Supreme Court overturns Texas Sodomy Law (w00t!)

That's fine, I don't always agree with the standard defintions of terms. Don't belittle me by assuming I can't comprehend your writings because you believe you "resolved" an argument pages ago simply because you gave "an answer." I may have found that answer lacking, and pursued the issue again in the hopes to get an acceptable answer.

If you find you are repeating yourself, perhaps it is because people find your previous response lacking?
Bigus Dickus said:
Natoma said:
My problem with incest are the very high probability of genetic defects in the offspring. Apparently that's the same problem the government has as well because they allow incestual relationships as long as the relationship is equal to or greater than 2nd cousin, in order to reduce the probability of genetic defects in the offspring.
A recent article in Scientific American had quite an interesting view on this topic. Historically, incest isn't necessarily detrimental to genetics. And, with current genetic screening, it is entirely possible to remove this danger altogether.

I suppose then that in light of this new research you are now completely fine with brother/sister, father/daughter, etc. relationships/marriages?

Actually i have heard something about this research pretaining to genetic speciatation do you happen to have anything on had concerning it?
Bigus Dickus said:
That's fine, I don't always agree with the standard defintions of terms. Don't belittle me by assuming I can't comprehend your writings because you believe you "resolved" an argument pages ago simply because you gave "an answer." I may have found that answer lacking, and pursued the issue again in the hopes to get an acceptable answer.

If you find you are repeating yourself, perhaps it is because people find your previous response lacking?

As I told Joe when he got upset with me because I proved to him that homosexuality was a natural occurrence and thus completely deflated his entire line of argumentation against homosexuality, take it up with the folks who define our canon in various subjects. I'm merely relaying the information I know, nothing more nothing less.

[EDIT]Hell I didn't understand half this stuff when I was first introduced to it, but that didn't invalidate it any. It simply took me time to wrap my head around it. I'm merely saying the same thing is in your case as well. Whether you agree or not with it is not something to really take umbrage with me over because frankly I didn't come up with the ideas.[/EDIT]
As I told Joe when he got upset with me because I proved to him that homosexuality was a natural occurrence and thus completely deflated his entire line of argumentation against homosexuality, take it up with the folks who define our canon in various subjects. I'm merely relaying the information I know, nothing more nothing less.

How did you prove to him that homosexuality is natural? Personally i see such an argument to be irrelevant. What is natural and how many of us do what is natural? Why would the nature of the animal kingdom play into my decision on whom to have sex with, what movie to see, what game to play, etc? I hope Joe realizes cannabalism natural.

Just remember caucasian is the other white meat.

Natoma you still haven't proven homosexuality is genetic. If you believe sexuality is genetically determined explain existance of the myriad of sexual behaviors within society and or answer my previous questions.

I respect your right to believe what you wish natoma. As i have mentioned before i am not convinced there is a strong argument for the genetic basis of sexuality. This of course differs from sex drive.

For the most part i agree with many of your arguments in support of homosexuality (this of course is aside to the fact i am bisexual). I do not allow my sexuality to interfere with such debates. I have made my decisions based on the logistics of society etc.

Allow me to explain;

When some one like _____ (fill in the blank) suggests homosexuality is unnatural i often like to pose the question what is natural? why should this construct be the basis of our decisions? Who decides what is/not natural?

We as humans do not often try to mimic the behaviors of the "natural" animal world. We instead use our reasoning as the basis of our decisions rather than instinct as a response to stimuli (i might add this higher reasoning is also unnatural when compared to that of the animal kingdom). We as humans in any case are some what of an cognitive annomaly. Being that this is so should we cast aside our ability to reason for instinct? We would cease to be human.

The supposed natural argument can be used for the basis of supporting many "inhuman" behaviors: murder, rape, incest, cannibalism, genocide, etc.

How do empathy and sympathy fit into this natural world scheme? Should we as humans cast aside our weak and fragile to be fed to the wolves presay? Such is a natural behavior of the animal kingdom.

.....i wonder if texas sodomy laws apply to their jails...
Legion said:
Natoma you still haven't proven homosexuality is genetic. If you believe sexuality is genetically determined explain existance of the myriad of sexual behaviors within society and or answer my previous questions.

