The new PS3 sales pitch: Better gaming, better technology, better value

rabidrabbit said:
The $599 PS3 60GB HDMI Memorystick slot version is a "deluxe" that Microsoft has no comparable to offer, and as such should not be compared to the xbox360 pricewise at all.
Man, that Sony marketting voodoo is really good.:smile: You honestly believe that the PS3 $600 is beyond comparison?
If the average buyer is buying a new console, he'll look at the features, then the prices, and the competition is between the $399 xbox360 and $499 PS3.

The enthusiasts and "hardcore" of couse want just the best, so they compare the best vs. best, ie. $399 vs. $599 ;)
This example is so loaded that I wonder if you're not pulling our collective legs. The $300 dollar version of the Xbox 360 exists and consumers are able to purchase it. You can't just make it go away because it's missing some feature or another. Whether consumers buy it is another story, but orthogonal to the discussion of cheapest Xbox 360 and cheapest PS3.
Arwin said:
I don't mix it up. I'm finding new quotes from Developers supporting my claim every other day. I'm now at 5. Sure, they're all biased, Playstation loving idiots. But they are at least developers and they are at least some form of support other than the idiot excuse "BUT OBLIVION ROXXORS!"
I find reality more compelling than conjecture; we have many developers saying they will need 20+ gigs. We have a game on the Xbox 360 today that demonstrates what can be done with DVD's limitation.
Sis said:
I find reality more compelling than conjecture; we have many developers saying they will need 20+ gigs. We have a game on the Xbox 360 today that demonstrates what can be done with DVD's limitation.

WELL within I might add.
TheChefO said:
1) The demand for the core system has not been tested by another round of holiday sales against ps3 and wii YET.

True. The Core system will be up against the Wii, the Premium up against the PS3. :D Seriously though, the Core is so incredibly crippled. It might work though for people who want to spread the costs, buy a 360 now and get the HDD a few months down the line. But many of the strong points of the 360 for people now (playing xbox games, online content, etc.) will be hard without a HDD. And yes, the Memcard needs to come down or else this is not even a discussion.

There are/were many that are/were waiting to see exactly what the competition would bring to the table (mainly ps3) and would not budge until that time. The vast majority on 360 are early adopters to this point and the $400 pack makes more sense to them (wireless controllers, hd, hdd etc). When you factor in the kids/bedroom market that don't have/need hdtv & wireless controllers, I think you'll see much more demand for the core pack (especially when cheaper memory cardshit the market).

Maybe. Or maybe an Xbox or PS2 will be sufficient for the kiddies. Or maybe they'll get a Wii.

2) You say you'd bet money but when it comes time to put serious money where your mouth is I think your tone would change and a slew of variables would come attached to your "bet". You don't know for sure. no one does.

No one knows for sure, but I know it more than enough to bet money on it. There are that many people out there that will get the consoles upon launch, period. Retailers know this. Just ask them.

3) dollar value etc - ok I'm not knowledgable in other regions. From what I know in the region I live (US) the unit is very very expensive compared to the previous console standard and the competition is not. Fair enough?

So the Premium 360 is just very expensive compared to the previous console standard?

4) ps1: cdrom (5+years) - ps2: dvd (2+years) ps3: bluray (0 years)

From the Dreamcast WiKi:
"American public attention was focused upon the PlayStation 2's ability to play DVDs (the DVD format did not catch on in Japan until after the release of the PS2 as the LD was the established standard)."

I consider that pioneering a media. Whatever their cause they're are forcing gamers to buy into their movie format. Spin it however you want to.

I'm saying that Sony scores in two areas. They get to have a console with a disc-format capacity that suits the next-generation AND it will help establish BluRay as a movie format.

btw ps2 could read cdroms ;)

Yes. And there was no penalty for developers to keep using the CD-Roms which was probably cheaper as well, but they started using DVDs anyway and within a year nearly 100% of all games were released on DVD.
Arwin said:
True. The Core system will be up against the Wii, the Premium up against the PS3. :D Seriously though, the Core is so incredibly crippled. It might work though for people who want to spread the costs, buy a 360 now and get the HDD a few months down the line. But many of the strong points of the 360 for people now (playing xbox games, online content, etc.) will be hard without a HDD. And yes, the Memcard needs to come down or else this is not even a discussion.

