TES V: Skyrim

Thank you for the correction :D

My supposition is that it will premier on the XBOX first, and hit the PS3 + PC crowd shortly thereafter. I'm not happy with that per-se, but whatever. I would find it highly unlikely to be a console exclusive for a game that isn't...
Thank you for the correction :D

My supposition is that it will premier on the XBOX first, and hit the PS3 + PC crowd shortly thereafter. I'm not happy with that per-se, but whatever. I would find it highly unlikely to be a console exclusive for a game that isn't...
That's what I'm expecting too. But the cynical part of me worries that MS tendered an exclusive deal with Bethesda...which would suck balls.
An all-time exclusive deal for a DLC?

Sounds terribly half-assed.
Calm down peeps... They've already said the expansion will launch for all three platforms. 360 will get a head-start though, thanks to the shitheap fucks at bethesda and microsoft marketing departments, but the wait won't be terribly long in any case.

With the usual modus operandi at bethy, we can simply treat those poor 360 sods who rush to buy as an extended quality assurance division, and we PC master race gamers will simply get a more stable product as a result. :LOL:
Calm down peeps... They've already said the expansion will launch for all three platforms. 360 will get a head-start though, thanks to the shitheap fucks at bethesda and microsoft marketing departments, but the wait won't be terribly long in any case.

With the usual modus operandi at bethy, we can simply treat those poor 360 sods who rush to buy as an extended quality assurance division, and we PC master race gamers will simply get a more stable product as a result. :LOL:
That's good :)
Guys I just put up a new interview with Matt Carofano, the Lead Artist on Skyrim, to talk about many things including; Dawnguard, the next-generation of consoles, what's after Skyrim for Bethesda Game Studios, loot, Vampire Lords, future iteration of the Creation engine, The Elder Scrolls MMO, armored Trolls, and why you cannot change your sex or race in Skyrim.


This is one I was asked to pass on to you from several fans: How much loot, or rather, how much additional stuff is being added to the game?
Well there's the full set of Dragon Bone weapons. <Thinks> We give you a lot of gear on the Dawnguard side. That helps balance out the Vampire Lord’s abilities. The Dawnguard stuff has; new light and heavy armor, new weapons, you can have a new type of dog companion, [and] an armored troll to come fight with you. On the Vampire Lord side you have a whole new perk tree and we also added a whole new perk tree for Werewolves too. That's another feature we added to the game even though it's not part of the [Dawnguard] story. We wanted to make the Werewolves more interesting, more playable for higher levels, so we expanded on that. There's a lot of stuff in the game.

Did I see a new mount in the Dawnguard trailer?
Yes! So in the realm of Soul Cairn--the realm of trapped souls--you can get a miscellaneous quest to find the Skull of Arvak. He’s this lost horse who's been taken over, turned undead in this realm. So if you find his skull you can ride him all around and even back in Tamriel.


The rest is over here: http://eat-games.tumblr.com
Not sure what any "zeitgeist" had to do with it, when both vampires and werewolves have existed in TES for nearly a decade, as mentioned. It's something that's been popular for ages in western culture (and probably elsewhere as well) for simply ages. Castlevania on NES shows as much, and Christopher Lee as Dracula goes back pretty much to the black-and-white era of Hollywood for chrissakes. :)

I hear Dawnguard is out on the 360 now, has anyone had a chance to play it yet?
Dawngaurd is out for the Proper Gaming Platform now (nods to Davros); is anyone playing it? You can find it online for $15 using a coupon code. I have far too many other games to suck up my time thanks fo the Steam summer sale, and I'll be moving across the continent in a month so I don't need any more "hobbies" for the moment.

Still curious what others might think of the package tho
Well get shadowmere for your horse :).

Anyway I just used the bow, but I want to fight a dragon on horseback now.

Shadowmere has a lot of health and stamina, but that doesn't solve what he's talking about. There's a mod called "Convenient Horses" which adds a lot of features to horse riding, including, if I'm not mistaken, an improved AI that will enable your horse to be either cautious or charge into battle. It will also decrease the time allowed to dismount. You can also gather herbs, talk to NPC's and your followers can mount, as well.

I grabbed Dawnguard on Thursday, when it was released and I love it. I'm such a sucker for this series, though, so any excuse to play again is a good excuse. Not like I really slowed down, though. I just hit the 400 hour mark. The best feature about Dawnguard, in my opinion is Serana. She's an awesome follower who I've been using since I started playing the DLC.
Dawnguard pulled me back in too, created a new character modelled as best I could after a DnD paladin type of build (focusing on light armor, one handed weapons, restoration, speech, and some smithing) with which to smite the undead hordes.
Aw CRAP, I caved in and clicked yes to that asshole EULA (telling myself it doesn't really mean dick, which is probably true, although no court case in Sweden has actually set a prescident either way), I can't miss out on Dawnguard!

I downloaded and installed the thing a couple days ago, then proceeded to make a set of dragonbone weapons (daggers and bow) for my sneaky thief. Chopped some wood, made dragonbone arrows too. Not sure when to use them; I am carrying THOUSANDS of elven, orc, glass, steel and ancient nord arrows... I also have 250 daedric arrows, but these do less damage than dragonbone. The dragonbone(r; I mistakenly typed... :LOL:) bow is very cool looking. It glows impressively when held in the hand. Dragonbone daggers are kinda meh artistically/visually, but they do hit hard.

Now my only problem is I can't actually GET to the Dawnguard castle! The road from Riften ends in an invisible wall, where an on-screen text message tells me "you can't go that way", or words to that effect anyhow.
