Sony PlayStation cross-platform game strategy

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PlayStation says half of its releases will be on PC and mobile by 2025

The president of Sony Interactive Entertainment PlayStation business has said the company expects half of its annual releases to be on PC and mobile by 2025.

Speaking during a business briefing on Thursday, SIE president Jim Ryan said that expanding to the larger platforms, and in particular committing to releasing at least 12 live service games in the coming years, could be “transformational to our business”.

“By expanding to PC and mobile, and it must be said… also to live services, we have the opportunity to move from a situation of being present in a very narrow segment of the overall gaming software market, to being present pretty much everywhere.”
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PlayStation says half of its releases will be on PC and mobile by 2025

The president of Sony Interactive Entertainment PlayStation business has said the company expects half of its annual releases to be on PC and mobile by 2025.

Speaking during a business briefing on Thursday, SIE president Jim Ryan said that expanding to the larger platforms, and in particular committing to releasing at least 12 live service games in the coming years, could be “transformational to our business”.

“By expanding to PC and mobile, and it must be said… also to live services, we have the opportunity to move from a situation of being present in a very narrow segment of the overall gaming software market, to being present pretty much everywhere.”

Where’s Bloodborne PC, Jim?
hopefully this means PSVR 2 will have official PC support too. Maybe not at launch, but 1-2 years later after they managed to have a much higher margin per unit.

although even better if its officially supported at launch, pushing the whole VR market forward and wider.
Q&A Jim Ryan said exponential groth will come from live service game. I suppose live service game will release day one on PC. He said there is two live service game releasing soon. Factions the live service game in TLOU2 world will probably release day one on PC.

Single player game will release two to three years after on PC when commercial life is near the end on consoles.

The commercial lifecycle of a single player game will be release on PS console, release on PS + extra and premium and later release on PC.
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Single player game will release two to three years after on PC when commercial life is near the end on consoles.

The commercial lifecycle of a single player game will be release on PS console, release on PS + extra and premium and later release on PC.

Did Jim Ryan/Sony made these claims?
He loves money and bloodborne will sell like hotcakes!
Bloodborne is the second to worst selling From Software made souls-like. The only game that sold worse is Demon Souls, and that was launched worldwide in very limited quantities with little to no marketing.
Bloodborne is the second to worst selling From Software made souls-like. The only game that sold worse is Demon Souls, and that was launched worldwide in very limited quantities with little to no marketing.
And both limited to single platforms, PS3 and PS4 respectively, released fairly early on their platform's cycles. With the success of Elden Ring I'm sure both Demon's Souls Remake and Bloodborne will sell very good on PC. Worth Sony's investment at least.
Bloodborne is the second to worst selling From Software made souls-like. The only game that sold worse is Demon Souls, and that was launched worldwide in very limited quantities with little to no marketing.

I'd rather have even Returnal on PC. Anyway good on Sony that their going so strong for the PC platform. The PS5 will probably my last Playstation to have besides my PC (pc gamer).
And both limited to single platforms, PS3 and PS4 respectively, released fairly early on their platform's cycles. With the success of Elden Ring I'm sure both Demon's Souls Remake and Bloodborne will sell very good on PC. Worth Sony's investment at least.
Doesn't that make Bloodborne's sales look even worse given the relative installed base between PS3 and PS4?
Doesn't that make Bloodborne's sales look even worse given the relative installed base between PS3 and PS4?
It sold a little less than Dark Souls 2 while being exclusive to a single platform. All multiplatform FromSoft's games (apart from DS2 which was a dud for many) have had healthy sales numbers.
Bloodborne is the second to worst selling From Software made souls-like.
If you consider the ration of sales against the average number of frames per second this game runs at, it's definitely over-achieved.:runaway:
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Did Jim Ryan/Sony made these claims?

There is a Q/A with Sony and Jim Ryan said to investor after a question the growth from PC will come from live service game. It is available on internet. They have absolutely no reason to release single player game day one on PC. The game on console sold at a higher price and now with digital being the majority of sales, the profit is even better on consoles where they don't need to pay royalties to Valve or Epic.

And for example HZD sold more unit in two weeks on PS4 than on 2 years on PC.

This is logic. Follow the money and you have the logic. Playstation is the main revenue of SIE and by far. But PC and mobile will help growth with delayed release for single player game and day one live service game where the profit and revenue comes fully(f2p) or mostly from microtransactions.

I expect all single player PS games to release two to three years after releasing on consoles and all live service games to release day one on PC and depending of the title mobile too.
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There is a Q/A with Sony and Jim Ryan said to investor after a question the growth from PC will come from live service game. It is available on internet. They have absolutely no reason to release single player game day one on PC. The game on console sold at a higher price and now with digital being the majority of sales, the profit is even better on consoles where they don't need to pay royalties to Valve or Epic.