There is no way that stiletto high heal shoes are a part of the human genome. Homosexuals may actually never be able to produce such a gene as their desires may well be a nurtured characteristic.

I still definitely would question any study that suggest a bisexual is anyone whom can look at same gender and tell if they are aesthetically pleasing. It is simply ridiculous and reeks of common politically motivation for equity. Manufacturing exclusive heterosexuals percentiles equivalent in percentile with exclusive homosexuals acts, it sounds like total bullshit. It is just more garbage science if you ask me. Exclusivity should be based purely on sexual acts. That is exactly what the less then 1% exclusive homosexual rate is about. Further I would like for Natoma to produce that study online, please no gay and lesbian promotion sites.

I didn’t misinterpret what I was reading either Natoma.
Anyone can fuck anyone, only a homosexual can LOVE someone of the same sex. Emotions speak volumes for orientation over the in-out-in-out act.
There is no way that stiletto high heal shoes are a part of the human genome. Homosexuals may actually never be able to produce such a gene as their desires may well be a nurtured characteristic.

The research so far has been mostly garbage devoid of scientific method. The sickening political determination surrounding this psuedo-scientific display of vulgar misuse of psychology has been to provide sh1t flack to throw about in order to convince the populace of the existance of such a gene. I don't have to go far to point out for you educated men and women who have risked all credibility by bying into the demands of their political agendas putting aside their objectivity; Simon Levay, Bailey and Pillard, Dean Hamer, etc.

I still definitely would question any study that suggest a bisexual is anyone whom can look at same gender and tell if they are aesthetically pleasing.

I would tend to agree. They wish to define what a bisexual is so that they can manipulate data to their liking. This is of course the sort of crap that spawns statistics that state the vast majority of women are bisexual or have bisexual inclinations.

It is simply ridiculous and reeks of common politically motivation for equity.

I am not sure if that is their reasoning. I have found it is a better way of excusing their behavior which aids to shelter them from having to do soul searching as to the real cause of their behaviors.

Manufacturing exclusive heterosexuals percentiles equivalent in percentile with exclusive homosexuals acts, it sounds like total bullshit. It is just more garbage science if you ask me. Exclusivity should be based purely on sexual acts. That is exactly what the less then 1% exclusive homosexual rate is about. Further I would like for Natoma to produce that study online, please no gay and lesbian promotion sites.

What importances does exclusivity have? Was he trying to say something about their behavior as an indicator of them being "purely" homosexual. How could you determine that furthermore what does it imply?
zurich said:
Anyone can fuck anyone, only a homosexual can LOVE someone of the same sex. Emotions speak volumes for orientation over the in-out-in-out act.

you canadians are so cute zurich.

What is love? What is love in all caps? Does loving some one require you to be sexually involved with them? If so tell me so i can ignore all you incestuous bastards :LOL:

those religious seminary teachings never leave me. They haunt me to this day in the forms of agape/eros/philios love, their expressions, and literary mishaps of CS Lewis. Damn Screwtape Letters.
zurich said:
Anyone can fuck anyone, only a homosexual can LOVE someone of the same sex. Emotions speak volumes for orientation over the in-out-in-out act.

That's a load of poo.

I could easily see myself in a long lasting (or even "permanent") relationship with a guy. I could love him and want to share parts of my life with him. Go on trips, hiking, comiserate over tragedy, celebrate over triumph. Sit and talk about movies, have dinner, etc. Its called having a best friend.

Having him stick his dick up my butt is a completely different story. That part doesn't get shared. Sexuality does not preclude the ability to love.
RussSchultz said:
zurich said:
Anyone can fuck anyone, only a homosexual can LOVE someone of the same sex. Emotions speak volumes for orientation over the in-out-in-out act.

That's a load of poo.

I could easily see myself in a long lasting (or even "permanent") relationship with a guy. I could love him and want to share parts of my life with him. Go on trips, hiking, comiserate over tragedy, celebrate over triumph. Sit and talk about movies, have dinner, etc. Its called having a best friend.

Having him stick his dick up my butt is a completely different story. That part doesn't get shared. Sexuality does not preclude the ability to love.

Now that's a load of poo.

