Star Wars Battlefront II (SW:BF2) [PC]

Here is a review:

Talking about how the p2w progress system helped him gain his lvls so fast and how he dominated the games as a star fighter...and most likely continue to dominate as the progress system is so slow for those that don‘t spend another 90$ on mt.

(Since when is 90$ „micro“???)

Since forever. Microtransactions refer to the amount of each individual transaction.

As has been the case for many years, however, nothing prevents someone from dropping thousands of dollars into a game. This happens quite frequently with mobile games where most people don't spend money, but some people spend 100's and 1000's of dollars despite each transaction only costing 1-5 USD (an then of course the spend 100 USD and get X bonus items!!!).

Pay2Win is still bad design though. Pay for appearance or things to make gameplay a little more convenient is the way to go.

Posting because it's funny

Ugh its so beautiful, I really want to be able to experience that but I don't think I can ever enjoy such super-fast gameplay :no:
I have already described many problems in the BETA from which the quoted ones are still relevant.
On some points, however, Battlepoint is annoying. The player gets battle points through different actions and only when he dies he can use them in the round. Only then he can select additional classes such as a vehicle, SBD, or a hero/rogue like Darth Maul.
As soon as the player has 5000 points at the end of a round he wants to die voluntarily so the points can be redeemed. The majority of the players have the most points towards the end of the round. Here the crowds are the highest during the beginning hardly one creates many points. If someone has 5000 points the motivation to aim for the objectives declines when the team almost wins. Finally, he could unleash Rey. When the round is over the player always starts at 0 Battlepoints. The system should consider it and half of the points may be taken to the next round. It is also important that the player can move back to change the class. For example, it would be useful for him to hold down a key for 15 seconds to use the class. This would be a better alternative to dying.

In addition, only the best players usually get the popular game characters like Rey, Darth Maul etc. However in BATTLEFRONT I this was random because a Token appeared somewhere on the map. For a N00b the probability is low that he can get characters like Rey.

As a vehicle player in games like Battlefield or BATTLEFRONT 1 I get vehicles only rarely in BATTLEFRONT II. In BATTLEFRONT and Battlefield 1, however, I can get some if I want it.

Each time the player spwans with different players and that every time he dies. This is especially disturbing when the officer class which promotes teamplay is selected. If the group members are dead he can not upgrade their abilities and which they can particularly reinforce. The player is only together for one life with the same people.

There are also some issues with the map design because I finde many of them not as good as in BATTLEFRONT 2015. There are too many tight spots. Some maps even get ridiculous with 40 players. A lot of maps start open but later they are only small areas and as far as I remember there is no map which only has large areas/battlefields. From all maps I've played Mos Eisley is by far the worst. In BATTLEFRONT 2015 small maps were the exception in the 40 player mode. Endor often plays at night (as far as I know there are two times of the day for each map) which can be disorienting because it is already a confusing map. The maps in this game have too many close combat infantry areas but no large battle grounds.
Sometimes there are spaceships on one side but not on the other. In general spaceships annoy me in games where one player can hardly do anything against them as ground unit. In Battlefield 1 air vehicles are implemented well but in BATTLEFRONT 2015 and BATTLEFRONT II they are not.
Then the hero offer is very questionable. Who knows Bossk? Where are Obi-Wan Kenobi, Grievous, Qui-Gon Jinn, Count Dooku, Jar Jar Binks etc. Other game modes like Heroes vs. Rogues are not good that is just meaningless button pressing.
In generally I am not a fan of unlocking objects in such games because I just want great maps and good gameplay but it is better tho offer this with microtransactions than to split the player base by DLC maps.

It's been a lot of fun since I've unlocked a gun after 50 kills with precision guns. Although I'm disappointed that the game rather offers smaller battles compared to BATTLEFRONT 2015 where it felt like a gigantic battle. Theed, Hoth and Kashyyyk feel the most like the BATTLEFRONT 2015 maps whereby this only applies for the first half of Theed.

