Natoma said:Hmmm. I stand corrected then. I take it you read the actual 52 page briefing yourself rather than rely on msnbc and cnn to parse it for you.![]()
I've read much of it. (Almost all of the majority opinion and skimmed the other ones.) I also rely on legal blogs like The Volokh Conspiracy (particularly Eugene Volokh's posts; he's a law professor and has been cited a couple times in Supreme Court rulings). And also there was an excellent dialogue last week at Slate between their Supreme Court reporter and some constitutional lawyer (who had filed several briefs in the cases before the Court, including one in the Michigan affirmative action case which IIRC was cited in one of the opinions).
Supreme Court rulings are actually surprisingly readable, I've found, particularly if you know a couple of the relevent buzzwords (in this case, things like "rational basis" for the equal protection clause, and "legitimate state interest" for due process/right to privacy).