I found the quality of the film to be consistent and over time better than Prometheus where the crew was even dumber in retrospect. Alien Covenant had the mood I wanted in Prometheus over the full time.
The "fans" are angry because David creates the alien. It would take away the mystical from the alien. Many were also upset about the Medichloreans in STAR WARS. I don't understand why something like this can make people upset (I even like the idea). I don't think Ridley Scott destroyed the Alien brand with the movie in fact the film was a perfect match for the Alien brand and even better than Aliens. Alone the opening scene where David talks to Weyland and realizes that he is superior to his creator was excellent. Many spectators say "its boring". They also say that they should have worn helmets which would be logical but then the viewer wouldn't see the faces as well and I've never heard someone complain that Kirk, Picard etc. didn't have helmets on other planets.
"Elizabeth Shaw would have been missing...." I thought it was great that David took "care of her" in time so I wasn't disturbed by her annoying presence.
Many also did not like the representation of the alien. It would not be good to see and CGI. I found it to be perfect in the movie and better than it was shown in Aliens and so on. How could the alien have hidden on the platform and attacke it unseen? Especially since Scott himself said in the commentary that it wasn't an ingenious idea of him that the alien was rarely seen in Alien but that it happened because of technical difficulties. The suit was too bulky and so on. How should the alien move credebly as a doll? That would look a lot worse and in the first Alien movie there is also a scene where one could see it as a whole (airlock at the end) and I didn't find it convincing. CGI is clearly better in such cases. Why is it being claimed that the alien in Covenant is embarrassing?
I think we've got the best alien shot ever.
There is other illogical criticism of Covanant when the critics point to Alien and Aliens. Where were the great characters in Alien and Aliens? Where is the deep personality of the "black", "thin" and "woman with short hair" in Alien? The skinny guy and the black guy just wanted more money. What's the story with Ripley? What are the motivations of the characters apart from survival? In Covenant they have at least a background story and besides it is not primarily about the crew of the Covenant but David. David is very interesting and Fassbender is one of my favorite actors.
The captain in Covenant whom I personally found quite interesting and of whom I would have liked to know more about ("I met the devil as a child" etc.) was stupid in alien egg scene but for me it is still half understandable. He was curious and saw no danger from the egg because they waited "for mom". Besides in Alien the guy also bent over the egg.
The Alien isn't creepy and mysterious? Where were the aliens in Aliens so dangerous if they were just stupid cannon fodder?
In Alien Covenant the acting was good, the action scenes were amazing, the strange world was present and there were unexpected events. The visual style was amazingly good. For me, this is one of the visual highlights of the last few years. I also like the symbolism, the cursed planet, that many topics like fascism, religion, Frankenstein, dusty empires etc. are addressed. Plus Wagner music. That's what I call a lot of culture in a horror movie while Disney produces the same over and over.
I hope that Scott can still make his movies but the "fans" in the internet think he should leave and Disney should make the movies without him and even remove Prometheus and Covenant from cannon. The reason why Alien Covenant doesn't had the huge box office is the fact that people want to see "Happy Ends" in Blockbuster movies and especially not as dark movies as Covenant. Once they get rid of Ridley Scott Alien will just gonna be mainstream family movies where we've already seen a preview in the Alien vs. Predator movies.
And even that is more exciting than Marvel/Avenger movie fighting scenes.