Suggestions regarding mini system


I have been contemplating building a tiny system. It would contain the essentials
HDD, CPU, RAM, Motherboard,
no CD drive and so forth.

I wanted to build it in a small case and put like a 7inch lcd into the case. As well as mounting a track ball or something on the case itself. Is this feasible? Are there any sites youguys know of, where people do this sort of stuff? I was figuring to make it a media center mainly for audio and network it to my other computers.... anyway if you have suggestions for components let me know.

I was thinking like a via C3 processor or something don't those run really cool? Passive cooling is necessary for silent operations.
How about:

AOpen "Cube Mini"

If you want to keep the cost down, a CeleronM is a more than adequate replacement over a PentiumM.

The article says March availability, but who knows if this will actually be the case? :)
I found that site which is nice.
I am now debating whether to build the LCD into the case as I originally planned. It would be far easier to not do such a thing.

I think I will wait till mini itx boards with SATA are released. (Via has one in works) The pentium M is too expensive (though boards with SATA allready exist).

Anyone know anything about the geode processors from AMD?
Now I am looking at the C3 from VIA and maybe geode.

Anyway I wanted to make it so that I could use this PC on a desk and in my car as a replacement for CD deck. I thought if I could make a design that would simply replace my double high in dash CD player I currently have it would be awesome, but that may be shooting too high. Also I wanted to use a regular HDD if possible as the 3.5" ones are way cheaper than 2.5" but that may not be possible due to space constraints.
Well I have been working out ideas on this. This is a little schematic

Anyway what I was wondering is.

If the OS (WinXP) is on a removeable USB harddrive, can I put the computer in standby and remove the drive. Then later plug it back in and make it wake up. I need to know so I can design my system in an appropriate manner.

I wanted to put this in my dash to replace my headunit, and if I do then I would like to be able to take the hardrive with me to use, but not have to shutdown the computer...