Spare $60 !!

No matter how much fun you've had Jaeyden I think it's widely acknowledged you have a problem. :p

But seriously, even if you (OP) don't get into it as much as some people - and just dip in & out - it never feels old. Old as in you'd have had enough of it. Well that's how it feels to me at least.

Ignoring MGS4 and all the others you might purchase, if you do go for this let us know and I'll happily increase my K/D ratio... I mean give you some limited pointers.
Just surpassed one hour trying to game with a buddy. Firstly his custom server didn't allow unbalanced teams so we could play on the same side. then his second server didn't either. Here's the trick - saving a Map Rotation List doesn't just save the list of maps to be played but actually saves the Advanced Server options too. They don't tell you that bit. And then we decided to try an official game, joined, and there was no voice chat. None. Nada. So we're on the same team but playing completely independently. And there's no way t say 'hey, let's try a different server.' I did try some others, which had working voice-chat, in the hopes if I joined he'd follow, but Warhawk crashed and froze the PS3. Matey's PS3 froze too, requiring a power switch-off to reset.

Yes, I'm ranting, but when I get some recreational time, I want to spend it recreating, not hitting frustrating and obvious problems that have existed for ages yet don't get fixed!

Warhawk is a very good game in that style. I've spent well over 20 hours playing casually. that'll be over 50 in the long run, I'm sure. It's a good dip-in game not needing a heavy time commitment, and you can keep coming back for more. I'm still learning new tricks and improving. I agree with slider that it doesn't get old. I don't think there's anything out there with the same mix of vehicles and ground combat. As long as you just want to run around killing folk on your own, it's great. If you're looking for effective coop though, expect a world of hurt...
For co-op you really need to find a headset. And failing that a clan. Ideally both.

As for the game feeling fresh - the Broken Mirror update gave it a real boost (you'll find you have preferences for certain maps). BM is my flavour of the month!

Shifty, I think the servers were down earlier today (or was it yesterday?). Your issues may be a by-product of whatever that downtime was for. PS3 on modern HDTV - I've turned to the Dark Side doesn't come without it's hiccups it seems. :)
I Think ratchet was a good game, maybe a little easy, but that made it more relaxing than any thing, that was after I changed the control scheme...
I love these kind of threads. They always make me think about why I really love certain games. I said GTAIV earlier but the more I think about it the more I want to say R & C or COD4. GTAIV is freaking awesome, fun and all around impressive but I played through R & C three times. I only stopped trying to get 100% because Home got delayed, so I put it on hold 'till Trophies manifest themselves (one way or another). I did start a second play through of COD4 last week. I had forgotten just how photo-realistic the graphics are...WOW..and the fire fights are SO intense. I played the multiplayer for a few hours and got myself up to level 8, got some cool perks and I'm sure I will be playing more of it.


:LOL: I won't deny it slider :LOL:
@Jaeyeden: Exactly the thing you said about GTA4 and R&C. I am confused ! My roomie is pushing for GTA4 and i am dwindling on R&C ! Funny, coz usually we always agree when it comes to games!;) He is asking for GTA just so that he can chk out their implementation of open world. As for me , I don't get any fun out of roaming around aimlessly and shooting people and laughing. For me the mission needs to have sense of urgency and then completion which was missing in San Andreas where I was supposed to "Spray paint 5 spots on the walls before the cops arrive" and then "Burn the weed before the cops arrive" I was like WTF???!?!:devilish: I have better things to do in life. After those two missions I never played San Andreas again.

If the missions are more worthwhile and serious this time around I might take the bait. I , somewhat liked Assassins, but it turned repetitive.
Buy the one you want to play and replay, rent the one you intend to check out only :)

I spent lot's of time fooling around in Liberty City initially, but I never quite get into the full game. I quit and saved when a chic in the game called to ask for a date. Now whenever I start it up, she'd SMS me for a date. Everytime she does that, she reminds me that I should spend more time with my wife, and I'd promptly switch off the PS3 and leave the office. :LOL:

When I return, I'd swap the disc out for RFOM until I think of GTA4 again, and the cycle repeats itself (for the past 4-5 times).
I've got nearly every game that's come out on the PS3 (apart from Turning point... shite), and the two games I constantly put back on are Uncharted and Ratchet. Go Ratchet... If you hate it I'll refund you!
I figured I'd add to this rather than start my own thread.

So I got an Elite to play GTA IV and just recently picked up Halo 3.

I must say, as a fan of the Halo franchise, I feel Halo 3 lacking. I've only gotten through the very first save point and I'm bored. It's a pretty game, but I can't stand the marines and Arbiter constantly jumping in front of me and shield my enemies from my fire. I also think the weapons just don't 'feel' right. Maybe it'll get better, or maybe I'll just give up on the campaign and see if Live! is enough to save the game.

So.. I need another game. I was looking for something a bit more 'realistic', or maybe just a FPS to go along with my GTAIV blood baths. I can't really care about dying in GTA IV, so I was looking for something where I can ruthlessly slaughter people and cause large glorious explosions but at the same time, fear for my life.

So.. what do you suggest? COD4? R6LV2? Gears of War? Am I missing an important title?

I also noticed that the awesome zombie game has gone platinum hits so I'll pick that up if I can find a copy.

Other suggestions?
RancidLunchmeat, get Gears and Crackdown, the two best 360 titles. And yes Halo 3 was kind of boring, lucky co-op makes any game more fun.
Thanks Doc.

I just got done playing the Bioshock demo and is the rest of the game as good as the demo? It looks like it should from the preview at the end of the demo, but I'd like other's opinions.

Because that demo was just about the best thing I've played in probably a decade or so. Since the first System Shock or the first Deus Ex. It had me hooked in the very beginning sitting in the water watching the plane slowly sink and then entering this crazy world that some psycho Captain Nemo type guy created... it was just glorious.

Is Crackdown a sand-box type game?
The Bioshock demo is one of the best game demos ever. The game does not hold up as well as the demo, but it's still a good game. It just get repetitive about half way through and then trudges along for another 10 hours.

Crackdown is a comic book style sand-box game where you play a super cop. After your guy powers up he can leap from building to building and throw trucks. It's a pretty cool game, but it's made for co-op, the ultimate buddy game. Two super cops taking out hundreds of bad guys. The story is a bit light, but the gameplay is better than most "10/10" games.
Thanks again, Doc.

Is Crackdown the one that was 'downgraded' (in terms of relevant sales) because it came with the Halo3 beta subscriptions?

Is the Co-Op Live! or local?

I'm thinking about picking up Bioshock and then maybe the Orange Box for TFC. I loved the TFC mod for Half-Life, I played it for years and years, it was glorious.

I guess I have problem now though with active users, considering the game is so 'old'.

Not to put down Doc's suggestions, but does anybody else have anything to add?
Orange Box > Bioshock, everyone should own it on at least one platform.

Crackdown came with the Halo 3 beta key, which is why I ignored it so long, I thought it was a ploy to push a bad game. In reality Crackdown is a better game than Halo 3. The MP is all online though, no split-screen.
I wouldn't recommend Crackdown. While the superpowers are fun, they wear of after a short while, and the story is terrible, and the game itself is short.
I enjoyed crackdown quite a lot, suprisingly. The co-op is just very cool in it's implementation. Someone can jump in, be doing something competely independant in another part of the map or you guys can team up on missions n stuff. Very cool stuff. I'd recommend Crackdown over say Bioshock easily.