We all know there's a massive difference between the love/emotional attachment you have for a best friend, and the love/emotional attachment you have for a significant other. If you think that the only difference between a best friend and a partner-type is sex, then that's really quite unfortunate.
I don't know about you, but my wife is my best friend. And, oh yeah, we have sex, but that doesn't make her any more my best friend.
Sabastian said:
Legion said:
Natoma you still haven't proven homosexuality is genetic. If you believe sexuality is genetically determined explain existance of the myriad of sexual behaviors within society and or answer my previous questions.

There is no way that stiletto high heal shoes are a part of the human genome. Homosexuals may actually never be able to produce such a gene as their desires may well be a nurtured characteristic.

And that is the crux of your problem with homosexuals Sabastian. You assume that we're all in stiletto high heels, or whatever. You assume that there are more "dastardly" behaviors associated with homosexuality. Excuse me sir, but transvestites are but a mere small percentage of people, both gay *and* straight. Transvestitism has nothing to do with homosexuality and more to do with gender rules. They are two completely separate concepts.

But it's nice to know that you consider homosexuality and cross-dressing to be in the same category. Nice to know where you're coming from now.

Sabastian said:
I still definitely would question any study that suggest a bisexual is anyone whom can look at same gender and tell if they are aesthetically pleasing. It is simply ridiculous and reeks of common politically motivation for equity. Manufacturing exclusive heterosexuals percentiles equivalent in percentile with exclusive homosexuals acts, it sounds like total bullshit. It is just more garbage science if you ask me. Exclusivity should be based purely on sexual acts. That is exactly what the less then 1% exclusive homosexual rate is about. Further I would like for Natoma to produce that study online, please no gay and lesbian promotion sites.

I didn’t misinterpret what I was reading either Natoma.

Go read a psychology book on human sexuality and sexual responses. And one thing, I stated that the bisexual tag was in response to the attraction portion of the sexual response, but not a means of sexual arousal. Bisexuality wrt attraction, and Bisexuality wrt to arousal, are two different monikers. I specifically separated them to avoid this confusion as well. There are varying scales of human sexuality.

0 - 100% heterosexual arousal. No response to members of the same sex
1 - 100% heterosexual arousal. Physical attraction (not arousal, big difference) to members of the same sex.
2 - Predominantly heterosexual arousal. Occassional dreams featuring sexual arousal by members of the same sex, and/or occassional real world sexual arousal by members of the same sex.
3 - Bisexual. Sexual arousal by members of both sexes equally
4 - Predominantly homosexual arousal. Occassional dreams featuring sexual arousal by members of the same sex, and/or occassional real world sexual arousal by members of the opposite sex.
5 - 100% homosexual arousal. Physical attraction (not arousal, big difference) to members of the opposite sex.
6 - 100% homosexual arousal. No response to members of the same sex.

This is a rough sketch of one of the scales of human sexuality I've learned over the years while studying texts on said subject. Personally I fall between 4 and 5, but I'm much closer to 5 than 4. The same for my bf. My ex, however, was most certainly a 6. I missed out on some of the extra explanations for these degrees, but as I said, this is a rough sketch from my memory.
Legion said:
As I told Joe when he got upset with me because I proved to him that homosexuality was a natural occurrence and thus completely deflated his entire line of argumentation against homosexuality, take it up with the folks who define our canon in various subjects. I'm merely relaying the information I know, nothing more nothing less.

How did you prove to him that homosexuality is natural? Personally i see such an argument to be irrelevant. What is natural and how many of us do what is natural? Why would the nature of the animal kingdom play into my decision on whom to have sex with, what movie to see, what game to play, etc? I hope Joe realizes cannabalism natural.

I didn't agree with the argument that Joe presented, but when I saw he was being intransigent about it, I decided to play his game. So I went to the dictionary and looked up natural. It is anything that occurs in nature. So that invalidated Joe's ethereal argument about what is natural and what isn't. I then went on to state that if you want to discuss what is right and wrong, we can do that. But the natural argument was a moot one.

Legion said:
Natoma you still haven't proven homosexuality is genetic. If you believe sexuality is genetically determined explain existance of the myriad of sexual behaviors within society and or answer my previous questions.

Just as skin color is genetic, but you see myriad expressions of it in the human species. Just as musculature is genetic, but you see myriad expressions of it in the human species. Etc etc etc.

