Its really really cool to hate bush now.
I am 19, trust me I know. I went with a friend to an Anti-Flag show; it was the paradigm of irony. Not minutes after saying how Bush is "The worst president in history" for his warring policies, Justin Sane, the noble goodly man who fronts this band called to have "The biggest motherfucking fight circle I've ever seen." If that isn't beautiful irony, please tell me what is.
If you want to be cool nowadays with the "hip" crowd just say "Fuck Bush!" then watch the droogies flock. If anyone asks about actual policies or issues, repeat "Whatever man, Fuck Bush!" Rinse and repeat.
I have seen my friends of slightly lesser intelligence (and even some of higher) develop this technique to a fine art.
Disclaimer: Of course I expected this at an anti-flag show. I am not an idiot.