Status of Rage 3D?

I think ATi fans are demoralized. ATi getting goobled up by AMD and then many are tired of waiting on the R600. The drastic change in the ATi main site depressed a few folks too. Some people are moving to Vista and wish DX10 cards for they move as well. It all adds up. Honestly, I hope the R600 does well because competition is good for the consumer.

If the R600 does well and AMD releases a chip that is better than C2D I think things will pick up @ Rage3d.

OT: Is B3D's multi-quote system incompatible with Firefox ( It doesn't seem to work for me...

Works for me. :p

You used the icon with the quote marks on it to mark the ones you wanted to multi-quote and then hit the "Post Reply" button?
The only reason I ever visited R3D in the past was for the forum posts by the ATI staff (which, I may add sadly, rarely revealed any significant info). Which means I almost never visited any R3D content or its main site page. Reminds me of another site.

If R3D vanished, I don't think I want or need to be told.

PS. No offense to ex-R3D staff now at B3D, namely Ratchet which I never knew was at R3D.
To me Rage3D visibly started going downhill around the first few months of CCC. They deleted every thread about it, staff members started opinion polls and deleted them when they didn't generate pleasant news for ATI (and they never did). It became obvious that all that Rage3D wanted to be was a promotion machine for the greatness of ATI's corporate direction, and didn't give one shred of care for user interest whenever that happened to conflict. I think I should be compensated for viewing PR, but Rage3D never did that for me, so they can go break down for all I care.

Kinda like ATI themselves prioritized their depth of insertion into Microsoft's ass, but at least they didn't run around letting the evidence disappear.
To me Rage3D visibly started going downhill around the first few months of CCC. They deleted every thread about it, staff members started opinion polls and deleted them when they didn't generate pleasant news for ATI (and they never did). It became obvious that all that Rage3D wanted to be was a promotion machine for the greatness of ATI's corporate direction, and didn't give one shred of care for user interest whenever that happened to conflict. I think I should be compensated for viewing PR, but Rage3D never did that for me, so they can go break down for all I care.
Wow man, you really don't have a clue what you're talking about.
Actually Mark, I'm a regular at MaxPC forums, both sites, and I remember hearing about them doing that from there.
Well, I'm not sure how being a regular at some other forums gives you any insight into the goings on at Rage3D, but I was a big part of running Rage3D from well before CCC was conceived up until about 3 months ago (almost 6 years). I was also in the CCC beta program for a several years, and I can tell you with no uncertainty whatsoever that Rage3D never had any sort of working relationship with ATI, nevermind one where we did PR for them, and we certainly never deleted anti-ATI posts or anything of the sort. If you had any insight at all into how I ran Rage3D you would know exactly how absolutely ridiculous and inaccurate that post was.
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'I can tell you with no uncertainty whatsoever that ATI never had any sort of working relationship with ATI'


Might wanna change that bit.

However I do agree. Pro nVidia stuff is posted on rage and it's fine. That's one of the good things about the place. There was even a thread created asking one of the nVidia user group to return to rage after he left in a huff, and this was filled with pages full of agreement by regular forumites and ATI fanboys alike. After frequenting some of the nVidia fansites, getting on rage after buying my first ATI card was a real eye opener.

It has gone a bit to the dogs now though, but it's still better than a lot of places.
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Well, I'm not sure how being a regular at some other forums gives you any insight into the goings on at Rage3D, but I was a big part of running Rage3D from well before CCC was conceived up until about 3 months ago (almost 6 years). I was also in the CCC beta program for a several years, and I can tell you with no uncertainty whatsoever that ATI never had any sort of working relationship with ATI, nevermind one where we did PR for them, and we certainly never deleted anti-ATI posts or anything of the sort. If you had any insight at all into how I ran Rage3D you would know exactly how absolutely ridiculous and inaccurate that post was.

Please read what i said again. I said even from there I had heard about the the aforementioned happenings at Rage3d. I din't say they were true or not, just that word of it happening was something known to atleast one other forum.
Well you quoted him as if to say that you held a different opinion. You read what you said again and wonder how it could've been taken any other way. He says that the other guy doesn't know what he's talking about and you start off with 'Actually, Mark...'
Please read what i said again. I said even from there I had heard about the the aforementioned happenings at Rage3d. I din't say they were true or not, just that word of it happening was something known to atleast one other forum.

I have to concur with Mark, many of the CCC problems were well documented in the rage 3d forum, very good place to check out if others were have similiar problems with CCC.
Well you quoted him as if to say that you held a different opinion. You read what you said again and wonder how it could've been taken any other way. He says that the other guy doesn't know what he's talking about and you start off with 'Actually, Mark...'

Point taken. But the other guy was talking about thread deletions and the such. He says he doesn't know jack, to which I respond with info that such occurances had made there way to other foums about said things happening. Now, either A) one person is very good at spreading FUD, B)it really did happen and even thou he is no longer there, doesn't want word to spread further(please dont think I'm accusing him of this, just a theory) or C) the poster he responded is one of those who helped to start the FUD about said happenings other there and is simply trying to raise a fus here.

Whatever the case maybe, it either did or didn't happen. Only those directly involved will know and all the rest of us will ever have is a he said/ she said thing and sides will always be taken based on what think we know of people no matter what the truth maybe until the truth does eventualy come out. I personaly tend to believe most of the people here.

