I'll let any Bio-101 student handle this one.
Then it should't be a problem to demonstrate to me that all humans have the desire procreate.
No you didn't natoma. You explained what you believe happens.
I don't recall seeing anywhere you citing genes, brain structures, scientific research, etc.
Natoma wrote:
Sexuality is genetic. Homosexuality is an expression of that gene, as is Heterosexuality. Hormones in the womb and after birth have been shown to affect sexual orientation. For instance, it has been shown that Lesbians are more likely to have been exposed to higher levels of testosterone in the womb than heterosexual women. And gay men have been shown to be more likely exposed to less levels of testosterone in the womb than heterosexual men.
to which i replied:
How is an expression of a sex drive an indicator of the determination of sexual orientation? How does sex drive predetermine your sexual orientation?
How many times do i have to ask you these questions before you answer them?
You have failed to answer the question Natoma.
How is an expression of a sex drive an indicator of the determination of sexual orientation?
You haven't answered this question.
What you said indicates you believe there is some kind of correlation between genetically affected sex drive and sexual orientation. Have you anywhere in this entire debate proven and association between sex drive and sexual orientations that proves sex drive determines sexual orientation?
No you haven't.
I asked you to back up these claims about hormones affecting sexual orientation. You haven't done this.
I infact took the initiative to provide you with links to such research and critiques/refutations of the them demonstrating the lack of authenticity of the researchers claims.
Please at any time show me a report that proves beyond a shadow of a doubt androgens affect sexuality.
There have been studies shown that homosexual men are more likely to have older brothers, or a succession of them, due to the fact that women have a limited supply of testosterone. As more children are born, there is less testosterone supplied to each successive infant.
You are correct and they have been rather bogus. The ability to post reports says nothing about their accuracy Natoma.
The most noteble of these such tests are Dean Hamer's Xq28 research, Bailey and Pillards research on brothers, and Marc Breedlove's reports on androgens.
None of these reports have ever been substantiated. No one has been able to replicate their studies objectively with nonbiased samples. Such is also true with Simon LeVay and his research on INAH-2/3.
There have also been studies shown that there is a marked difference between the sizes of certain brain structures dealing with sexuality in homosexual men than heterosexual men.
Ah the infamous INAH-2/3 scam.
Simon Levay conducted research on people based on his findings in rats
His discovery was that an area of the Hypothalemus affected sexual posturing in rats. By altering the size of said sectors one could affect how these rats behaved in sexual encounters (whether or not they took on male/female esque sexual positions).
His emmediate baseless assumption was that if the rats were affected humans could be affected in the same way. Of course humans do not have instinctual behavioral sexual postering. No such system has ever been demonstrated to exist within humans. His findings didn't support his over all claim rather pointed a figure at his clear lack of scientific method.
However, there are numerous problems with Levay's study which have clouded the reliability of his findings. It is quite possible that the correlation of INAH 3 volume and sexual orientation are due to confounding factors such as AIDS (3). This casts doubt on already ambiguous results of whether or not sexual orientation is caused by brain differences or whether the samples LeVay used were unreliable due to the degenerative effects of AIDS on the brain. The latter, however, is unlikely, since LeVay's control subjects were also men who had died of AIDS. Another problem with LeVay's study was that the INAH 2 was not dimorphic although it was predicted to be. As mentioned above, the INAH 2 was twice as large in the male brain than in the female brain and LeVay expected to see smaller INAH 2 nuclei in homosexual men (6). LeVay did not find a significant difference in the size of the INAH 2 of homosexual and heterosexual men (7). The existence of exceptions in Levay's study also challenges his conclusions. For example, he found heterosexual men with small INAH-3 nuclei and homosexual men with very large INAH-3 nuclei. Other questions have also been raised about the ambiguous nature of the sexual histories of his subjects. A common argument that disputes LeVay's research is his dualistic view of sexuality. LeVay's subjects are labeled as either homosexual or heterosexual. Although this make research simpler, it is unlikely that division works well in the real world (1) . Sexuality would best be defined with as continuum with varying degrees of behavior (1).
even if these said structures in said forms were found in many of the members of the homosexual community would such a finding provide evidence for genetic determinism?
