it will come down to a few titles. For the rest of the world it will be price. Why is the Wii discounted in so many PS3 defense posts? Always vs the Xbox360. Sony has a pricing issue on their hands, they need to drop it down as fast as possible. A few people will benefit from the hardware HD capabilities. The majority are going to see an expensive plastic box and will look away until Sony can reduce the price to something more reasonable to the average family or youth/adult. HDD, linux, browser, functional HD device; price trumps all. End of story.
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