Street fighter 2 Xbl arcade Hands On

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The work-in-progress game we tried had all the content it needed, except the frame rate was shy of what we'd like it to be.


Otherwise, pretty nice to see one of the classic arcade (...revisions) on XLA. It'll be a hit. :) Now.. if they get the rest of the series on there... :LOL:

There are so many arcade games that would be nice to get up there, especially since quite a few of them are co-op. Basically they just need to look at the Mame list and start from 0 and go all the way to Z. :LOL:
What do we need need to have a 2d game running in 720p ??? Of course you have to rewrite the sprites, but do you need a lot of memory ???
Basically the whole frame would be upscaled to 720p using whatever filter they choose, it isn't very processor intensive and I would think that it would use very little memory, basically just the original frame buffer, the HD frame and the area for the upscaling and the filter. Emulators like zsnes and mame have been doing it for years on machine packed with far less power and memory than 360.
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why on earth would the framerate be "shy of what we'd like it to be"?

how can they have framerate issues with a game like this?
rusty said:
why on earth would the framerate be "shy of what we'd like it to be"?

how can they have framerate issues with a game like this?
not really sure, even my psp emulating the old street fighter runs pretty smooth at 333mhz, the 360 should simply destroy the fps on it lol, guess its just the way they did it, maybe something in the background slowing it down?
Maybe it's lag while playing online.

rusty said:
why on earth would the framerate be "shy of what we'd like it to be"?

how can they have framerate issues with a game like this?
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