The idiot son of an ***hole

We got us a new member over at EB and he had a killer first post!

Cabllos said: :D :D


EDITED BITS: I spaced the url to Cabllos post, went back and fixed.
Why is it that whenever people feel strongly enough about something or someone that the responsibility to provide intelligent criticism rather than, for instance, a sea of non-sequitors peppered with childish insults no longer applies to them? It holds true across all ideologies and creeds. :?
digitalwanderer said:
We got us a new member over at EB and he had a killer first post!

Cabllos said: :D :D


EDITED BITS: I spaced the url to Cabllos post, went back and fixed.
I read that thread, out of curiosity.

I'd appreciate it if you didn't drag me into threads to ridicule me, particularly if I never frequent the place.

I don't obsess over you, so kindly don't do it over me. Its fucking creepy.
I'm no fan of this administration (as if anyone was doubting that by this point), but I dunno. That just wasn't, uhm, funny? :? Sorry Dig!

* Natoma runs
Natoma said:
I'm no fan of this administration (as if anyone was doubting that by this point), but I dunno. That just wasn't, uhm, funny? :? Sorry Dig!

* Natoma runs

The naptime line got a chuckle out of me. But I'm also somewhat sleep deprived today due to a teething 9-month-old.
Man that really wasn't that big of a deal sheesh...

By the way I have the NOFX album mentioned at EB, though that "song" if you call it that wasn't on there b/c it is just one of those things a band does to be "hip" hip

Anyway the album is not bad if you like NOFX, but it isn't great by any means, tho if you dislike bush you will really like it lol...

Which by the way is a funny thing, Bush has a lot of people who really really hate him, maybe a lot of people hated clinton but it did not seem nearly this bad. Is it simply that with every president the nation is becoming more polar and hateful or what? (by that I mean it is unrelated to the president but instead just the passing of time).

I don't hate bush cause I don't even know him, but I dislike the policies he pursues more than I have disliked other presidents policies. Although not all of them, for example he has increased funding for research into evironmental chemistry, while at the same time ironically relaxing enviromental laws. Of course it isn't ironic really both of those policies benifit industry, it is just that he does "environmental" things when it benifits industry, and anti-enviromental policy when it benefits industry.
RussSchultz said:
I'd appreciate it if you didn't drag me into threads to ridicule me, particularly if I never frequent the place.

I don't obsess over you, so kindly don't do it over me. Its fucking creepy.

Sorry Russ, but you are one of our very favorite topics-o-discussion over there as of late....but I will try and get them to tone down the number of posts about you a little.*

*Dig's lesson #48 for getting a new regular over at EB. ;-)
Yeah NOFX is good while not being revolutionary.....oh well, we Americans don't have the smartest voting tendencies.
Its really really cool to hate bush now.

I am 19, trust me I know. I went with a friend to an Anti-Flag show; it was the paradigm of irony. Not minutes after saying how Bush is "The worst president in history" for his warring policies, Justin Sane, the noble goodly man who fronts this band called to have "The biggest motherfucking fight circle I've ever seen." If that isn't beautiful irony, please tell me what is.

If you want to be cool nowadays with the "hip" crowd just say "Fuck Bush!" then watch the droogies flock. If anyone asks about actual policies or issues, repeat "Whatever man, Fuck Bush!" Rinse and repeat.

I have seen my friends of slightly lesser intelligence (and even some of higher) develop this technique to a fine art.

Disclaimer: Of course I expected this at an anti-flag show. I am not an idiot.
Citrous said:
Its really really cool to hate bush now.

I am 19, trust me I know. I went with a friend to an Anti-Flag show; it was the paradigm of irony. Not minutes after saying how Bush is "The worst president in history" for his warring policies, Justin Sane, the noble goodly man who fronts this band called to have "The biggest motherfucking fight circle I've ever seen." If that isn't beautiful irony, please tell me what is.

If you want to be cool nowadays with the "hip" crowd just say "Fuck Bush!" then watch the droogies flock. If anyone asks about actual policies or issues, repeat "Whatever man, Fuck Bush!" Rinse and repeat.

I have seen my friends of slightly lesser intelligence (and even some of higher) develop this technique to a fine art.

Disclaimer: Of course I expected this at an anti-flag show. I am not an idiot.
Could you describe in more detail what happens at an anti-flag show. THis is the first ive heard of them.

epicstruggle said:
Could you describe in more detail what happens at an anti-flag show. THis is the first ive heard of them.


Oh sure, I would love to! Basically it involves paying some amount of dollars, normally in the range of $10-$20. After wading through the filthy leather jacket wearing tides of youth, we set ourselves up near the front left hand side of the stage. After this, a number of opening bands will play. The first on this night was called "The Vacancy"(?). They were actually pretty good. After that two more bands played, Rise against, and None more Black. Neither left me settled after paying my $14 or whatever the fee was that night.

This brings us to the pinnacle of the night. Anti Flag takes the stage. Justin Sane immediately starts saying how horrific bush and all of his policies are. He spends a lengthy amount of time explaining how the same people who have the US Flag stickers on the back of their SUV's will be the first people to cut you off on the freeway. This seemed to be one of his biggest points. Anti Flag has a decent message(from what I understand of it) , stand for the people, not the flag, but during their show, this point was damn near non-existant.