I would say no based on just this information alone. Simply because they may share some characteristics doesn't mean those characteristics are the cause of their behavior. Perhaps they are the effect of said behavior.
Unless a system can be demonstrated that links such structures to the inclination of homosexuality such research is meaningless.
Homosexual men have brain structures that are more in line heterosexual women and Homosexual women have brain structures that are more in line with heterosexual men.
Actually i posted a link above concerning this information.
How does the overall shape of their brain affect their sexuality? Was that what the research was geared to show? No. The research in question (done by Marc Breedlove) merely suggested a portion of 700 or so homosexuals had female like brain structuring. This in no way demonstrates how or why the other homosexuals who didn't share such structures were homosexual or for that matter how the structures effected their sexual orientation.
correlation doesn't equal causation
I would say right off the bat his sample is corrupt. He needed to gather people with said brain structures and then do research based on the prior knowledge of these individuals having these selected brain structures. Randomly grabbing people from a crowd or so and researching them as one collective category is a flawed method.
Science is coming out every day to prove a genetic/hormonal link to the expression of sexuality, even before we are born.
Really? Why is it their research is admittedly inconclusive

Satisfied? Or will I need to copy and paste this again a page from now when you state again that I haven't addressed your question.....
Do i sound satisfied?
I never said that there was an analagous construct in human behavior wrt sexually patterned/posturing behavior. I merely stated that these things can and are indeed passed through genes, then gave examples of those instances.
Well i am just asking for examples
If they are passed along through genes in animals, then the possibility in us is the same
Yet no one has ever demonstrated such a thing to exist?
Unless millions of homosexuals around the world in every country, land, fiefdom, city, village, town, etc all have the same exact environmental features, then there is no single environmental factor that can affect us all.
Are you limitting the enviromental affects that could cause or incourage homosexuality??? Why would
all homosexuals have to share similiar experiences? What exactly does similiar entail? How does being similiar limit the number of like factors? What does it limit them to? Hundreds, thousands, millions, billions? Is it not possible that we infact
do share many enviromental factors? You appear to right this off as impossible.
However, there are certainly genetic/hormonal factors that can affect all human beings no matter where they are.
You mean those i disputed/refuted

[quiet]I was unaware of what sexuality as a societal construct was. But I knew what I felt. I knew I was attracted to other boys. But I didn't know what it meant within the societally defined construct of sexuality.[/quote]
Hell thats all the scientific evidence we need natoma. Your feelings.
I explained before the mere notion that you had experienced sexuality at the age of 7 doesn't mean you were genetically determined to be that way.
The learned trait is the definition of sexuality in our society, not the behavior.
Actually i 100% disagree with that. Sexuality in its many forms (especially in the case of sexual positions)
is learned.
Every child in every environment does this. It is hardwired in all human beings to explore everything. It cannot be environmental because the environment changes everywhere you go.
I don't agree with that. A child's interpritation of "enviroment" at young ages do to their obvious limitations restricts them at first to self exploration. This is true across the board. Where as some of an infants behaviors can be seen as instinct i wouldn't say all of what they do is 100% motivated by instinct.
The mere fact that a child may explore itself as an infant in no way correlates with its ultimate sexual orientation. If you think this provide research that establishes various infantile instincts to the progression of certain sexual orientations.
There has to be some other common denominator and that common denominator intrinsic to all human beings is DNA.
No there doesn't
have to be.
Let me say this again. Expression of the sexuality that is innate to all humans is something that all humans do.
I am glad that you did choose to say this again as it gives me yet another chance to walk you throw this.
What you call "expression of sexuality" in infant behavior seen as masterbation in no way way correlates with sexual orientation. Most infants do infact "masterbate" as a response to the pleasurable sensation gathered by touching their genitals.
How do you see this as behavior leading to some form of sexual orientation? Most infants do this. Are we to assume based on this most infants should be of a certain sexual orientation?
