Capcom also does a breakdown by units shipped (last page) and at least they include number of titles as well.
OK this starts to make things slightly more interesting...
Data for 1H FY2010 (half ending 31/03/2010)
Sales for games came to 534,162,561 USD for 2 quarters.
PS3 (21.6%) - 115,379,113 USD
X360 (13.6%) - 72,646,108 USD
It is unfortunate that there is no breakdown for 2H FY2010 as the financial numbers are out. As well for the comparative half previous the ratio was more even. As well the predicted data for comparative half next (1H FY2011) has the ratio going back closer to to even.
Again, one of the smaller players in the market. Combined numbers for 2 quarters of PS3+X360 at least comes close to 1 quarter of Take Two. And even then Capcom itself notes that the numbers for this half are a bit of an aberration.
Also according to Their Annual Fiscal report for 2010 -
From page 30.
Our market share in Japan, North America and Europe was 6.1% (down
1.2% from the previous year), 2.6% (up 1.6 from the previous year) and 2.1%
(up 1.3% from the previous year), respectively, which illustrates an increase
in our overseas share (See Diagram 13 on next page).
Page 31 shows marketshare for the various companies. Interestingly enough it doesn't show names for NA. But does illustrate how other than Nintendo, most of the Japanese publishers are quite minor players outside of Japan. Predictably, EA, Activision and UBIsoft have the lions share of the non-Nintendo sales.
Showing that Capcom is a relatively minor player.
Sega for 1H FY 2011 (date ending 30/09/2010) -
Taking a look at Sega, as the Capcom FY 2010 annual report shows them in 6th in terms of game related revenue in Europe at least.
It's interesting to note they did poorly in Japan (18.8%) and better in NA (48.5%) and Europe (32.6%). *rounding errors and errors in the Sega Report means it doesn't add up to 100%* Anyway, this should be more interesting as they do seem to sell far more software than either Capcom or Konami.
Their 2Q results appear worse than Capcom but that's deceiving as the numbers above are for Capcom's 1H which includes the holiday season (Oct - March) while 1H Sega is the slow season (Apr. - Sept.)
Anyway, 1H FY2011 is 469,660,141 USD
PS3 (9.3%) - 43,678,393 USD
X360 (8.7%) - 40,860432 USD
A few interesting notes from Sega. Projected numbers for full year FY2011 has PS3 at 14.9% and X360 at 15.7%. So Sega is expecting the X360 to do much better over the holiday season.
Second interesting note. Once again another company does quite a bit better on PSP (17.1%) than DS (6.2%).
Third interesting note. Wii sales have fallen off a cliff for Sega. F1/2010 is 20.4% of Sega's home games sales while F1/2011 is only 5.2%.
PS3 sold about 1M more software this year than 360, in US, Europe and Japan combined. About 7M less than Wii though.
It might or might not be. But no actual proof has been shown. It appears to be far more likely from financial reports I've seen that it's either relatively equal or with a slight advantage to X360. Especially when the biggest world wide Japanese publisher shows relatively even sales between X360 and PS3. This also assumes that other Japanese pubs more closely follow the split from Konami than Sega or traditional Capcom numbers. As well that it's an extremely large divide to make up the lead X360 has from the western devs.
It doesn't help that Capcom is not expecting the PS3 to continue to do so well against X360. They are predicting sales will go back toward what it used to be as that one aberrant half was due to many Western friendly titles being delayed.
PS - Hmmm, I should go back to my original post and try to indicate which numbers were just partial Fiscal Years as well as which quarters are being shown. Probably be interesting if I aligned quarters for various companies as the 1Q or 1H for various companies don't align, thus single quarter numbers and single half numbers can be deceptive, as the Capcom and Sega numbers in this post show quite well. Bleh too much work.