It was mostly a large swirling cloud of bush hatred, teen angst, and shitty power chords.

The only thing I learned was that anti-flag's drummer looks exactly like the Will Ferrell character in zoolander. Seeing him up there playing drums made the night worth the small sum I had to pay.
Sxotty said:
Which by the way is a funny thing, Bush has a lot of people who really really hate him, maybe a lot of people hated clinton but it did not seem nearly this bad. Is it simply that with every president the nation is becoming more polar and hateful or what? (by that I mean it is unrelated to the president but instead just the passing of time).

You live in College Station and know no frothing-at-the-mouth conservatives? That's a little strange. :oops: I was at UT (in more Democrat Austin for the non-Texans here) for a time period roughly cotemporal with Clinton's second term and heard a steady stream of Vince Foster, Loral, and "Deng Xiaoping Naval Base at Malibu" insanity. And it all helped Clinton win - just as DW's friend and his ilk are helping Bush today. Most people who don't give a shit enough to hold a strong opinion tune out at ranting of that sort.
Well to be honest I knew plenty of frothing at the mouth conservatives but they were young and dumb, (not necessarily one and the same you knw :) ) In any case most of the semi intelligent people while they might dislike clinton, or say that he should be impeached (even tho he shouldn't have been) were semi rational, and seemed to have coherent thought.

With bush it seems as tho it has gone to another level. People who before made rational discussions now go more along the line "Bush is evil" Or as was said earlier fuck bush... I am just saying the hatred seems more visceral than in the past that I remember. PErhaps part is the fact that although bush won the election he lost the popular vote. Perhaps it is bush's stupid way he tries to pander to the extreme right. Although that is mainly in his statements not his policies. As I said earlier his policies are very industry biased and it is as simple as that.

Oh and Austin is funny it is a conservative town, in an extrememtly conservertaive area so it comes out looking liberal. When people here (tamu) say how liberal ut is I just chuckle to myself...
You obviously don't live in Austin.

It has its mix of people, but it is, by far, the most liberal town in Texas. The 'townies' of Austin are overwhelmingly liberal/democrat, whereas the suburbanites tend to be more conservative.
Citrous said:
Its really really cool to hate bush now.

I am 19, trust me I know. I went with a friend to an Anti-Flag show; it was the paradigm of irony. Not minutes after saying how Bush is "The worst president in history" for his warring policies, Justin Sane, the noble goodly man who fronts this band called to have "The biggest motherfucking fight circle I've ever seen." If that isn't beautiful irony, please tell me what is.

If you want to be cool nowadays with the "hip" crowd just say "Fuck Bush!" then watch the droogies flock. If anyone asks about actual policies or issues, repeat "Whatever man, Fuck Bush!" Rinse and repeat.

I have seen my friends of slightly lesser intelligence (and even some of higher) develop this technique to a fine art.

Disclaimer: Of course I expected this at an anti-flag show. I am not an idiot.

While this is pathetic, it's important to note that equal amount of conservatives have about the same strategy towards any democrat...just because the kids happen to be punk rockers doesn't signify a greater amount of idiocy.
Citrous said:
Its really really cool ...this band called to have "The biggest motherfucking fight circle I've ever seen." If that isn't beautiful irony, please tell me what is.

the difference is that everyone in the circle wants to fight.
it's important to note that equal amount of conservatives have about the same strategy towards any democrat

While its nice to believe that all people are alike, I really haven't seen the vehemence and down right meanness out of 'conservatives' in the past that I see from the average 'democrat' these days. And almost none of it is condemned by others in the same camp, giving tacit approval.

Maybe its just me living in Austin, but I've heard many more seemingly average people speak with vitriol over the current administration. I think this pretty much sums up what the vocal left feels about people who don't think what they do:

Al Franken said:
Today is both an ending and a beginning. An end to the right-wing dominance of talk radio, a beginning of a battle for truth, a battle for justice, indeed, for America itself
Its not a difference of opinion, says he, its lying, injustice, and traitorous to not agree with him. I commonly see 'stupid' and 'evil' as other adjectives for conservatives.
RussSchultz said:
You obviously don't live in Austin.

It has its mix of people, but it is, by far, the most liberal town in Texas. The 'townies' of Austin are overwhelmingly liberal/democrat, whereas the suburbanites tend to be more conservative.

I have lived in austin.

It may be the most liberal town in Texas, and in fact that is exactly what I was saying when I said it is a liberal :)oops: conservative:oops: ) town in an extremely conservative area.

If you take a sample of people there and compare it to boston it will look conservative. That is what I was saying. I just think it is funny when conservatives go on and on about how liberal austin is, b/c although maybe it is just a titch to the liberal side, I think if anything it is very much centered, being the "liberal" town in a conservative state.

AND texas democrats are not very liberal :) Ann richards looked more like most republicans in congress in what she did... remember liberal != democrat. And conservative!=republicans. Regardless of what you think, you should realize that many things bush has done are not conservative fiscally, or indeed in other ways, such as the preemptive strike doctrine and other items.