Will nForce mobo automatically starts LinkBoost?
No, because nFoce board did not have this feature any more.
9600GT runs better when using it with nForce.
No. It is only a 0.3% increase in Multi-texture test, which can be omitted. If compare it with 3Dmark06 total score that Intel P35 won’t have any difference with 780i.
9600 GT GPU clock increase 1:1 when we increase PCIe clock?
No.PCIe clock change not only affects GPU clocks. First they are not 1:1, second the scale pattern are not the same.
Other cards also have this issue?
For now, no. But in the future we will encounter more 9 series card which have this kind of issue.
Now here is a new question which we can not answer: What PCIe clock affects?
It is clear that the GPU clock and PCIe clock patterns are not the same, so PCIe clock not only affect the GPU clock. But we can not sure which part is the key. Maybe only NVIDIA can answer this question.