And for example HZD sold more unit in two weeks on PS4 than on 2 years on PC.

This is logic. Follow the money and you have the logic. Playstation is the main revenue of SIE and by far. But PC and mobile will help growth with delayed release for single player game and day one live service game where the profit and revenue comes fully(f2p) or mostly from microtransactions.

I expect all single player PS games to release two to three years after releasing on consoles and all live service games to release day one on PC and depending of the title mobile too.

I'm not disputing that PC ports will come after about two years or so, it's just that i haven't seen Sony or anyone official making any claims about time-frames for pc ports/releases. If the Returnal rumors are true were looking at abit over a year, for example. For live service games i'd imagine them being day one indeed.

Also, the reason for HZD for example selling much more units on PS4 has alot to do with the delayed release on pc. I'd guess that if they released at the same time the ratio would be different. A
To note, i have no trouble seeing a (long) future where day one releases will happen, just like the route MS took.
There is a Q/A with Sony and Jim Ryan said to investor after a question the growth from PC will come from live service game. It is available on internet. They have absolutely no reason to release single player game day one on PC. The game on console sold at a higher price and now with digital being the majority of sales, the profit is even better on consoles where they don't need to pay royalties to Valve or Epic.

And for example HZD sold more unit in two weeks on PS4 than on 2 years on PC.

This is logic. Follow the money and you have the logic. Playstation is the main revenue of SIE and by far. But PC and mobile will help growth with delayed release for single player game and day one live service game where the profit and revenue comes fully(f2p) or mostly from microtransactions.

I expect all single player PS games to release two to three years after releasing on consoles and all live service games to release day one on PC and depending of the title mobile too.

They have plenty of reason to release all ports on day one. Two to three year-old PC releases don't benefit from the 10s of millions of dollars spent on marketing during the release of their console counterparts. PC SKUs would be far more competitive if released on the same day as console SKUs.

The only real reason not to do so is that Sony doesn't want to undermine the PS platform. They are sacrificing PC first-party sales so as not to intrude on the licensing fees that they generated from third-party software sales on the PS.
The only real reason not to do so is that Sony doesn't want to undermine the PS platform. They are sacrificing PC first-party sales so as not to intrude on the licensing fees that they generated from third-party software sales on the PS.

The problem with that line of thinking, however, is that anyone inclined to buy Sony 1st party titles on PC are very likely to already be buying virtually all of their titles on PC anyway. Anyone buying the vast majority of their 3rd party titles on PlayStation are unlikely to buy 1st party titles on PC. Of course, there are some weirdo's like @DSoup who might buy most of their 3rd party games on PS5 while buying Sony 1st party games on PC. :) (I KID!!!)

So, Sony are basically trading off a bit more 1st party royalty free sales (from people that only own a PlayStation in order to play exclusives and nothing else) for diminished sales on PC. Meanwhile in a supply shortage situation this means there are some number of PS5s in the wild that generate no 3rd party royalty revenue since they are owned by PC gamers who buy all of their 3rd party games on PC.

If those titles had been released day and date on PC, that would result in more revenue being generated in the PS5 storefront because then everyone with a PS5 are likely to also be buying their 3rd party games on PS5. That's because all the PC gamers that only own a PS5 for exclusives would now not need a PS5 and instead would buy the titles on PC ... thus freeing up more PS5s for people that buy all or almost all of their games on console. A much better situation than a PC gamer who owns a PS5 in order to buy 1 or 2 exclusive titles a year and outside of that the console just sits there doing nothing. That last is basically everyone in my RL video gaming circle right now, and since they are well off financially, many of them also got their PS5 for over 1k USD (which pales in comparison to their 5k+ USD PC gaming setups). The bastards helped drive up the price of PS5s for everyone else who weren't lucky enough to grab one before they sold out in minutes/seconds everytime stock hits the stores. :p

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They have plenty of reason to release all ports on day one. Two to three year-old PC releases don't benefit from the 10s of millions of dollars spent on marketing during the release of their console counterparts. PC SKUs would be far more competitive if released on the same day as console SKUs.

The only real reason not to do so is that Sony doesn't want to undermine the PS platform. They are sacrificing PC first-party sales so as not to intrude on the licensing fees that they generated from third-party software sales on the PS.

Again follow the money, Sony made most of it money from third party microtransactions sales and again consoles games sold at a higher price than PC and with bigger margin.
Again follow the money, Sony made most of it money from third party microtransactions sales and again consoles games sold at a higher price than PC and with bigger margin.

Good news for single player games then. They'll release them on pc day 1 with Playstation to maximize the money in one big swoop. Thus able to reach the optimistic sales prediction