Maybe. Or maybe an Xbox or PS2 will be sufficient for the kiddies. Or maybe they'll get a Wii.

No one knows for sure, but I know it more than enough to bet money on it. There are that many people out there that will get the consoles upon launch, period. Retailers know this. Just ask them.

So the Premium 360 is just very expensive compared to the previous console standard?

From the Dreamcast WiKi:
"American public attention was focused upon the PlayStation 2's ability to play DVDs (the DVD format did not catch on in Japan until after the release of the PS2 as the LD was the established standard)."

I'm saying that Sony scores in two areas. They get to have a console with a disc-format capacity that suits the next-generation AND it will help establish BluRay as a movie format.

Yes. And there was no penalty for developers to keep using the CD-Roms which was probably cheaper as well, but they started using DVDs anyway and within a year nearly 100% of all games were released on DVD.

1) yes it is crippled but only when you compare it to ps3 and the premium pack. If you compare it's functionality to the market leader RIGHT NOW, it is identicle. No hd, no hdtv cables, no wireless controllers. The functioanlity is identicle but with "next gen" games.
If everyone accepts this in the market now, why the fuss?

2) well - having the same system in the house does have advantages - not to mention there are other users out there who aren't kids that don't have a need (yet) for the more premium features. (hd, hdd, wireless etc)

3) You know - there are highly educated people that guess the market wrong everyday. Just ask analysts.

4) I don't think it's worth the added cost to the system, yet. We'll see what the devs do.
Sis said:
Man, that Sony marketting voodoo is really good.:smile: You honestly believe that the PS3 $600 is beyond comparison?
This example is so loaded that I wonder if you're not pulling our collective legs. The $300 dollar version of the Xbox 360 exists and consumers are able to purchase it. You can't just make it go away because it's missing some feature or another. Whether consumers buy it is another story, but orthogonal to the discussion of cheapest Xbox 360 and cheapest PS3.
Well, you can always pretend the $599 PS3 doesn't even exist, just as many don't even consider the $299 xbox360 because it actually is bad value in light of the properly equipped xb360 ;)
rabidrabbit said:
Well, you can always pretend the $599 PS3 doesn't even exist, just as many don't even consider the $299 xbox360 because it actually is bad value in light of the properly equipped xb360 ;)

Isn't HDMI required for "true hdtv"? I don't want to go on living an hdtv lie! ;)
Funny that your post is the 360th in this thread... :D

Arwin said:
Oh yeah, it was a GD-ROM, a slowed down CD-ROM with higher density. But it could read CD-ROMs anyway (Video CDs software was released by third parties).

Why you keep making this spurious link to CD-ROM I dont know. Get over it...! Or is DVD just slowed down CD-ROM with higher density? :???:

Arwin said:
"Plans to bundle the Dreamcast games console with a multi-region DVD player have been announced by Sega Europe as it readies for the Christmas campaign against Sony. In theory, throwing in a multi-region DVD player balances the differences between PS2 and Dreamcast, but will it work?"

So? That does not make xbox360 a Dreamcast or any other "failed" machine. The Dreamcast DVD was as real as the SNES CDROM player...

Arwin said:
Kolgar argued 'The Law of Positioning'. I argued that laws don't necessarily apply. You've just illustrated my point. (Not to mention that most of these sales come from people who wanted a Premium but could only get a Core with HDD upgrade from most stores as the Premiums had sold out already)

For good reason Kolgar attempted to expose the "flaw" in Sony's videogame console plan. Sony is attempting to leap from first position in the videogame console world to first position in the everything but the kitchen sink world. It worked for them with PS2 (most of their early PS2 sales, anywhere between 3-6 months worth had very little to do with games, but rather as a DVD media machine with future gaming potential especially in Japan) so they just got more ambitious with it this time around.

