Sony PlayStation cross-platform game strategy

I am not saying the listings are correct, but the wording of the denial is a bit suspicious

“The listings are not accurate. We have made no announcements to bring these games to PC.”

"No announcements" is often weasel speak for this is just a unsanctioned leak, not necessarily an untrue one. A flat denial would say "we have no plans to bring these games to Pc".

All that said that could be reading way too much into it, it would seem difficult to go back on the "innaccurate errors" statement, and in conclusion who knows. I wouldn't bet on it either way.

Of the titles Days Gone would seem like the most obvious fit from 500 feet.

Edit: The fact Super Mario Odyssey PC was among the "leaks" is pretty damning.
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Lol, nobody thought this was serious because of the last Amazon france stuff. Many of those games, arent even Sony IP to dictate going third party. Persona 5 isnt owned by Sony like Days gone lol. THat's without counting the Nintendo listings.

In addition, after Hulst tried to assure people that Horizon PC was a one off thing and they still care about exclusive content for their HW ecosystem, its still too early to expect such a thing. Wait until Sony's consoles stop flying off the shelves, then we'll start to see bigger investments on other platforms as they transition to a service based platform.
PS4 is a supercharged PC, so it sort of already is on a PC from a certain point of view thus it's inaccurate.


PS4 is a supercharged PC, so it sort of already is on a PC from a certain point of view thus it's inaccurate.



Correction, it has "super charged PC architecture" through things like asynchronous compute and x86, Get it right gosh(lol)

Shhhhh, dont do this please, its a nightmare for some ;)

Well, its something that is possible to inevitably happen to all console pubs. MS, Sony and Nintendo..

If their hardware stops selling they will inevitably have to transition to other avenues if they want to stay in gaming business. So they better do all they can do make sure that doesnt happen, if they want to keep their own HW ecosystems around.
Correction, it has "super charged PC architecture"

It sure does, it was a supercharged pc arch in the way like the PS5 is going to be.

Well, its something that is possible to inevitably happen to all console pubs. MS, Sony and Nintendo..

If their hardware stops selling they will inevitably have to transition to other avenues if they want to stay in gaming business. So they better do all they can do make sure that doesnt happen, if they want to keep their own HW ecosystems around.

Yes that's why it's already happening :) Never have we seen so much PS games appearing elsewhere, mostly pc.
Yeah when old exclusives won't sell much more or drive consoles sales 3-5 years after their initial release, Sony could see some benefit to bring those old games to PC.
And if they sell well enough, and pc gamers aren't mass migrating to PS ecosystem on actual playstation hardware, we might even see shorter or possibly simultanious releases. All depends on the market, but one thing seems pretty certain, the PC market is one of it's own, it only has been growing and it's users don't seem to migrate despite the exclusives and the 4Pro that was supposed to attract pc gamers (sonys own claims).
Sony is experimenting (together with PSnow) where they can possibly widen their market, i doubt PC releases impact PS sales so much and if it does, it might outweigh it by more game sales. We won't know how things play out, i think we had a topic about it even somewhere here :p
simutaneous release won't happen until Sony start loosing money with it's PS division, like MS with Xbox.

The biggest money maker is the PSN with royalties earn on third party games and after this is service with PS+ and PSNow. They earn more money with royalty of third part titles than first party titles but exclusives are important to make the platform interesting.

If you want to understand Sony strategy follow the money, the only things which can replace PS hardware is a PS cloud system not a PC storefront.
It started about just after Layden was fired. :yep2:

Read the last 5 years SIE financial earning and where the money comes from, this is nonsense. The only things which can replace Playstation hardware is a PS cloud services.

I think they will release more old title on PC if the Horizon Zero Dawn PC is a success, one of the goal is to make people buy a PS5 for HZD2 read Hermen Hulst about this.;-) I think they will fail...
Don't see it happening either anytime soon, even if it's just to not make their fans angry. But perhaps in the longer run it could happen if the PS devision gains income by doing so. They can't just flip a switch and start that strategy before testing the waters on the pc platform, how many will buy their games etc.

The biggest money maker is the PSN with royalties earn on third party games and after this is service with PS+ and PSNow. They earn more money with royalty of third part titles than first party titles but exclusives are important to make the platform interesting.

Yeah then i see the point in trying to get as many locked to PS hardware, they would need to bring PSN/PSnow to PC in order to make it more profits there. No idea really, but Sony seems to be intrested in testing the waters over there atleast. Consoles as in hardware maybe aren't always going to exist, so things like PSnow/stores/services are going to be intresting for both sony and MS, building blocks probably are being laid out already.
For PS5 generation i foresee the same thing as with PS4 though, exclusives stay there and on PSnow streaming, with pc ports happening after 3 years for some titles.

The only things which can replace Playstation hardware is a PS cloud services.

Or a Store, it seems very good for incomes, see the terrible Epic store, but the games do make the platform profitable.

I think they will release more old title on PC if the Horizon Zero Dawn PC is a success, one of the goal is to make people buy a PS5 for HZD2 read Hermen Hulst about this.;-) I think they will fail...

Probably one of the reasons yes, the PC market is most likely never going to migrate, it never has before. Sony tried with the Pro too and PSnow (play spiderman on pc etc).
What could happen too is that pc sales of HZD are giving profits, even when pc gamers don't buy into PS5 because of it, Sony then might continue with the same strategy. If they can make more money why wouldn't they.
Don't see it happening either anytime soon, even if it's just to not make their fans angry. But perhaps in the longer run it could happen if the PS devision gains income by doing so. They can't just flip a switch and start that strategy before testing the waters on the pc platform, how many will buy their games etc.

Yeah then i see the point in trying to get as many locked to PS hardware, they would need to bring PSN/PSnow to PC in order to make it more profits there. No idea really, but Sony seems to be intrested in testing the waters over there atleast. Consoles as in hardware maybe aren't always going to exist, so things like PSnow/stores/services are going to be intresting for both sony and MS, building blocks probably are being laid out already.
For PS5 generation i foresee the same thing as with PS4 though, exclusives stay there and on PSnow streaming, with pc ports happening after 3 years for some titles.

Or a Store, it seems very good for incomes, see the terrible Epic store, but the games do make the platform profitable.

Probably one of the reasons yes, the PC market is most likely never going to migrate, it never has before. Sony tried with the Pro too and PSnow (play spiderman on pc etc).
What could happen too is that pc sales of HZD are giving profits, even when pc gamers don't buy into PS5 because of it, Sony then might continue with the same strategy. If they can make more money why wouldn't they.

Why would third party release games on PS store when they have their own store or have choice with other store. A cloud service could be good and a better replacement for PS hardware or more probably it will be part hardware and cloud.

The advantage is backlog and people already in PS ecosytem, this is the same for Xcloud and Xbox and Gamepass on PC.