Legion said:
When some one like _____ (fill in the blank) suggests homosexuality is unnatural i often like to pose the question what is natural? why should this construct be the basis of our decisions? Who decides what is/not natural?

This is basically the crux of what Joe stated. I merely got the english canon definition of natural and shot that argument down.

Legion said:
We as humans do not often try to mimic the behaviors of the "natural" animal world. We instead use our reasoning as the basis of our decisions rather than instinct as a response to stimuli (i might add this higher reasoning is also unnatural when compared to that of the animal kingdom). We as humans in any case are some what of an cognitive annomaly. Being that this is so should we cast aside our ability to reason for instinct? We would cease to be human.

Higher reasoning isn't unnatural. You see it in many species in the wild such as Dolphins, Primates, Parrots, Geese, etc. These species, as we have, have evolved higher intelligence in order to further their survival in the "wild". I mean, if you're an alien species and you look at the Earth, you would probably see it as one big zoo, with one dominant species due to it's higher intelligence than other species.

Legion said:
The supposed natural argument can be used for the basis of supporting many "inhuman" behaviors: murder, rape, incest, cannibalism, genocide, etc.

That is why I stated before that arguing the naturalness of a behavior does not equate it to its "rightness" or "wrongness". Those behaviors listed are certainly natural, but as a higher species, we have evolved to the point where we accept that taking advantage of others for our own gain (rape, incest) is not a good thing in our society. We have also evolved to the point where we accept that taking the life of another sentient being is not a good thing in our society (murder, cannibalism, genocide).

Legion said:
How do empathy and sympathy fit into this natural world scheme? Should we as humans cast aside our weak and fragile to be fed to the wolves presay? Such is a natural behavior of the animal kingdom.

Empathy and Sympathy are not behaviors known solely to mankind. There are myriad instances in the wild whereby lionnesses will take on the cubs of another, even when that cub is not genetically their own. There are myriad instances in the wild whereby primates will allow sick and wounded primates from other clans to join them and live in their society. 100% Darwinism would not allow for such behavior, and yet it exists in nature.

I would argue that Empathy and Sympathy are outgrowths of our intelligence. You see more of it the "higher" you go on the species ladder wrt intelligence and cognitive ability.

Legion said:
.....i wonder if texas sodomy laws apply to their jails...

Doubtful they ever did. They were already in jail. ;)
I didn't agree with the argument that Joe presented, but when I saw he was being intransigent about it, I decided to play his game. So I went to the dictionary and looked up natural. It is anything that occurs in nature. So that invalidated Joe's ethereal argument about what is natural and what isn't. I then went on to state that if you want to discuss what is right and wrong, we can do that. But the natural argument was a moot one.

i agree.

Just as skin color is genetic, but you see myriad expressions of it in the human species. Just as musculature is genetic, but you see myriad expressions of it in the human species. Etc etc etc.

Actually homosexuals have often been quoted comparing such diversity to hair color.

This not a good analogy. The expression of their musculature is often an affect of enviromental stimuli causing musculuture developement. "use it or lose it" applies very well here. Clearly, muscle tissue and its developement has a genetic link. However sexuality does not. The two aren't similiar even in concept. IE how does one account for gene's ability to interprit objects without the ability to sense :LOL: ?

Natoma i would like point out to you that you haven't answered the question. You have stated you believe sexuality is genetic however haven't explained how it is or why.

To put it simply i could apply this "reasoning" to any set of behaviors in order to claim genetic determination.

Why do I prefer turtle neck sweaters?
-because of your genetic predisposition to prefer turtle neck sweaters.
How do i know i have this genetic disposition?
-Because you prefer turtle necks.

acknwoledging the fact this is circuitous logic is enough to refute it

Higher reasoning isn't unnatural. You see it in many species in the wild such as Dolphins, Primates, Parrots, Geese, etc.

No i disagree. These animals do not have the capacities we do. For us "higher reasoning" isn't on the same level as it is for them. Such a level is unnatural.

That is why I stated before that arguing the naturalness of a behavior does not equate it to its "rightness" or "wrongness". Those behaviors listed are certainly natural, but as a higher species, we have evolved to the point where we accept that taking advantage of others for our own gain (rape, incest) is not a good thing in our society.

why not? its "natural...."

