Swearing on assignments


Retarded moron
//purposely left as 'float' to emulate the shitty IA-32 architecture.
Would any of you guys find such language acceptable on an assignment?
I'm not doing this all over the place, just in sprinkles.
The teacher is really cool with me, she's very nice but would I be pushing it a little?
I'm trying to be funny on my comments in my assignment, yes I do know that's not why people comment their work.
I feel like such a rebel. :LOL:
I'm very bored, as will be demonstrated by the stupid complexity of my assignment.
I'm lazily emulating Intel's shitty IA-32 architecture.

From now on, Intel's architecture will be called "shitty IA-32" and not "IA-32".
I hate Intel and Microsoft and want to see both corporations burn to the ground as described in my religous texts.
If agents of ASIO are reading this, please do not arrest me. I'm joking. I think...
I did it all the time in ENCMP 100. :LOL:

edit: and by that I mean when we got to the later stages when they introduced pointers and shoved some huge-ass assigment in our faces with little explanation of how to really use them beyond defining what they were.
Why do people think I have a bad sense of humour?
I'm clearly trying to be funny.

It's not funny to keep reapeating "shitty"-this or "shitty"-that. It shows a childish and limited ability to express yourself. Sure, a few times in choice places can be made funny, but ladling it all over just becomes sophomoric. You might as well add "Yuk-yuk-yuk" afterwards.
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Putting that much effort into humor on an assignment is practically begging to get smacked over any error, with "If you'd spent the time on the work instead of the humour, you might have found this problem. . . " or somesuch.
i once used 'sleej' (no real meaning or connection to the app) as a variable name after prof was commenting on readability and style issues....cause im a rebel. i didn't get dinged. (i was a top student in those days)...everyone started calling me sleej after that, for awhile.
In my code, you can frequently see things like

if boobs="big" then

while penis < 7


Who cares? As long as the program runs :)
In my code, you can frequently see things like

if boobs="big" then

while penis < 7


Who cares? As long as the program runs :)
You've clearly never had to come back to a project after a year or two and needed to understand it in a hurry.:rolleyes:
//purposely left as 'float' to emulate the shitty IA-32 architecture.
Would any of you guys find such language acceptable on an assignment?
I'm not doing this all over the place, just in sprinkles.
The teacher is really cool with me, she's very nice but would I be pushing it a little?
I'm trying to be funny on my comments in my assignment, yes I do know that's not why people comment their work.
John Carmack did it, so hey, why not.