Star Wars question: what order to watch them in after EP3?


After watching the Episode 3 trailer today (about which there was suprisingly little on these boards) I was wondering: if someone had never seen any of the films and didn't know the story, in which order would you advise him/her to watch them in? Old trilogy first, the way we all saw it, or new trilogy first to get the timeline in the movies correct?

Ultimately, I think the only real reason to watch the oldies first would be to maintain the "I am your father" moment. But I think this could still be a decent scene anyway because the audience would now be in on it with Vader.

I still sugest 4,5,6 then 1,2,3

Its kinda cool jumping bakc and seeing what brought everything to the state it was in eps 4,5,6

As for th etrailer , i'm not hyping myself up , i'm waiting and i will go see it , i'm hoping with no hype the movie will be better for me heh
For a complete newbie, since the first 3 episodes exist.. watch them first.

It really kills the mystique of everything in the later chapters, though. Thanks George.
silence said:
1 and 2 were POS....i hold my hopes for 3 very low... :?

I think thats why I believe Episode 3 will be good. In comparison to episodes 4,5 and 6, episodes 1 and 2 have been pretty poor, now that most people have low expectations of Episode 3, the film will seem better than we expected. :p
I tried getting my wife to watch 4,5,6 so we could go out and watch 1 in the theaters. She fell asleep after 20 minutes, ended up going with some buds to the movie while she and their wives/girlfriends shopped. :?

Please keep in mind that GL is planning on revisiting episode 4 and adding more content.

Please keep in mind that GL is planning on revisiting episode 4 and adding more content.
again ? Damn by the time i have kids 4,5,6 wont even exist , they will have just been remade
jvd said:
Please keep in mind that GL is planning on revisiting episode 4 and adding more content.
again ? Damn by the time i have kids 4,5,6 wont even exist , they will have just been remade
Im still pissed at the fact he wont put back the original cantina scene. But yeah he is planning on

Spoiler Alert
spoiler said:
Adding queen amidiba(sp?) and jar jar!!!!
damn , i guess i need to transfer my originals from tape to dvd by myself before the tapes go bad
jvd said:
damn , i guess i need to transfer my originals from tape to dvd by myself before the tapes go bad
Im hoping people with the original footage edit future dvd releases back to the way they were created.

Ill keep an open mind first and see if the changes were for the better, but they should include a way to watch how it was originally filmed on the dvd too.

what i don't understand is why he wont release both. Put standard and extended . I would most likely buy both heh . But i want to be able to show my little cousins the old movies like i saw them
Reminds me of that South Park episode, where George Lucas and Steven Spielberg change all the weapons in Star Wars, Indiana Jones and Saving Private Ryan into walky talkies. :p
That episode has actually some truth to it. In ET the police had setup a roadblock to stop ET and that little brat from getting away on a bicycle and they were armed with shotguns. This was later changed to, you guessed it, Walkie-talkies.
I think 4, 2, 3, 6, 5, 1 is the best order. The whole thing is a big pile of shit so it won't make any difference. It might actually make more sense like that.
london-boy said:
I think 4, 2, 3, 6, 5, 1 is the best order. The whole thing is a big pile of shit so it won't make any difference. It might actually make more sense like that.

ROFL..... or make small random generator for watching.... that way you might discover some *gasp* new thing (ya, sure).
silence said:
london-boy said:
I think 4, 2, 3, 6, 5, 1 is the best order. The whole thing is a big pile of shit so it won't make any difference. It might actually make more sense like that.

ROFL..... or make small random generator for watching.... that way you might discover some *gasp* new thing (ya, sure).

Or, even better, have a 6-disc DVD charger player thing and randomise the chapters, so it's like D3-C12, D6-C4, D1-C9.... That would maybe make more sense than the real thing.
london-boy said:
Or, even better, have a 6-disc DVD charger player thing and randomise the chapters, so it's like D3-C12, D6-C4, D1-C9.... That would maybe make more sense than the real thing.

you should patent that as "Star Wars Roulette" and make shitload of cash on copyright. :LOL: