TES V: Skyrim

Now my only problem is I can't actually GET to the Dawnguard castle! The road from Riften ends in an invisible wall, where an on-screen text message tells me "you can't go that way", or words to that effect anyhow.


Along the road, leading to where that invisible wall is, if you're heading back facing Riften, there's a small cave on the right-hand side that leads you to the castle.
Wut.... Ok. I've only run back and forth there about twelve times or something and not found it... Why do they have to hide these things so well? :(

Thank you so much for the tip. I will check it out ASAP.
Wut.... Ok. I've only run back and forth there about twelve times or something and not found it... Why do they have to hide these things so well? :(

Thank you so much for the tip. I will check it out ASAP.

It's called Dayspring Canyon. It's hard to notice. I had the same problem.
Thanks, I'm sure this will be helpful, once I actually get to try it out! I have yet to have time to go there, I got stuck on the Atherium Forge quest chain, as well as finishing up other odds and ends I had laying about (like the Stones of Boethia quest; god damn hopeless quest without a mod! :LOL:)

I was on my way towards Riften again, and quit the game because I noticed Steam updated the game while I was still playing it! (!!!) Don't want anything to get mucked up for whatever reason; better safe than sorry.
The road to the castle is through a cave at the left of the road, before (I think) the fork that leads you to the invisible wall.
It's easy to miss!
This time I arrived at night, was easy peasy to find the cave opening because of the torches. Never saw it during daytime! *sigh*

Got there, started the quest chain, too late to actually go on a mission. Gonna do it later, tonight maybe. Anyone got any good tips on leveling alchemy? Still haven't bothered to finish it; I'm more or less stuck at skill 88. It's the only skill I haven't maxed out yet.
Got there, started the quest chain, too late to actually go on a mission. Gonna do it later, tonight maybe. Anyone got any good tips on leveling alchemy? Still haven't bothered to finish it; I'm more or less stuck at skill 88. It's the only skill I haven't maxed out yet.
How rapidly you level alchemy depends upon how powerful the potions you make are. So use the fortify restoration potion/enhance alchemy enchantment exploit and you'll have alchemy of 100 after just making a dozen or so potions.
This time I arrived at night, was easy peasy to find the cave opening because of the torches. Never saw it during daytime! *sigh*

Got there, started the quest chain, too late to actually go on a mission. Gonna do it later, tonight maybe. Anyone got any good tips on leveling alchemy? Still haven't bothered to finish it; I'm more or less stuck at skill 88. It's the only skill I haven't maxed out yet.

Try sleeping in beds. Sleeping increases your ability to craft, I believe all forms of crafting, for eight hours. Once you wake up you receive a rested buff. Also, equip or craft and enchant gear with bonuses to alchemy. Also, if I'm not mistaken, there are a few guardian stones that you can temporarily buff yourself with, I believe alchemy is considered under the Wizard stone.
I forgot to ask, does enchanted gear benefit followers? Say for example, one of your followers primarily uses conjuration spells. If you give them gear with bonuses to conjuration, does that actually impact them? Or enchanted gear for increased magic?
At least enchanting their weapons has an effect I read, trading them filled soulstones allow them to recharge their weapons (or capture souls if they have empty stones and the appropriate chant on weapon.)

...Or so I've heard anyway. I haven't really tested this. I did trade one of my helpers a set of dragonplate armor with stamina chants and such on it to help his survival, but I don't know if it really increased his life or not. My current helper - Erik the Slayer or whatsisname, whom I find rather charming - has no chants on his glass suit of armor. I really should do something about that, because he was actually killed by snow elves and those new chaurus flying insect things in one of the dungeons I visited, and that was a bit disappointing. I was forced to reload and lost much progress because of that.
Holy crab. This topic hasn't seen much action for a while! :LOL: Anyone else still playing Skyrim?

I'm on the new Dragonborn DLC now, checking out Solstheim. Doesn't look much like it did in Morrowind - not that it has much chance to anyway, gamebryo has evolved quite a bit since the early days after all. Not sure I'm all that fond of this new island by the way. It's very small, and it's very very rocky. It's difficult to navigate without your follower getting hopelessly lost, because they still can't navigate over terrain that isn't standard height map, and there are hardly any roads leading anywhere.

I've done a couple steps on the new quest chain, but trying to not exhaust it too quickly, so I'm pulling back and doing side-missions in parallel.

Also, back on the mainland, I built all three houses and adopted two kids. They live in the southern hold, whatsitscalled, in Lakeview Manor since it's the most scenic location. The two others are next to a gigantic chaurus-infested bog, and buried in constant snow respectively. What kind of place is that for two kids to grow up in? :LOL:

I miss not being able to hug my in-game kids, or carry them on my shoulders. That'd be awesome, especially if I could fight some foes with my kid cheering on. There's this stone ring right next to Lakeview that attracts hostile necromancers. Awesome target practise! Maybe slay a couple dragons, and so on... Heh! What would that do for the ESRB rating of the game? Lul.

Finally brought up alchemy to max a couple weeks ago also. Damn, I had to make SO many potions... I read a guide and collected tons of giant's toes and bear claws, that did the trick. Liked alchemy better back in Morrowind, the alchemical gear was a fun aspect of the process, and you got to discover all of the effects of ingredients just by leveling the profession. In skyrim there just aren't enough perk points IMO to go around, so I skipped investing anything in alchemy altogether, so almost all ingredients have at least one undiscovered effect...
Still playing Skyrim here, without DLC even! I finally finished the primary storyline, and now I'm gonna go support one of the civil war factions. I think the Imperials need to GTFO just because they sound like pretentious dicks :D

Waiting for a package deal on all the DLC... I really don't think I'll care for adopting children, as I'd make a horribly absent parent. :D
Oh, they have a housecarl governess (outfitted in bad ass dragonplate that I made for her, with a huge dragonbone twohander!) to take care of them while I'm gone, and a bard, and hell, a cart driver too who never eats or sleeps and sits on the cart all day and all night, come rain, come snow, come hail...waiting for me to ask him to drive me somewhere.

I never do, lol.

Weird, but it just struck me that there are no outhouses in Skyrim... :LOL:
I just started a new character in Skyrim, going to try a Mage focused on summoning and healing.
Bethsoft released high-res textures for the DLC content yesterday. I picked up Dragonborn but my LOTRO addiction is still raging so strongly that I don't have the time for it.
This is a bit of an aside, but I would absolutely love it if an expansive world game like Skyrim would actually have seasons.
They showed off seasons, or at least dynamic snowing almost a year and a quarter ago in that post-release week-long modspree they had at Bethsoft.

We didn't see all that much from that, they've released ranged weapons deathcams and flying vampires and crossbows and a few other things, but dynamic snow wasn't one of the those they've chosen to do so far. Maybe it would require going back and retexturing (and re-foliaging too, perhaps) too much of the world.

Wonder if the MMO will use gamebryo also, and if so, if we'll see the dynamic weather tech there instead.

Wonder how much more DLC we'll see for Skyrim. The game's getting a little old in the tooth by now, and the team might want to work on TES6 instead...
Wonder how much more DLC we'll see for Skyrim. The game's getting a little old in the tooth by now, and the team might want to work on TES6 instead...
I'm somewhat expecting we'll see a new Fallout game before we see TES6. I think it'd be pretty great to see a new Fallout game that is brought up to par with TES5.

The separation between TES games seems to tend to be about 4-5 years, so I wouldn't expect TES6 for another couple of years yet.
Was FOIII done by the same team as skyrim?

In any case, how could a FO game be "brought up" to skyrim standard when all there is in FO is ash-grey overcast skies and rubble and bare dirt and bare concrete ruins and stuff like that? :p
Was FOIII done by the same team as skyrim?

In any case, how could a FO game be "brought up" to skyrim standard when all there is in FO is ash-grey overcast skies and rubble and bare dirt and bare concrete ruins and stuff like that? :p

Just because there was nuclear war doesn't mean there isn't forests and mountains etc
(Also Fallout 4 is coming indeed)