We have also evolved to the point where we accept that taking the life of another sentient being is not a good thing in our society (murder, cannibalism, genocide).

I would rather say we evolved to the point of higher reasoning that has given up the capability to reject such behavior in the manner that we do.

Empathy and Sympathy are not behaviors known solely to mankind.

But aren't see widely throughout the animal kingdom. Certainly no such animal establishment compares to human welfare programs :LOL:.

There are myriad instances in the wild whereby lionnesses will take on the cubs of another, even when that cub is not genetically their own.

SUch can be said for dolphins as well but i wouldn't call this a usual occurance.

There are myriad instances in the wild whereby primates will allow sick and wounded primates from other clans to join them and live in their society. 100% Darwinism would not allow for such behavior, and yet it exists in nature.

Natoma the fact remains such behavior is not widely supported throughout the animal kingdom. It is comparitively rare.

Doubtful they ever did. They were already in jail.

Just give they extra time. that'll teach the bastards!
Legion said:
Just as skin color is genetic, but you see myriad expressions of it in the human species. Just as musculature is genetic, but you see myriad expressions of it in the human species. Etc etc etc.

Actually homosexuals have often been quoted comparing such diversity to hair color.

This not a good analogy. The expression of their musculature is often an affect of enviromental stimuli causing musculuture developement. "use it or lose it" applies very well here. Clearly, muscle tissue and its developement has a genetic link. However sexuality does not. The two aren't similiar even in concept. IE how does one account for gene's ability to interprit objects without the ability to sense :LOL: ?

I have the same build as my father, i.e. I am 6ft tall, roughly 195lbs - 200lbs, and have long arms. If I never worked out a day in my life, I'd still have the same capacity for musculature that my father does, and roughly the same dimensions. Not to mention the fact that anyone who has ever seen me stand next to my father swears we are identical twins, save for the age difference, from our physicality to the way we walk, talk, our inflections, the way we carry ourselves, etc. And just so you know, I never grew up with my biological father. I met him twice in my life. So if I have the same traits as he does in almost every respect, but I never grew up with him to learn these things from him, they must have been passed genetically.

It is my environmental attitude wrt working out that has improved my musculature, but the capacity still has to be there genetically. For instance, my boyfriend has a small frame. He's 135lbs. No matter how much he works out, he will never have the muscular capacity that I do. Why? His mother and his father are both slim individuals, as are most of the people in his family.

Sexuality is a genetically passed trait. We all are inborn with sexual tendencies. All beings are, be they lowly amoeba or human beings. Studies have been shown that even as babies, we have a sexually explorative nature. We obviously don't learn that coming out of the womb, so there has to be some other component, i.e. our DNA.

I hope this has answered your question.

Legion said:
Why do I prefer turtle neck sweaters?
-because of your genetic predisposition to prefer turtle neck sweaters.
How do i know i have this genetic disposition?
-Because you prefer turtle necks.

acknwoledging the fact this is circuitous logic is enough to refute it

Ah but when you're born there is no such thing as a turtle neck sweater to you. But you are definitely a sexual being. Put a baby in the wild and leave it there. It will most certainly express its sexuality, but it won't have a clue as to what a turtle neck sweater is. That is an instance of environment affecting our likes and dislikes.

Legion said:
Higher reasoning isn't unnatural. You see it in many species in the wild such as Dolphins, Primates, Parrots, Geese, etc.

No i disagree. These animals do not have the capacities we do. For us "higher reasoning" isn't on the same level as it is for them. Such a level is unnatural.

No. Higher reasoning is natural. Capacity changes just because of different species.

For instance, a Cheetah has far more lung capacity than we do. Does that mean that its lung capacity is unnatural? No. It simply means that it evolved that lung capacity in order to better survive in its environment. We evolved a higher capacity for intelligence to better survive in our environment. It is merely a different branch of evolution.

Legion said:
That is why I stated before that arguing the naturalness of a behavior does not equate it to its "rightness" or "wrongness". Those behaviors listed are certainly natural, but as a higher species, we have evolved to the point where we accept that taking advantage of others for our own gain (rape, incest) is not a good thing in our society.

why not? its "natural...."

