Voice chat's in? How good is the lip-sync? I haven't seen any vids of that at all.
Edit : Duh, you said it's not on!
Edit : Duh, you said it's not on!
Voice chat's in? How good is the lip-sync? I haven't seen any vids of that at all.
Edit : Duh, you said it's not on!
Deepbrown's ice/snow themed level is pretty impressive by the way! I'm still doing basic experiments, but his level is like retail quality, one of the best I've seen out there! There are some cool ideas in some of the levels already.
There are ongoing announcements about friends playing the game?! So get a friends list of 100 peeps, and a load of them playing LBP, and the notes will never end!
The online party system also allows new players to join an on-going session. The existing player gets an alert that someone is joining. He can get them in right away if he moves to a spawn point. Otherwise, the new players will show up whenever the existing player die and respawn.
I spent 2 hours putting my level back together. Instead when you unattach something, that should be the ONLY thing that's unattached.
Could you create your superstructures piecemeal and save those pieces out as objects? That might be a workable undo feature to restructure a whole level.
Videos would be very, very good! Trying to design a level on paper is hard when you don't know the ins and outs of the 3D structure.
The level is split into 7 alternative lanes (z planes) of thin/thick. Is it possible to have built objects thinner than the thickness of the thick lanes in the thick planes? Can you add a block of that size and then shrink it?
And then can Sackboy pick it up?
Is it possible to build a street lamp that's a thin column in the thin lane, and has an overhanging arm one thick-lane in depth consisting of both a short length and a light? I wouldn't have thought so, but if you can build the arm in two pieces large and shrink it before attaching, perhaps you can?
How are zip-lines added?
Too many questions!
Right now I'm working on an A-Z themed level, with a new idea for each letter. I'm still working through creating the letters and original ideas for each of them, not necessarily in the way that I will match them eventually, but I'm keeping the level playable and publish each time I've finished a new section. This game is just incredible fun and the user interface is amazing. It's so easy to work with! This is the game of the decade for me.
I'll try your level when I get home tonight Arwin. Thanks for accepting the friends request Patsu..have you published one yet, haven't had a chance to check. But if so I'll hop on it tonight too!
It would be a highly appreciated personal favour if you can try this out! Try some dead simple object, maybe a simple key shape, built out blocks at Fatto size, and shrink it down, and see if it'll land in the plane it was created in and be moveable in it. I've seen a few pics where there are blocks inside a track, and couldn't work out if the 'track' was actually extended across the two thin planes either side as well, or if the block had been shrunk in the z direction. However the fat heads of some of the NPCs seen suggests things can't be shrunk in the z direction smaller than a plane's width, otherwise wouldn't the objects look better with thinner heads? Maybe they can only be shrunk if positioned centrally, and if you shrink a block in a fat plane, it wouldn't be attachable to an object behind as it wouldn't reach?EDIT: wait, you can shrink some objects into one or more planes, that's true. But some objects will always be limited to at least one full breadth, ot one of the seven planes, and it will depend on the object parts if they can scale to a certain plane. I'll see if I can find the exact limits on that.
Do you mean the objects are always a wall-to-wall fit within the planes?No, that part you can put to rest. It's always within the confines of those planes.
Do you mean the objects are always a wall-to-wall fit within the planes?