The Dark Knight teaser

Nah that looks too amateur photoshop. There's lots of fake Dark Knight posters and trailers going around.
Deleted the pics post upstream as there appears to be some blowback from Warner across the web.
Deleted the pics post upstream as there appears to be some blowback from Warner across the web.
Where? Did you get a cease and desist notice? Oh well if anyone wants to see the pics it's on the front page of

Edit: Ah, I see and aintitcool received a notice to take it down but lots of other sites still have it up... I wonder how these pics leaked out...
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Not sure how many of you have been keeping up with the Dark Knight ARG(Alternate Reality Game) ala ILoveBees, but yesterday the teaser poster was released...


The poster was one of the rewards for the latest segment of the game. Yesterday's segment was started yesterday and entailed The Joker giving people addresses of 22 bakeries around the US. You had to be the first person to show up at one and ask for a package for Robin Banks. Get it? "robbing banks" like The Joker in the movie. ;) Anyway, they would then give you a cake. Yes, a cake with frosting and everything. Written on the icing was a message that said "Call me now at xxx-xxx-xxxx". When you called the number a distant ringing could be heard. The ringing was from a cell phone stuffed INSIDE THE CAKE! :D After tearing into the cake you'd find a Gotham Police Department evidence bag filled with a cell phone, a charger, a note and a one of kind Joker card. When you read the note it says you have to use the cell phone to call another number to complete the task. Once all 22 phones were activated it opened the website to the teaser poster and the second reward. Free tickets to a special screening of the first 7 minutes of the movie at one of 5 IMAX theatres across the U.S.!! :) Don't worry, if you didn't get tickets you can later see the IMAX footage starting with the opening of I Am Legend at IMAX theatres. The footage introduces The Joker.

Isn't that cool?! :) Never heard of hiding cell phones in cakes. The best part is that the people get to keep the phones and are told to make sure to keep it charged and with them since they'll be getting another call!

To get more details than this and to catch up on all the ARG happenings I would go here...

For a great and very busy forum, I would go here...

Tommy McClain
2 posters, one at the movies and the other released online.......



I have a link of the leaked trailer from *I am legend movie* but don't know if i can post it here.
Here's a better photo of the latest one. At least you can't see the person taking the photo in the reflection.


For those wanting to see a legitimate high definition version of the trailer, then check here on Sunday...

The phrase was found in jumbled red text in the above poster under the official website address. It's a quote from Gordon at the end of Batman Begins about the Joker.

Some people think that the numbers 8 and 28 on the above site reference the time at which the trailer will go online. Could be, but there's also a number 142 at the bottom page too. So who knows, I'd check at midnight tonight first. All times have all been Eastern Standard(GMT-5).

Tommy McClain
I saw the trailer today before I am Legend, and I'm a little skeptical of heath ledger as the joker.

He mostly looked like a bum with too much tammy faye going on and a knife, but there wasn't enough in the trailer to get any of his acting into it, so its premature on my part to judge.

It was, however, a little hard to suspend my disbelieve while suspending my disbelief that this bum with bad makeup would put up any fight against Batman.
I saw the trailer today before I am Legend, and I'm a little skeptical of heath ledger as the joker.

He mostly looked like a bum with too much tammy faye going on and a knife, but there wasn't enough in the trailer to get any of his acting into it, so its premature on my part to judge.

It was, however, a little hard to suspend my disbelieve while suspending my disbelief that this bum with bad makeup would put up any fight against Batman.

Another Doubting Thomas eh? The guy gets who The Joker is and all the photos of him look spot on for the kind of the Joker that would fit in Nolan's hyper-reality world. I love it myself. Plus, it might look like make-up, but it hasn't been 100% proven that is what it is. Nolan is known for his plot twists and surprises.

Tommy McClain
Saw the Imax trailer today too and I'm on the fence. Just not enough to really judge how Ledger is going to flesh out the role (will he channel too much Nicholson?), but the few spoken lines weren't maniacal sounding enough for my taste.
Jack Nicholson was the best joker period. And Keaton did a very nice job as well. Batman Begins wasn't terrible like the intervening ones, but I cant say it was better.
Jack Nicholson was the best joker period. And Keaton did a very nice job as well. Batman Begins wasn't terrible like the intervening ones, but I cant say it was better.

Considering that he's been the only Joker in film so far, it's easy that you can say that. Once the movie is out, then you might have a harder time. For myself, I didn't like the fat Joker who killed Bruce's parents. It strayed too far from the comics.

Either way, the HD version of the trailer is available at It should give a better view of what the movie has in store come July.

Tommy McClain
Keaton was a horrible choice as Batman. And while I loved the first movie (the producers kept a tight rein on Burton, who kept wanting to turn it into a typical Burton film. . .one example is the industrial scene where Batman backhands one of Jack's goons. . .Burton told Keaton to dance a little happy jig and this scene was filmed late in production, so someone didn't quite understand the Dark Knight character), Batman Returns was abysmal, though somehow better than the Schumacher disasters (thought points are awarded for Nicole Kidman in that teddie).
Keaton was a horrible choice as Batman. And while I loved the first movie (the producers kept a tight rein on Burton, who kept wanting to turn it into a typical Burton film. . .one example is the industrial scene where Batman backhands one of Jack's goons. . .Burton told Keaton to dance a little happy jig and this scene was filmed late in production, so someone didn't quite understand the Dark Knight character),

I actually thought Keaton did a good job, but oh well we are free to differ :). We will see about the new joker, but Nicholson is pretty darn good in that role it will be hard to beat him.