The graphics is better than I expected after Battlefield 1 but BATTLEFRONT II needs a high pixel count. Hopefully they will reduce the pop ups on PC at maxes setting because for the most part it looks very good but of course no Ghost Recon Wildlands level which exceeds anything by far. Nevertheless, the PC version of BATTLEFRONT II is one of the best-looking games. I am also glad that they listened and removed all of those previously mentioned ugly looking post processing effects.
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As a huge STAR WARS fan I prefer BATTLEFRONT I and II over the bad movies Disney produced. The site states that Disney wants a new SAR WARS game every year.

Disney is getting more and more annoying for me especially since they got the Alien franchise. To me their movies are almost all the same I can barely tell them apart. Who watches something like Age of Ultron twice? If they let someone else do the next Alien movies instead of Ridley Scott I will get furious. In my opinion, Alien Covenant is a masterpiece and the second-best alien film after the original Alien.
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I found the quality of the film to be consistent and over time better than Prometheus where the crew was even dumber in retrospect. Alien Covenant had the mood I wanted in Prometheus over the full time.


The "fans" are angry because David creates the alien. It would take away the mystical from the alien. Many were also upset about the Medichloreans in STAR WARS. I don't understand why something like this can make people upset (I even like the idea). I don't think Ridley Scott destroyed the Alien brand with the movie in fact the film was a perfect match for the Alien brand and even better than Aliens. Alone the opening scene where David talks to Weyland and realizes that he is superior to his creator was excellent. Many spectators say "its boring". They also say that they should have worn helmets which would be logical but then the viewer wouldn't see the faces as well and I've never heard someone complain that Kirk, Picard etc. didn't have helmets on other planets.

"Elizabeth Shaw would have been missing...." I thought it was great that David took "care of her" in time so I wasn't disturbed by her annoying presence.

Many also did not like the representation of the alien. It would not be good to see and CGI. I found it to be perfect in the movie and better than it was shown in Aliens and so on. How could the alien have hidden on the platform and attacke it unseen? Especially since Scott himself said in the commentary that it wasn't an ingenious idea of him that the alien was rarely seen in Alien but that it happened because of technical difficulties. The suit was too bulky and so on. How should the alien move credebly as a doll? That would look a lot worse and in the first Alien movie there is also a scene where one could see it as a whole (airlock at the end) and I didn't find it convincing. CGI is clearly better in such cases. Why is it being claimed that the alien in Covenant is embarrassing?

I think we've got the best alien shot ever.

There is other illogical criticism of Covanant when the critics point to Alien and Aliens. Where were the great characters in Alien and Aliens? Where is the deep personality of the "black", "thin" and "woman with short hair" in Alien? The skinny guy and the black guy just wanted more money. What's the story with Ripley? What are the motivations of the characters apart from survival? In Covenant they have at least a background story and besides it is not primarily about the crew of the Covenant but David. David is very interesting and Fassbender is one of my favorite actors.

The captain in Covenant whom I personally found quite interesting and of whom I would have liked to know more about ("I met the devil as a child" etc.) was stupid in alien egg scene but for me it is still half understandable. He was curious and saw no danger from the egg because they waited "for mom". Besides in Alien the guy also bent over the egg.

The Alien isn't creepy and mysterious? Where were the aliens in Aliens so dangerous if they were just stupid cannon fodder?

In Alien Covenant the acting was good, the action scenes were amazing, the strange world was present and there were unexpected events. The visual style was amazingly good. For me, this is one of the visual highlights of the last few years. I also like the symbolism, the cursed planet, that many topics like fascism, religion, Frankenstein, dusty empires etc. are addressed. Plus Wagner music. That's what I call a lot of culture in a horror movie while Disney produces the same over and over.

I hope that Scott can still make his movies but the "fans" in the internet think he should leave and Disney should make the movies without him and even remove Prometheus and Covenant from cannon. The reason why Alien Covenant doesn't had the huge box office is the fact that people want to see "Happy Ends" in Blockbuster movies and especially not as dark movies as Covenant. Once they get rid of Ridley Scott Alien will just gonna be mainstream family movies where we've already seen a preview in the Alien vs. Predator movies.

And even that is more exciting than Marvel/Avenger movie fighting scenes.
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Star Wars is in a bad place because the last jedi is a terrible movie that pretty much breaks canon with the force awakens and the rest of the saga, which broke apart their fandom and the multi-billion dollar merchandising business.

Power tripping child Rian Johnson being a terrible director fed by terrible producer Kathleen Kennedy has little to do with Disney wanting a Star Wars film every year.
The MCU has been doing exactly that and they're as good as they've ever been.
Star Wars is in a bad place because the last jedi is a terrible movie that pretty much breaks canon with the force awakens and the rest of the saga, which broke apart their fandom and the multi-billion dollar merchandising business.

Power tripping child Rian Johnson being a terrible director fed by terrible producer Kathleen Kennedy has little to do with Disney wanting a Star Wars film every year.
The MCU has been doing exactly that and they're as good as they've ever been.

Shhhhh, The Last Jedi wasn't a bad movie according the director. It's just that all the misogynists can't handle more females being in the movie. :p Anyone that doesn't like the movie is a misogynist according to him. o_O

I really hate when people break that out as an excuse for a bad movie not being bad. Plenty of people that love women as main protagonists in movies hated The Last Jedi.

Are you suggesting that Last Jedi is bad because muddle-headed women caused the plot to be nonsense? :LOL:

Bits of it were great, sadly massively overshadowed by completely stupid illogical poop.
Same does apply to Force Awakens also.

And well, all the new Alien movies too :rolleyes: visually great, plot is pure poop.
My memory of the terrible AvP movies is fundamentally vastly more positive than those.

There's just no good way EA will be able to spin this..
The world really has gone insane when EA is getting panned & threatened to lose a franchise for failing to release yearly games :runaway:

If it was up to me, first thing on the list would be re-makes of X-wing, Tie fighter & X-wing Alliance.
Battlefront quality graphics, upgrade to mouse control, optional 3rd-person view, old-style plot/difficulty :love:

Second would be probably another Jedi Knight because, well lightsabres.

Rebellion 2, with modern graphics & actually functional GUI, that could be amazing...

Then built on those you can have new versions in the RoTJ-Force Awakens gap that explain WTF happened.
Are you suggesting that Last Jedi is bad because muddle-headed women caused the plot to be nonsense?
I think it's a reference to JJ Abrams recently coming up in an interview claiming TLJ critics feel threatened by women.

If it was up to me, first thing on the list would be re-makes of X-wing, Tie fighter & X-wing Alliance.
Battlefront quality graphics, upgrade to mouse control, optional 3rd-person view, old-style plot/difficulty
Second would be probably another Jedi Knight because, well lightsabres.

Game production in EA isn't dependent on what gamers want, it's dependent on how far you can monetize each game.
Space shooters and story-driven single player adventures are hard to monetize, so EA wouldn't spend a cent making those.

With this mind, I'll be really glad if Disney takes away EA's exclusivity. At least Ubisoft is still making single-player games like Assassin's Creed.
At first I thought: What kind of crap is this new Ewok game mode? But the Ewok mode in BATTLEFRONT II becomes like the amazing Infestation mode in AVP! The game starts with 2 Ewok players and around 18 players as a Stormtrooper. When an Ewok player kills a Stormtrooper he becomes an Ewok too and so on. This could be extremely exciting and kind of creepy. Infestation was the game mode where I got the highest pulse.

When I heard that the mode is only temporary I was very disappointed.
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Wow that is a really stupid game mode. Infestation at least makes some sense as players get infected and turn into another infected person.

I can't even enunciate just how stupid sounding this mode is. :)

Especially when you consider in the films, you needed multiple ewoks + traps just to take down a single trooper. All I can think of when seeing this is, WTF?

Wow that is a really stupid game mode. Infestation at least makes some sense as players get infected and turn into another infected person.

I can't even enunciate just how stupid sounding this mode is. :)

Especially when you consider in the films, you needed multiple ewoks + traps just to take down a single trooper. All I can think of when seeing this is, WTF?

Yeah it needed to be more asymmetric with swarms of the annoying little furry Ewoks.
And with some cool traps.
Maybe better as a survival mode getting to landing zones in a certain time limit and with cues if careful to the traps and trail/positioning of Ewoks, ah well it is not that though.