Figuring out how society defines that expression is how we figure out what our orientation is.
It has been demonstrated people do change their sexual orientations. How do you account for this? Spontaneous mutation?
Can you provide for me conclusive evidence that suggests orientation is predetermined and is inflexible?
But that is merely a definition of the natural expression of our sexuality. The expression itself would still exist even without the societal definition.
Based on your presuppositions alone of course.
I would still be sexually aroused by men even if the societal definition "Homosexual" had not created. You would still be sexually aroused by men and women if the societal definition of "Bisexual" had not been created.
And have i always been attracted to men and woman? Which came first natoma? Men or Women?
Bisexuality has always thrown a monkey wrench into the works when concerning genetic sexual orienation. Many researchers just label people like my self as "gay", "straight", or "irrelevant" as it makes doctoring their figures easier. Simon Levay knows a lot about this.
And that, in elegant summation, is the problem.
Most likely do to the nebulous nature or your "supporting facts" and your inability to correlate data with your personal beliefs.
cheap shot acknowledged
Indeed. I didn't grasp what I was feeling towards other boys until I hit puberty.

I was pointing out holes in your argumentation.
That's when my understanding of my feelings emerged and I became aware of my homosexuality as a sexual construct.

No this is when you became aware of sexuality and formed the basis of your falacious argument in support of genetic determinism.
Before then I had simply known that looking at other boys and being with other boys made me feel "good" in a way that was different from being with girls.
Natoma this is why i throw such nonsense out the door when i debate sexual orientation.
You definition of "feel good" in no way correlates how you felt with sexuality. Of course you will say that was so igorning all possible enviromental factors.
[/quote]p.s.: I don't know about your household, but sexuality wasn't "taught" in mine. I grew up in a deeply christian environment. Family, Friends, Church.[/quote]
And they never said a word to you about sexuality nor could have affected your sexuality in any way viewed as enviromental
Natoma please explain to me how your genes knew you were hanging out with boys so they could stimulate your pleasure center/libido inorder for you to make such a correlation between being with them and sexual inclinations. Are you suggesting they know the difference between male/female?
Male and female are societal constructs for humans. You are not born with the knowledge of a difference between male and female. How on earth are your genes some how aware of the visual appearance of females or males? How do your genes identify with sex?
I never said that there wasn't any environmental stimuli. In fact I stated multiple times that I realized I was aroused by boys when I was younger, an arousal that did not occur with girls. I accepted this as normal and natural until I got older and realized what my feelings meant wrt society and my religion as a whole. That's when my psychological problems began as I wrestled with feelings that I wanted to get rid of in order to "fit in," but could not.
This has been your argument for genetic determinism thus far. You have stated your sexual orientation is genetic thus a denial of enviromental determinism by default.
Many people have problems ajusting their sexual behaviors. This of course is not to say they can't be 100% alerted.
Such has been demonstrated within paedophiles who have engaged in such sexual orientation for a good portion of their life. It becomes addicting. This is not evidence of genetic determinism either - unless of course you want to entertain the notion that paedophilia is gentically determined among other less accepted sexual behaviors.
If there were no definition of what a male is, you would still be in your state of being would you not?
I am so tempted just to completely omitt these comments.
If there was no such thing as male;
meaning i had no inclination of myself as being different from the opposite sex (or for that matter the realization that the opposite sex exists) my sexual orientation couldn't exist. I would in no way be able to preceive the difference between myself and the other sex.
What would i be attracted to? How would i be attracted to it? How would i identify with female if i have no capacity to understand what male or female are?
This refers back to what i said about genes. How are genes aware of the sexes, sexuality, or sexual orientation? How then could they respond to enviromental simuli to single a sexual reaction to something they have the capacity to realize exists?
If there were no definition of what an itch was, it would still be there would it not? Lack of definition or understanding does not negate existence.
true. BUt it the concept did not we couldn't preceive it.
If you strip the definition of sexual orientation away they are still sexual and still expressing that sexuality.
No this isn't true. If you cut out their sexual orientation they haven't the ability to react with others in sexual encouters.