The law that Kolgar was attempting to expose was that in their position as #1 gaming platform why is Sony taking the leap into known failure territory? There is no reason to think that what worked for PS2 will work this time as their is no base to work from. Whereas people had been watching DVDs from anywhere between 2-4 years before PS2 released ther eis no such base or even demand for either Bluray or HD-DVD right now. The price of the console puts it right up where 3DO and NeoGeo were which we know what happened to those.

I dont fault Sony for trying but then again I am not arguing Kolgar's point for him. The difference here is you are arguing against a law which has already been broken (my self-titled "Law of Accesories"). In either case this law is neither as dangerous for MS as a console or as a corporation as PS3's "law." There is no reason to believeat this time that x360 will fail. If it did MS would just build another one - shrug.

However if PS3's positioning does not garner it a profitable position in the next generation, notwithstanding huge sales of FFXIII and MGS4, Sony would probably be finished if not very weak... The company is riding on the PS3; for both movie division sales and game sales and as a semiconductor technology expose (ie Cell). Due care should be taken.

Arwin said:
I don't mix it up. I'm finding new quotes from Developers supporting my claim every other day. I'm now at 5. Sure, they're all biased, Playstation loving idiots. But they are at least developers and they are at least some form of support other than the idiot excuse "BUT OBLIVION ROXXORS!"

Great! So 5 developers out of 2 or 3 thousand say they NEED bluray yet a proven company, known for expansive games with the most expansive game out on the market doesn't. Sis' point is well taken here. Lets see what Bethesda says when they release Oblivion for PS3 in the fall. It will be interesting to see if they have more content on the disk because the media is larger or because they had more time than they did with the 360 version... remember they didn't fill 360's disk either... and they really could have as they had nearly as much space left as they used.

Bandwidth, decompression, and texture management play a more important than media size in almost all cases. Good effective compression/decompression, efficient bandwidth use and texture/shader managements could make up at least partly for for those measly 7.5 dual layered single sided gigs the 360 has to play with dont you agree?

Today I am just being a devils advocate because the whole console x v. console y things is boring... but it is great to debate peoples points on either side.

EDIT - Wii's innovation and low price pose a greater threat to PS3 than anything MS has in its arsenal. If wii takes off especially in Japan, the real battleground will be between Sony and MS in Europe and AFAIK, thats Sony country!
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TheChefO said:
Isn't HDMI required for "true hdtv"? I don't want to go on living an hdtv lie! ;)

No, HDMI is not required for true HDtv. You might like to read this article. Kinda suprised actually you haven't already, seeing where it comes from.

"These two rear-projection high definition televisions share all the same specs except for the screen size. The first thing that caught my attention was their ability to accept native and compressed 1080p signals at 24/30/60 frames per second through any of their two HDMI inputs. In addition, the component input can also accept 1080p signals, but at 24 and 30 frames per second."

I'd like to remind you that BluRay and HD-DVD HD movies are typically recorded at 1080p/30.

Another real life example, here's a device that links Component devices around:
70Mhz, all channels
Greater than 200mhz, all channels
480i - 1080p, All HDTV modes

I grant you that initially at least, for games pushing 60fps at 1080p, it will be harder to find TVs that support this over Component. But there is already a standard for it now, so it won't be long.
rabidrabbit said:
Why is the $599 PS3 "Premium" compared to $399 xbox360 Premium?

Shouldn't the correct comparison be
$499 PS3 "Core" vs. $399 xbox360 Premium

That's a more even comparison, as the PS3 "Core" has all the xbox360 Premium features and then some.

It's really only a $100 difference if you compare them feature-for-feature.