As I said before, natural does not necessarily equate to "right" and "wrong." And I never stated that homosexuality is "right" simply because it's natural. I stated that sexuality is a genetically passed trait, of which homosexuality is an expression. Because most people express their homosexuality with consenting adults (which is what we as a society have deemed ok for sexual interaction. sexual expression between consenting adults), there is no reason to outlaw it. But we do have laws that prohibit sexual expression between "of age" beings and "underage" beings, be it heterosexual or homosexual expression.

There is no biological need to supress homosexuality in those who are born with it frankly because we are in no danger of dying out as a species. But I'll tell you this. If tomorrow almost every human being died and only homosexuals were left to repopulate the earth, they would be physically capable of doing so. But physical capability does not equate to emotional and mental happiness. And that is why people come out. Homosexuals are capable of marrying the opposite sex and having family and whatnot. But that doesn't mean we are happy doing that, and don't wish to be with members of the same sex.

Rape occurs in the animal kingdom. But our intelligence has evolved to the point whereby we do not believe it is right to sexually take advantage of other beings. Why? Because we believe that sex is more than a physical thing, but an emotional and mental expression. Thus if emotionally and mentally you do not wish to have sex with someone, and they force you to, that is a violation of your personal being.

Incest also occurs in the animal kingdom. And it occurs in human beings as well. But societies throughout history banned it because of the deleterious effects it has on offspring, and for no other reason. In the animal kingdom, species that practice incest, such as mole rats, have evolved a genetic defense mechanism against it so that the offspring do not exhibit the effects common in human beings and other species that would put an end to the species. For their species, incest is merely another way of procreating.

Legion said:
We have also evolved to the point where we accept that taking the life of another sentient being is not a good thing in our society (murder, cannibalism, genocide).

I would rather say we evolved to the point of higher reasoning that has given up the capability to reject such behavior in the manner that we do.

I can't say I understand exactly what you're saying. Can you restate that please?

Legion said:
Empathy and Sympathy are not behaviors known solely to mankind.

But aren't see widely throughout the animal kingdom. Certainly no such animal establishment compares to human welfare programs :LOL:.

That is merely an extension of empathy and sympathy. It is not a separate entity in and of itself.

Legion said:
There are myriad instances in the wild whereby lionnesses will take on the cubs of another, even when that cub is not genetically their own.

SUch can be said for dolphins as well but i wouldn't call this a usual occurance.

I never said it was usual. I just said that it occurs. There is precedence of its occurrence in nature.

Legion said:
There are myriad instances in the wild whereby primates will allow sick and wounded primates from other clans to join them and live in their society. 100% Darwinism would not allow for such behavior, and yet it exists in nature.

Natoma the fact remains such behavior is not widely supported throughout the animal kingdom. It is comparitively rare.

Yes, it is rare in each individual species, but many species have indeed exhibited this behavior. It is all over the animal kingdom.
I have the same build as my father, i.e. I am 6ft tall, roughly 195lbs - 200lbs, and have long arms. If I never worked out a day in my life, I'd still have the same capacity for musculature that my father does, and roughly the same dimensions.

that does depend on your usage of the muscles although this may be essentially correct.

Not to mention the fact that anyone who has ever seen me stand next to my father swears we are identical twins, save for the age difference, from our physicality to the way we walk, talk, our inflections, the way we carry ourselves, etc. And just so you know, I never grew up with my biological father. I met him twice in my life. So if I have the same traits as he does in almost every respect, but I never grew up with him to learn these things from him, they must have been passed genetically.

Natoma you aren't establishing homosexuality as a genetic trait.

Again it is true musculature has a genetic counterpart. Are you denying your enviroment can play a role in your muscular developement? If so i best inform all body builders that working out is a waste of their time.

Similarly the same is true with brain tissue. How you develope various parts of your brian (and perhaps the lack of use of other parts) will affect the tissue. Last i checked the same is true with muscle tissue.

It is my environmental attitude wrt working out that has improved my musculature, but the capacity still has to be there genetically.

I am not sure why you are saying this. No one denied the genetic contribution to musculature.

Sexuality is a genetically passed trait.

You haven't proven this.

We all are inborn with sexual tendencies.

