SOTC and ICO EU release dates

Shifty Geezer said:
Feburary the 17th sees the release of SOTC in Europe, plus the rerelease of ICO. Huzzah!

U mean the game i already played and finished last month, 2 months before you even see the box? :devilish:

The one i'll play a bit tonight too?

/rubbed it in
ICO is still one of the best looking gomes this generation

Those of you that remember the water next to the windmill...

You could clearly see the weather vains refections on the water while looking at the daimond clear water all the way to the bottom. The gentle movement of the tree branches...

Truly in a class by itself.
if it wasn't for the lod issues sotc gets the title. The lighting in this game was over the top. Pretty on a disk i tells ya!!