The $599 PS3 60GB HDMI Memorystick slot version is a "deluxe" that Microsoft has no comparable to offer, and as such should not be compared to the xbox360 pricewise at all.
don't forget the integrated wifi.
Thank you for stating that, also the "live-like" online service is suposed to be free, which adds to that equation.
The xbox 360 core is really a crippled version compared the the ps3 core. you need to buy the HD to use backwards compatibility + xbox live (the memory unit won't get you far..).
The ps3 core is comparable to the 360 deluxe for its features. So we should compare 499 to 399 pricepoints.
[edit] damn, most of my points were stated already...
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rabidrabbit said:
Well, you can always pretend the $599 PS3 doesn't even exist, just as many don't even consider the $299 xbox360 because it actually is bad value in light of the properly equipped xb360 ;)

I see your point but i think the truth is that once the PS3 was announced, the value proposition of the core system was enhanced rather than diminished. Of course this is only based on anecdotal evidence but i dont think its as cut and dry the way youve presented it here.

There is the person who will be weighing the fact that they can play GTA4 for $340 or for $560 come next October. Dont you think THAT person (the 'im buying a next gen console to play GTA4' person) will see the core as a high value proposition? (this assumes a $50 xbox price drop btw, which i think is entirely likely by Holiday 2007)
expletive said:
There is the person who will be weighing the fact that they can play GTA4 for $340 or for $560 come next October. Dont you think THAT person (the 'im buying a next gen console to play GTA4' person) will see the core as a high value proposition? (this assumes a $50 xbox price drop btw, which i think is entirely likely by Holiday 2007)
You're correct, there is at least the person, but will there be enough of those persons.
I just don't think there's that many of those persons to whom videogames is just and only GTA4.
Be it $299 and $399 or $250 and $350, it's still ridiculously lot for just to play GTA4.

Further down the road, when these consoles are in the $150-$199 region, and GTA5 is coming to both, it may become a bit more realistic issue, but by then I don't think we will be discussing about this any more.

Those who buy a $250-400 console are just not likely to buy it for one game (or games in the same series).
rabidrabbit said:
You're correct, there is at least the person, but will there be enough of those persons.
I just don't think there's that many of those persons to whom videogames is just and only GTA4.
Be it $299 and $399 or $250 and $350, it's still ridiculously lot for just to play GTA4.

Further down the road, when these consoles are in the $150-$199 region, and GTA5 is coming to both, it may become a bit more realistic issue, but by then I don't think we will be discussing about this any more.

Those who buy a $250-400 console are just not likely to buy it for one game (or games in the same series).

Not true. In fact most people say they are getting the PS3 because it has FFXIII and MGS4. In many ways they are getting it just for those games.... the rest of the libarary is just gravy.
blakjedi said:
Funny that your post is the 360th in this thread... :D

Agreed, that's funny.

Why you keep making this spurious link to CD-ROM I dont know. Get over it...! Or is DVD just slowed down CD-ROM with higher density? :???:

The point is, the Dreamcast did well at launch with something based on CD-ROM tech (but with 2x the capacity), but by the time the PS2 came out it regretted this and worried about the DVD capacities of the PS2 (rightly so as we know).

Kind of cool though isn't it that the Dreamcast has been resurrected and taken back into production. :D

The law that Kolgar was attempting to expose was that in their position as #1 gaming platform why is Sony taking the leap into known failure territory? There is no reason to think that what worked for PS2 will work this time as their is no base to work from. Whereas people had been watching DVDs from anywhere between 2-4 years before PS2 released ther eis no such base or even demand for either Bluray or HD-DVD right now.

Not in Japan, where as I said LD was the main platform.

The price of the console puts it right up where 3DO and NeoGeo were which we know what happened to those.

That's a lie.

I dont fault Sony for trying but then again I am not arguing Kolgar's point for him. The difference here is you are arguing against a law which has already been broken (my self-titled "Law of Accesories"). In either case this law is neither as dangerous for MS as a console or as a corporation as PS3's "law." There is no reason to believeat this time that x360 will fail. If it did MS would just build another one - shrug.

