Sony PlayStation cross-platform game strategy

Dreams will be the next one then....maybe a handful of older exclusives?

Wonder if that would open up Dreams more, as creating maps/games on a pc would be more of a thing? Never played Dreams myself, do you need the move/DS4 for it?

Honestly i don't think PC will see any PS5 exclusives, you never know but still, perhaps with a year delay, so it is basically a double-dip. Porting isn't much of a issue anymore with PC parts in them consoles.
And how is putting HZD1 on a platform with no sucessor to the story of HZD2 later on. Best thing Sony could do is like with GTA back in the PS2 days, have them exclusive to the PS platform for a year or so, then release it for PC.
People are overreacting to this, it will be a 3+ year old game made on an engine that has had a lot of work done possibly by Kojimas team to make it work on PC.

I see this as an experiment and more a marketing move like Dsoup intimates.
People are overreacting to this, it will be a 3+ year old game made on an engine that has had a lot of work done possibly by Kojimas team to make it work on PC.

I see this as an experiment and more a marketing move like Dsoup intimates.
Xbox did the same thing years back. Fast forward and now all their exclusives will launch on PC.

It will be a transition period for sure, but I don’t expect them to reverse course after opening Pandora’s box.

they were reserved on cross play. I called that they would eventually cave on it. They did eventually cave. Even in the case where they would allow their players to open an Xbox account for mine craft.

I believe in time their exclusives will launch on PS Now, and eventually i expect to see their exclusives also launch on PC. Just takes time for strategies to execute.
I see this as a move that Sony exclusives are more and more appearing on PC. I also see that some don't really like that idea, somehow.
Yeah when i saw MS coming out with minecraft on PS4, it's a taste of things to come, they will have Halo soon, and then Gears, and Forza 8 is a given on PS5. It's a good move for everybody, MS doesn't need a console, just get all these games on playstation and make more money. Okay, I see some don't like that idea, somehow. They don't think it's happenning, I have no idea what they think and will not ask.

It's just a couple games. It's not like they will put all their games on PC. It's a small business move in the grand scheme of things. Some franchises are used to give prestige to a platform, they are not going anywhere.

Edit: wow there's another meltdown on era. :rolleyes:
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This is the Beginning of the End for us Consolegamers

Look what happend with Sega when they went to Multiplattform Strategy they Games become more and more less valueable , bad Gamedesign ,Quality and Graphics, they give the Gamedevelopment to Sub Companys ..back in Time in the Arcades their Games were a technical Masterpiece on Model2/3 and Dreamcast/Naomi created by Segas inhouse Team AM2.

The same will happend with Sony first Party Games and all the other Games,
Sony loses Sales and Userbase, Playstation become a boring and bland Device , a locked down PC.

  • Decreasing quality due being focused in multiplatform development.
  • Less specific use of platform features (coding to metal is definitiv dead)
  • Less PS5 sales and so less user pool for multiplayer games.
  • PC games mess up the consoles multiplayer.
  • Less focus in PlayStation ecosystem.

So the Message is pretty clear with 8-9 Tflop and maybe 399€ they targeting the Casual Market , they didnt adressed the Core Market or Core Games anymore. The Core Market for Playstation Games goes to the PC, the PC is the new PS5 Pro. If you want to play HZD 2 and Gran Tourismo 7 in optimal Quality you must take the PC Version. They cannot say to the People "Ps5 is the best Place to play" anymore, like Andrew House does with the Ps4.
This is the Beginning of the End for us Consolegamers

Look what happend with Sega when they went to Multiplattform Strategy they Games become more and more less valueable , bad Gamedesign ,Quality and Graphics, they give the Gamedevelopment to Sub Companys ..back in Time in the Arcades their Games were a technical Masterpiece on Model2/3 and Dreamcast/Naomi created by Segas inhouse Team AM2.

The same will happend with Sony first Party Games and all the other Games,
Sony loses Sales and Userbase, Playstation become a boring and bland Device , a locked down PC.

  • Decreasing quality due being focused in multiplatform development.
  • Less specific use of platform features (coding to metal is definitiv dead)
  • Less PS5 sales and so less user pool for multiplayer games.
  • PC games mess up the consoles multiplayer.
  • Less focus in PlayStation ecosystem.

