Sony PlayStation cross-platform game strategy

No one suggested it's equative, except you. I didn't write the word "same" anywhere. This is the second time in a row you make a counterpoint by injecting a false statement on my part.

A flawed logic that you made up while pointing at its flaws is indeed flawed, yes.

When I asked where the demand for PS4 Portable was you said Switch sold 85m units. If that's not an equivalency I don't know what is. If you're saying it's not an equivalency that's fine, but I repeat, what are the signs for demand for a portable PS4.

So to be clear, roughly what do you perceive to be the demand for a portable PS4? 1m? Maybe 5, 10, 20 or 40 million? Or another figure entirely. And based on what?
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I think sony is smart to stay away from portable devices if they do the old style of Home console / portable system with different hardware designs. I think its obvious from the psp and vita that they don't have enough developer power internally to support both systems. I think Nintendo got away with it for so long because up until the DS they had 2d portables . With 3d gaming its to complex and the games don't age as well as they used to. Nintendo put out 3d handhelds that were lucky to be two generations back in terms of hardware and so games were much easier to program for while sony was lock step with the previous generation and thus bigger budgets for handhelds were needed.

Nintendo with the switch was able to merge everything together. Also It came out 5 or so years into a console generation. The switch has 4 gigs which was much higher than the xbox360/ps3 512megs and only half of what the xboxo/ps4 had. The hardware also fell between the capabilities of the two generations pretty decently and by lowering target resolution they were able to make up lost ground .

You've all heard me talk a lot about a portable series s. But I think sony would have to go the same route. A cut down mobile ps5 if they hope to be successful in the mobile space. Like my ideas on the ms side they would simply tell developers this is the hardware its a cut back ps5 and this is the mobile res we want you to target using this hardware and maybe use super resolution when docked or plugged into a tv. If they come out with some arm based soc with another companies gpu in there and then have a new os running it.. I don't think it will go over well.

Its why Im more interested in an xbox boy or xbox portable. MS has done the hard work making the majority of its backlog playable on the new systems as far back as the xbox. In a lot of ways they are much better experiances than they were on the native machine. If you bring that to a portable plus make it easy to continue porting the new titles it could be very popular.

Same with a steam lad or whatever , let me play my full steam library and future games and I will be happy .
85 million Switch sales.
There's demand for non-smartphone mobile gaming.

Totally anecdotal but since we got our PS5s we haven’t touched our Switch. Couple of reasons:

- last game worth playing on the NS was Hades, which was a while ago.
- we haven’t really left the house much in the last year or so, so not a lot of ‘mobile’ gaming happening.
- PS5 awesomeness
True. He has the right to not like playstation and say PC is better, which it absolutely is. But i don't understand the need to downplay it in every thread. But that does not matter much in the end.
True. He has the right to not like playstation and say PC is better, which it absolutely is. But i don't understand the need to downplay it in every thread. But that does not matter much in the end.
As somebody who owns all the platforms, it depends on what "better" means. I've long said that it's the console experience that I like, being able to pickup the controller, hit a button and be back in that game I was played an hour ago, a day ago, a week ago - in seconds. Windows has not counter, it's just not designed to do this.
Well speaking on a pure technical level off course. But at a higher cost.

I also prefer the console experience, although it's getting every gen closer to the PC, with the good and the bad, like releasing unfinished games and have to download multiple patches to fix things.
Is it weird that Sony can't seam to get the verbiage of their exclusivity correct but still has the reputation for having the best exclusives?

Perhaps it depends on what exclusive means here?
If it's console exclusive then the answer is pretty straightforward. If you mean platform-exclusive then if all PS games come out on PC the only console maker with the right to say they have the best exclusives would be Nintendo. And the worst exclusives. And the only exclusives.
the scale of mega corpos really befuddles me. They seems even able to "buy" a whole country with just their quarter earnings