I was not arguing against your law. I was doing the exact opposite. But either I cannot write, or you cannot read, or both. I've said, and will say, and keep on saying, that the market is more than big enough for Wii, 360, and PS3. I just disagree with people who think that BluRay isn't important for games. It is. I'm not saying that you won't get great games (in both meanings of the word) on the 360, nor am I saying that all games that use BluRay will be great, but I am saying that there will be a sizeable amount of good games that got even better because they used BluRay.

However if PS3's positioning does not garner it a profitable position in the next generation, notwithstanding huge sales of FFXIII and MGS4, Sony would probably be finished if not very weak... The company is riding on the PS3; for both movie division sales and game sales and as a semiconductor technology expose (ie Cell). Due care should be taken.

Of course they should take care. You really think they aren't?

Great! So 5 developers out of 2 or 3 thousand say they NEED bluray

And the games these people are responsible for are known to suck, right? And the Unreal Engine will be used by a lot of developers. One advantage of it is that it allows you to focus more on the Art in the game, on content, scripted events, and so on, without Programmer interaction. I.e., more data.

yet a proven company, known for expansive games with the most expansive game out on the market doesn't.

One company, which because it creates a big game on a DVD, is limited to doing things a certain way. They make the most of it, which I applaud them for. And stuff like SpeedTree are a great help too.

Sis' point is well taken here. Lets see what Bethesda says when they release Oblivion for PS3 in the fall. It will be interesting to see if they have more content on the disk because the media is larger or because they had more time than they did with the 360 version... remember they didn't fill 360's disk either... and they really could have as they had nearly as much space left as they used.

It is coming to PS3? I didn't know that.

Bandwidth, decompression, and texture management play a more important than media size in almost all cases. Good effective compression/decompression, efficient bandwidth use and texture/shader managements could make up at least partly for for those measly 7.5 dual layered single sided gigs the 360 has to play with dont you agree?

I definitely agree. But when you have the space of BluRay, you can choose not to and instead stream stuff.

Today I am just being a devils advocate because the whole console x v. console y things is boring... but it is great to debate peoples points on either side.

That's what I do in my mind, always. There is also no other reason for me not buying a 360 than simply not wanting one. I'm not ready for HDtv yet, and the 360 looks (very) disappointing on SDtvs right now. I think that around the end of this year, it will become a good time to go HDtv. Then we will see which console I will get along with that. I bought my previous TV to be able to play Gran Turismo 4 in Widescreen. Who knows Forza 2 will be the game to have this year (if my DF Pro works with it, hey who knows!), and that will convince me to get a 360 before I get a PS3. But the old Xbox was a real waste of my money. It very nearly wasn't though - if I could have plugged in the wheel, I'm certain I'd have used it more and it would have been worth having both the PS2 and Xbox.

In short, like you, I am open to both sides of the market. But right now, the PS3 looks a lot more appealing. I base this on what I see, and on what I know after 20 years of looking at consoles. I don't claim I am right. I just try to get the facts out.

EDIT - Wii's innovation and low price pose a greater threat to PS3 than anything MS has in its arsenal. If wii takes off especially in Japan, the real battleground will be between Sony and MS in Europe and AFAIK, thats Sony country!

The PS2s out there won't automatically vanish. The Wii has to compete with them also. But the Japanese they love their games, and Nintendo has been successful recently in expanding the market even more to 'non-gamers'.

I expect many Japanese gamers will get both the PS3 and the Wii. If, say, the 360 equals the PS3 in Europe and in the U.S., then the lack of support from Japanese developers may still very well tilt the balance in favor of the PS3 in the other two regions. Especially if the multi-platform games will always be better on the PS3. I preferred playing Prince of Persia on the Xbox for instance, because it had the harddrive and it looked better. Many people who bought an Xbox in Europe in the last years, bought one because it was better specced than the PS2. But that will now change in favor of the PS3. Thus the 360 will have to rely on superior content. I don't feel that it will pull this off, so I feel that the PS3 will be more successful than the 360. However, that doesn't mean the 360 won't be successful. It doesn't mean that the Wii won't be more successful than the PS3.