So the Message is pretty clear with 8-9 Tflop and maybe 399€ they targeting the Casual Market , they didnt adressed the Core Market or Core Games anymore. The Core Market for Playstation Games goes to the PC, the PC is the new PS5 Pro. If you want to play HZD 2 and Gran Tourismo 7 in optimal Quality you must take the PC Version. They cannot say to the People "Ps5 is the best Place to play" anymore, like Andrew House does with the Ps4.
I agree. And if we consider subscriptions Game Pass will win majority of consumers as they can allow new games from day one with MS cash for longer than any player in this industry.In the end once we only have Game Pass left in the market games will decrease its budget greatly as games will be the Netflix shows of today.
they will have Halo soon, and then Gears, and Forza 8 is a given on PS5.

Back in August they said they had no more plans...

"The past year has been an exciting time for us as we have more than doubled the internal creative teams making up Xbox Game Studios," The company stated. "As these new studios transitioned in, we were aware of some existing commitments to other platforms and will honor them. However, going forward these new studios will focus on making games for our platforms. We have no plans to further expand our exclusive first party games to other consoles. We continue to believe deeply in cross play and progression of games with the right flexibility for developers to insure a fair and fun experience."

Tommy McClain
This is the Beginning of the End for us Consolegamers

Look what happend with Sega when they went to Multiplattform Strategy they Games become more and more less valueable , bad Gamedesign ,Quality and Graphics, they give the Gamedevelopment to Sub Companys ..back in Time in the Arcades their Games were a technical Masterpiece on Model2/3 and Dreamcast/Naomi created by Segas inhouse Team AM2.

The same will happend with Sony first Party Games and all the other Games,
Sony loses Sales and Userbase, Playstation become a boring and bland Device , a locked down PC.

  • Decreasing quality due being focused in multiplatform development.
  • Less specific use of platform features (coding to metal is definitiv dead)
  • Less PS5 sales and so less user pool for multiplayer games.
  • PC games mess up the consoles multiplayer.
  • Less focus in PlayStation ecosystem.

So the Message is pretty clear with 8-9 Tflop and maybe 399€ they targeting the Casual Market , they didnt adressed the Core Market or Core Games anymore. The Core Market for Playstation Games goes to the PC, the PC is the new PS5 Pro. If you want to play HZD 2 and Gran Tourismo 7 in optimal Quality you must take the PC Version. They cannot say to the People "Ps5 is the best Place to play" anymore, like Andrew House does with the Ps4.
What sort of ridiculous overreaction is this. So you're saying sony should not have any game on PC? I can't follow the logic.
I don't mind as long as they don't limit the scope/design of their console exclusives so that they can meet a set of lower minimum requirements on PC (HDDs and slower SSDs for eg.).
If I recall correctly didn't they want to steal some of that PC market by releasing midgen upgrades? So would this move inherently make the former redundant?
For me it depends on the release timing tho, if it's coming further than one year out then I'm good with PS, otherwise I might jump ship to PC altogether. You know, if I see those fancy gpu fluid sim, advanced hair sim, full RT, native 4k, 8k texture pack in the next Uncharted or God of War running on the PC version while sorely missing on a 9.2 TF PS5, that would utterly piss me off if I only had the PS5 version. Multiplat I could care less, but those precious Sony exclusives are to die for. Time to start saving for a 3080 ti.
I don't mind as long as they don't limit the scope/design of their console exclusives so that they can meet a set of lower minimum requirements on PC (HDDs and slower SSDs for eg.).

In what world do you think they will compromise there ecosystem unless they have a gamepass type subscription, which they don't even have on PlayStation.

The money made from selling there first party games is a drop in the ocean compared to what they make from PlayStation.

If anything it's a way to entice more people to buy a PlayStation.

People somehow forget that to play Microsoft games on PC you need to be running Microsoft Windows.
Yea sorry I meant the industry is what is forcing everyone’s hand. Not just the movement in the gaming space. I think what we’re seeing is a response to the lack of physical ownership. Brick and mortar stores like GameStop etc dying out. Best Buy and the like have pivoted away from electronic entertainment and now holding appliances like fridges; blenders etc. It’s the industry shifting.

Think is just the industry evolving to the realities of the technology they are using. But lack of physical ownership of games has been a thing since you could rent games at Blockbuster, it's not new, it's returning. But it's not necessarily all good because these changes make for a different economical model that has been proven to be robust. One of the mods (Matt) on resetera said in the last few weeks that Microsoft are not making profit from GamesPass, which does not surprise me because the numbers simply don't add up. There is simply no way Microsoft can compensate publishers participating in GamesPass for the lost revenue, this is more for a new AA/AAA game release for a single month's subscription to the service.