Again, Mark I am not saying the things mentioned before happened, just that word of it spread to even the MaxPC forums. I do hae an account at rage3d, i have not been there in ages, i did not go after hearing the rumors of it so therefore i have no way of standing on the matter what so ever other than the word of it being spread about.
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The only thing I recall was they made a policy that they weren't going to allow members to flame ATI staff that were taking the time to try to address people's issues on the forum. Some people find that offensive and will start throwing around accusations of being suppressed by Nazis or whatever if you don't allow them to have vitriolic hissy fits repeatedly. So that's probably where that story came from.

Actually, "made a policy" is probably not the right way to look at. They communicated that ATI staff who posted there were entitled to the same protections and considerations that would be accorded any other member, and then enforced it.

At least that's my memory, but surely Mark would know the ins and outs better than I.
The only thing I recall was they made a policy that they weren't going to allow members to flame ATI staff that were taking the time to try to address people's issues on the forum. Some people find that offensive and will start throwing around accusations of being suppressed by Nazis or whatever if you don't allow them to have vitriolic hissy fits repeatedly. So that's probably where that story came from.

Actually, "made a policy" is probably not the right way to look at. They communicated that ATI staff who posted there were entitled to the same protections and considerations that would be accorded any other member, and then enforced it.

At least that's my memory, but surely Mark would know the ins and outs better than I.

That would for sure cause the rumors that spread about and I heard from another forum.
That would for sure cause the rumors that spread about and I heard from another forum.

"I .. I hear these rumors.. <pause> on the internets..." G.W. Bush

The only person possibly responsible for this would be Vengeance... One of the few persons actually enforcing the rules and closing threads that got out of hand .. after a fair amount of warnings.
Rage3D mods are cakewalk compared to the moderators here.. how many people over here actually start their first post with a lot of big bold red capital letters and have their posts survive? The only reason people would get their threads deleted would be that they're the umpteenth person creating a thread about CCC crashing after installation.
I think if hardware and software trends continue as they are, brand-based fansites will have no future. used to be a regular stop for me, but now the front page has basically turned into "deals". It's funny because "Deals" is the section I usually visit Rage3D for these days.

I think with the shorter product cycles and constant volleying for performance crowns (by the slimmest of margins), brand loyalty is diminishing. 3DGPU, another brand-specific site that I've visited for years, now only has the faintest pulse of life in its forums, while the front page has gone unupdated for months. In the community, we noticed how quickly the flavor of the month changed, going from AXP to Northwood to A64 to C2D, and R3x0 to NV40 to R420 to G70 to R580 to G80, and when the answer to the question of "what should I get?" can be answered with "it doesn't really matter", hardware enthusiasm in general declines.

If we start getting software that really stresses our systems to the max (instead of running just as well on a 4 year old 3.2GHz P4 as on a C2D X6800), and shows the clear superiority of one brand's technology over another, things may pick up for the hardware industry, review sites, and community discussions.
Well, I'm not sure how being a regular at some other forums gives you any insight into the goings on at Rage3D, but I was a big part of running Rage3D from well before CCC was conceived up until about 3 months ago (almost 6 years). I was also in the CCC beta program for a several years, and I can tell you with no uncertainty whatsoever that Rage3D never had any sort of working relationship with ATI, nevermind one where we did PR for them, and we certainly never deleted anti-ATI posts or anything of the sort. If you had any insight at all into how I ran Rage3D you would know exactly how absolutely ridiculous and inaccurate that post was.
Rage3D certainly did exactly that. If you don't remember seeing that you either weren't paying much attention or you forgot.
Point taken. But the other guy was talking about thread deletions and the such. He says he doesn't know jack, to which I respond with info that such occurances had made there way to other foums about said things happening. Now, either A) one person is very good at spreading FUD, B)it really did happen and even thou he is no longer there, doesn't want word to spread further(please dont think I'm accusing him of this, just a theory) or C) the poster he responded is one of those who helped to start the FUD about said happenings other there and is simply trying to raise a fus here.
I've been there ffs. I have (or had?) an account at Rage3D, and I even posted in some of those threads that now no longer exist.
The final nail instance was one of the threads that asked "Where's the CCC poll gone?" -- which was a good question as the thread had been, err, popular -- that got answered by a mod with "Deleted by the same person who opened it" (which was, tada, a mod), then closed, and before two days disappeared entirely.
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Rage3D certainly did exactly that. If you don't remember seeing that you either weren't paying much attention or you forgot.I've been there ffs. I have (or had?) an account at Rage3D, and I even posted in some of those threads that now no longer exist.
The final nail instance was one of the threads that asked "Where's the CCC poll gone?" -- which was a good question as the thread had been, err, popular -- that got answered by a mod with "Deleted by the same person who opened it" (which was, tada, a mod), then closed, and before two days disappeared entirely.

Hmm.. Maaaaaaaaybe you should've read the forum rules first? It's more a case of putting coal on the fire when you see a thread deleted (because it's the 7th same thread that day) and then asking questions about it. if you PM a mod they'll probably place a sticky and get over with it..
To me Rage3D visibly started going downhill around the first few months of CCC. They deleted every thread about it, staff members started opinion polls and deleted them when they didn't generate pleasant news for ATI (and they never did). It became obvious that all that Rage3D wanted to be was a promotion machine for the greatness of ATI's corporate direction, and didn't give one shred of care for user interest whenever that happened to conflict.

Ironic, given my banning for towing the corporate line ;) I would say the opposite is true now. The site has as much to do with ATI now as nvnews does, IMO.