We are born with the capacity for a sex drive not with sexual behaviors. Please point out to me the region of the brain associated with instintual sexual patterning.

All beings are, be they lowly amoeba or human beings. Studies have been shown that even as babies, we have a sexually explorative nature.

Do you not see the difference between sexual explorative and "sexuality".

Perhaps i should use the term "sexual orientation" instead. Are you just misunderstanding what i am saying?

It has never been proven that humans have innate sexual orientation.

I hope this has answered your question.

No it hasn't but i think i caused the misunderstanding.

Ah but when you're born there is no such thing as a turtle neck sweater to you.

Correct. There also is no such thing as male or female, goat, cow, dog, child, etc.

likewise sexual behavior is also meaningless.

A child might engage in masterbation as a form of exploration however that child lacks any understanding of the complexities of sexual encounters. It can also be said the child does not realize what it is doing is sexual. It is merely reacting to a pleasurable sensation.

But you are definitely a sexual being. Put a baby in the wild and leave it there. It will most certainly express its sexuality, but it won't have a clue as to what a turtle neck sweater is. That is an instance of environment affecting our likes and dislikes.

Natoma, again how is it expressing "sexuality" a reflection of some genetic trait? What would it (the child) express it's sexuality towards?

Natoma i have pointed out to you asserting that the expression of sexuality being souly genetic is absurd. Are you comfortable with saying i have a genetic trait that causes me to be sexualy attracted to Cows, Dogs, or any man made object? What exactly would account for my sexual attraction to a car? Do i have a genetic trait that makes me sexually attracted to cars?

Natoma why are you refusing to acknowledge the strong influence of enviroment on sexuality?

No. Higher reasoning is natural. Capacity changes just because of different species.

SO human level reasoning is natural in nature? Can you point out to me an animal with said capacities?

There is no biological need to supress homosexuality in those who are born with it frankly because we are in no danger of dying out as a species.

Natoma first you need to prove sexual orientation is genetic before you make such allegations.

Rape occurs in the animal kingdom. But our intelligence has evolved to the point whereby we do not believe it is right to sexually take advantage of other beings. Why? Because we believe that sex is more than a physical thing, but an emotional and mental expression.

No we don't. Actually this is nothing more than a reflection of a genetic trait. We really don't think this at all. OUr genes tell us this :rolleyes:.

That is merely an extension of empathy and sympathy. It is not a separate entity in and of itself.

However the expression of it clearly is. Nothing in nature compares to the level of said expression in humans.

Yes, it is rare in each individual species, but many species have indeed exhibited this behavior. It is all over the animal kingdom.

Which is close to saying it is unusual?
Natoma said:
1 - 100% heterosexual arousal. Physical attraction to members of the same sex.

Yep, there's the part where I disagree. You jump straight to being physically attracted to members of the same sex from a position which you have described as not even being able to recognize attractive individuals. Established wisdom or not, this is just incorrect. The majority of the population can recognize attractive people of the same sex, but are not attracted to them.

To you, it's one and the same. To me, they are very distinct and separate things. In fact, physical attraction and sexual arousal appear to be much more closely related than recognizing attractiveness and actually being attracted to that individual. To be perfectly honest, I would bet that if I did some digging in psychology texts I would find that it is you who are misusing the terminology. I would completely expect to find that only 1% of the population couldn't even recognize attractiveness in another individual of the same sex, but I highly doubt the texts state that only 1% of the population are not physically attracted to members of the same sex.

And if I'm wrong and that's in fact what the texts write, well... I guess I'm back to not agreeing with the establishment. :)
I have to wonder, if homosexuality is a genetic condition, then what evolutionary advantage does it serve?

If it is none, like most genetic disorders, then should homosexuality be considered not only a genetic condition but a genetic disorder? Does it follow then that if we did find the gene(s) responsible and could screen for it, that it should be treated the same as other genetic disorders that can be screened for?

Should parents at high risk for producing homosexual children be warned just as parents at a high risk of producing Down-Syndrome children are? If we are later able to correct genetic disorders in individuals at birth through gene therapy, should we cure homosexuals at birth?
I didn't state whether I thought homesexuality actually was genetic in origin. I only asked what the logical conclusion of such an assertion would be.