I think one could actually argue Nintendo was the first to move. They specifically talked about death of living room when they designed the switch.
Are you are? I don't remember this so googled it and couldn't anything. Switch is designed to be played wherever you look, including any room there is a TV which includes the death-free living room*

*lack of death not guaranteed
If I recall correctly didn't they want to steal some of that PC market by releasing midgen upgrades
In my mind:
They made the 4pro a long time ago, things change, New Strategies. The landscape has changed, we've had virtually no new console entrants since Sega left. Ouya doesn't count. Handhelds largely cut back, Nintendo has this hybrid device.

But in the same time, we've had
a) EGS
b) EA Origins
c) Ubisoft Store
d) Humble
e) Xbox/MS Store
f) Green Man Gaming
g) Stadia store
+ 2 services that provide unlimited rental gaming (EA Access + Game Pass PC)

We're getting a lot of movement in the store and services area. They are cheap to make, cheap to fund, and they are actually what generates profits.
In contrast, hardware is actually super expensive to market, build, design, support, maintain, distribute, channel. And a single mistake is costly because it impacts your store profits (see Xbox One, see Kinect).

If you move to hardware agnostic, you put the pressure of delivering hardware on 3rd Party vendors. You don't need to deal with supporting nvidia, intel, amd. You don't need to deal with Apple, or Android devices. You don't have this freakish amount of up front costs every 7 years. You just sell the content that they want.

Companies are becoming increasingly aware that carbon footprint is going to cost them eventually, the ramp up for carbon costs are going up. You can't be asking people to buy 2 consoles just because you refuse to release software on 1 of them. Eventually the costs of carbon will start hitting electronic hardware somewhere in the chain. These cheap prices aren't going to be around for much longer. And cloud computing surpasses anything that can be done locally, the only issue comes down to latency.

We still have movie theatres but a majority of people are happy to consume their content on streaming services in the comfort of their home. That's what I think this pivot is. Sony will stick around the console side and still try to win, but they need a foot in other vectors. Less they want their competitors to claim that entire market for themselves. part of it is having to open up the walled garden to succeed.

I think a big part that companies consider which most people don't is that there is a finite amount of time available for everyone. As much as they are fighting for your wallet, they have to also fight for your time. If stepping into the xbox ecosystem (PC or console) gives you access to enough titles to fill your time for the year, will you think about bothering with PlayStation and Nintendo games too?

They need to respond. I know a lot of people don't think Sony won't release exclusives day 1. PC players are (a) patient since they've never had them before and (b) their competitors are offering enough titles to keep them busy anyway. So it's MS that is getting the extra $$$ by releasing exclusives day 1. Sony isn't getting anything by holding the exclusives back 3 years. And if they come out 3 years after, will they actually get any relevant sales?

Next gen is going to be a new landscape. Players will have access to more games, consumed in a variety of different payment methods, on the device that they want to consume it on. I can't possibly see how sticking with the OG strategy is going to last a whole another generation.
Think is just the industry evolving to the realities of the technology they are using. But lack of physical ownership of games has been a thing since you could rent games at Blockbuster, it's not new, it's returning. But it's not necessarily all good because these changes make for a different economical model that has been proven to be robust. One of the mods (Matt) on resetera said in the last few weeks that Microsoft are not making profit from GamesPass, which does not surprise me because the numbers simply don't add up. There is simply no way Microsoft can compensate publishers participating in GamesPass for the lost revenue, this is more for a new AA/AAA game release for a single month's subscription to the service.

Are you are? I don't remember this so googled it and couldn't anything. Switch is designed to be played wherever you look, including any room there is a TV which includes the death-free living room*

*lack of death not guaranteed
I may have gotten switch confused with Wii U? I recall reading about how they saw the living room as this place where increasingly people just sat on their phones and focused on that instead of who was in the room. So they made Wii U or switch to sort of be able to do both. Perhaps it was a translated video or something. I'll need to look it up.

I have massive doubts that Matt fully knows whether Gamepass is profitable for MS or not even if he is holding an accurate profit/loss sheet (subs vs costs). It is exceptionally difficult to correlate sales of titles or DLC during GP or then after game pass. and I don't think every deal with every publisher on game pass is the same.
I have massive doubts that Matt fully knows whether Gamepass is profitable for MS or not even if he is holding an accurate profit/loss sheet (subs vs costs). It is exceptionally difficult to correlate sales of titles or DLC during GP or then after game pass. and I don't think every deal with every publisher on game pass is the same.
The numbers for GamePass do not add up. People are consuming more games for less than the full price of 2 new games a year. Who do you think are surrendering profits, publishers? :nope: Who does that leave? GamePass is insanely good value and by that I mean it's obviously impossible for it to be running at profit. Numbers! :runaway:
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