Star Citizen, Roberts Space Industries - Chris Roberts' life support and retirement fund [2012-]

Compared to other CitizenCons there was a lot more talking this time. The level of information was high but most of the time the event was not as spectacular as previous ones. In general, however, one also has to realise that they show much stuff every week in Inside Star Citizen and therefore there is less left over for big presentations.

Here are the most important notes from two of the presentations.

Alpha 3.15 will have a hybrid renderer that combines old and new code.
When they have reworked everything there will be no more hybrid code and their Gen12 renderer will come online with DX11.
After that they will implement the Gen12 renderer into Vulkan and the player can choose between DX11 and Vulkan.
When most of the the bugs are gone they switch completely to Vulkan and will work on optimizing multi core.

After the CPU optimisations are done they will work on graphics optimisations like DLSS/FSR, A-Sync Compute, Variable Rate Shading. When this is done they will look into graphics improvements like Mesh Shader/Primitive Shader and Raytracing for GI, reflections and shadows.

CIGs Gen12 renderer will improve the the visuals with more details/better streaming/scaling and less compromises and performance. It will give the delevopers more freedem when creating techniques.

They implemented dynamic tesselation which increases triangle count before the resolution state occurs. The new tesselation replaces the per pixel technique they used before.
They are using tesselation at ground scale and large scale propsoals. On gorund this increases performance by tracing from camera to the surface. From distance it improves terrain/ocean intersection.
They worked on the tools and therefore they will spawm assets that fit the temperature and environment. Costlines were also improved and rivers will appear in the future.

Trough tools most of the stuff in the settlemens like the one from the main demo can be created witn a few klicks.

I'll do the other panels later. Otherwise it will be too much for me all at once.

as we get to the anniversary date of the kickstarter / crowd funding its sad that SQ42 is no where to be seen .

They didn't show anything from Squadron 42 but many elements are used for both games. After the Cyberpunk 2077 release disaster Chris Roberts made it clear that he would show less and only release the game if he liked everything. The current state of development can be seen here and they are also releasing a report every month:

Are those commercials advertised as "in engine"?

These spaceship advertisements run on advertising screens in the game. The only video where I think it is not created inengine is this.
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They didn't show anything from Squadron 42 but many elements are used for both games. After the Cyberpunk 2077 release disaster Chris Roberts made it clear that he would show less and only release the game if he liked everything. The current state of development can be seen here and they are also releasing a report every month:

These spaceship advertisements run on advertising screens in the game. The only video where I think it is not created inengine is this.

Right after the cyberpunk disaster . Which was what 8 years into development of a game that was supposed to take 2 ? Then we were told it would be out the end of 2016 which was 4 years into development. Ben said that he played sq42 years ago. So where is it.

how many more years is this farce going to go on for. We are getting into the longest development cycles that any game has had. I think top 3 now
Dont worry in 5 years time development will be contracted to Gearbox Software who will complete it within 6 months :runaway:
Fun fact: Embracer paid roughly as much outright (stock + cash, not counting future performance based clauses) for the Gearbox Entertainment companies as Star Citizen had raised from the public to date (not counting institutional investors).
At least those clouds look absolutely amazing...
The only problem is, if you want your clouds to go with a side of actual game with them.

If they deliver the networking/server upgrades (server messing or whatever they call it) by mid 2022, (at least I think that is what their roadmap says), I'll bite.
Dont worry in 5 years time development will be contracted to Gearbox Software who will complete it within 6 months :runaway:

Nah MS will come in and buy them and release the game like they did with freelancer lol. Buy them and the flight simulator devs and put the flight sim devs in charge and combine tech.
Didnt they also do that with starlancer I do remember it was also published by MS

Do Star citizen players want that level of realism?

You might be right that it was star lancer that they took over. Its been a long time but it was one of his games and then he fled to hollywood where he failed and then he came back to games where he tried to make his hollywood dreams come true.

I think star citizen players would be fine with it , they are all going nuts over cloud tech.
He split Digital Anvil during Freelancer's development and I think that was his main focus. The talk in articles of the time was MS was focused on getting Freelancer back on track.

I'm fairly certain there are juicy articles about all of it but I don't remember anything specifically.
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Two of my work buddies started playing this and they seem to enjoy themselves. Both got the starter pack but they know people with bigger ships.

Yeah, I know quite a few people that enjoy playing Star Citizen as well. A couple of them go really hard into Role-Playing in SC. They were inspired to do that after watching some streams where the streamers Role-Play heavily whenever they play SC.

Alpha 3.15 has been released:

Patch Notes

Star Citizen developer plans 1000-person Manchester mega studio:
I don't quite understand. Currently they have 750 employees. That would be over 600 new employees in the UK alone. Probably other jobs are linked to this like cleaning etc. They also have a new external studio in Canada.

Easy Anti-Cheat Coming in Alpha 3.15.1:

I have not read this long text yet but from the long server meshing presentation from CitizenCon one can take out that they mainly talked about how they store data which is a problem where ready-made solutions can be buyed. They did not say much about the actual meshing but their architecture with this replication layer looks more like a star and less like a mesh. The fact that they plan with shards could mean that they have given up the goal of a single fully persistent universe.

Not even on 2028 home-hardware i guess.

Areas with a lot of handwork already look very good. If they implement DLSS and a lot of ray tracing, you generally get closer. But I also have to say that this trailer is so far the most beautiful thing I have seen from SC.

I also bought the 400i. The interior space is used perfectly. Every square centimetre fits. Unfortunately, due SSR the highly reflective environment has more artefacts than other spaceships. It will look much better with ray tracing reflections.
They are now giving away an extra ship with the starter package
What is the referral bonus?
The referral bonus gives you a free ship for getting new players into Star Citizen. This time, you and the players you refer get an Argo MPUV-1C each. The bonus is granted when a new player uses your referral code and pledges for a starter pack or ship (minimum $40) on the Pledge Store.

The usual referral bonuses apply too, including 5000 aUEC and a point in the regular Referral Program.

This bonus promotion runs until December 1st.

If anyone is curious about the game let someone with a referral code know , might as well maximize what you get.

Looks like its a small cargo ship

The MPUV Cargo - Roberts Space Industries | Follow the development of Star Citizen and Squadron 42