The only thing I care for is that the best system will win, because that's the system I would like to buy most, and from experience I know that it helps if lots of other people bought that same system. ;)
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I preferred playing Prince of Persia on the Xbox for instance, because it had the harddrive and it looked better.
It's not truth at all. Actually, only few games utilised HDD to increase performance. I did a little experiment to find out how HDD in Xbox affects gaming and to do so, I put a HDD form 1998 and noticably slower than original Xbox HDD. Only some games had worse performance on the older HDD and PoP The Sands of Time (I don't have sequels of this games) doesn't use HDD even for precaching, because load times didn't change at all.
Arwin said:
The only thing I care for is that the best system will win, because that's the system I would like to buy most, and from experience I know that it helps if lots of other people bought that same system. ;)

lol - too true :) Great post Arwin - For the most part I agree. Although I feel strongly that many people both on and off this board are basing the idea that ps3 will rule the roost not based on its PROVEN merits, but instead on what they believe the ps3 is and will be. The sad fact is we as the consumer decide a large portion of that based on which one(s) we buy and when.

The dreamcast was a great machine and died an early death to nothing more than Sony hype/ marketing. When ps2 hit the market it was demonstrably weaker than Dreamcast(under the hood it had more overall power I know), yet people flocked to ps2 and dropped DC like a bad habit. It was a shame to me to see games like dead or alive compared side by side to people only to have them turn around and say "I'm getting a ps2! It's awesome!"

Whichever system we decide as gamers is the system to get will be the one which is made great by great games being developed for it.
rabidrabbit said:
You're correct, there is at least the person, but will there be enough of those persons.
I just don't think there's that many of those persons to whom videogames is just and only GTA4.
Be it $299 and $399 or $250 and $350, it's still ridiculously lot for just to play GTA4.

Further down the road, when these consoles are in the $150-$199 region, and GTA5 is coming to both, it may become a bit more realistic issue, but by then I don't think we will be discussing about this any more.

Those who buy a $250-400 console are just not likely to buy it for one game (or games in the same series).

Well yes its not going to be just GTA4, but 13 million buyers last gen says that it will, at least, draw people into buying a next gen console. Once theyre in the market, because of GTA mind you, then i think my previous example stands.

If one of these 2 consoles were to have a superior library in oct 2007 besides GTA4 then you could make that point but i dont think that will be the case. I think the best Sony could hope for 11 months into the PS3 lifecycle is that the libraries be comparable (as Halo 3 will likely already have been released.)
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expletive said:
Well yes its not going to be just GTA4, but 13 million buyers last gen says that it will, at least, draw people into buying a next gen console. Once theyre in the market, because of GTA mind you, then i think my previous example stands.

If one of these 2 consoles were to have a superior library in oct 2007 besides GTA4 then you could make that point but i dont think that will be the case. I think the best Sony could hope for 11 months into the PS3 lifecycle is that the libraries be comparable (as Halo 3 will likely already have been released.)

Frankly come fall 2007 the 360 library is going to look very tempting to any potential gamer who appreciates a quality selection. This combined with a POTENTIAL <$200 core price could tip the scales significantly this gen.
aselto said:
It's not truth at all. Actually, only few games utilised HDD to increase performance. I did a little experiment to find out how HDD in Xbox affects gaming and to do so, I put a HDD form 1998 and noticably slower than original Xbox HDD. Only some games had worse performance on the older HDD and PoP The Sands of Time (I don't have sequels of this games) doesn't use HDD even for precaching, because load times didn't change at all.

Microsoft felt the origonal HDD in the Xbox was severely underutilized, thats one of the key reasons they even launched a version without one. Other then users of Xbox Live (which is a small market of the overall percentage of owners) it was never really exploited beyond hacks and saved games. Course now thats all changed. Having a standard HDD is the best thing since sliced bread. :rolleyes: