You didn't post any technical considerations but just posted, "look at these lovely pictures," and spammed a truckload of screenshots, which is what I expressly said don't do.
But this discussion is getting too much for this thread so I'll move it out to the SC thread.
Edit: Having moved the posts...
Some of your images aren't bad, though they're in no way superior to the other game examples. Some, like this, are weak.
Shading is very poor. Clear instanced trees, no tree shadows, no secondary illumination in the shadow-side of the rocks. Doesn't look at all realistic. Likewise, this one isn't doing anything every other forest-containing game hasn't been doing for years.
There are way better foliage examples across dozens of games. This is very flatly shaded with simple looking shaders.
Among the better looking images, they're not doing anything more than anything else. Death Stranding has great terrain lighting with solidly composited detailing. It's only fall-down is the shadowing on vegetation. The lighting in the shadowed side of the terrain is superb.
I hadn't actually looked that much at DS screenshots, but it's actually pretty phenomenal. When you consider it's rendering on a 4 TF PS4 and is created by a far smaller team than CIG, it shows the difference on developer quality and why CIG's brute-force strategy is uninspiring to a lot of us. Note DS is just one example. There are other games (though different graphical content so not comparable) which also push the envelope in terms of rendering quality far more successfully than SC, both cross-platform titles and other exclusives, so it's nothing to do with exclusives. Heck, DS is quite possibly coming to PC anyway!