It's a good burn on MS, they did punt this 2019 E3.Speaking of Engadget...
If they blew it out of the park I suspect that these articles would have a different tone. It was MS' opportunity to blow things up and I do agree they choked.
I absolutely detest the position Jessica took on not coming out to play means you didn't lose. No - you lost. Your probability of winning when you participate is > 0%, you don't participate it's 0. By default you don't even get the free participation trophies that we hand out to the losers because they actually showed up.
Who peddles that type of stupid mentality. That's like saying, I could have gotten that job over that guy if I applied and went for the interview. But you didn't, and that's why you didn't get the job. I could beat you all in chess, but I don't feel like playing. I'm the best eSports player in the world, but I don't want to waste my time having a match against you. It's not her job to cover for Sony. Sony isn't even complaining about not being at E3. Why the hell does she feel like she needs to cover for them as if they didn't lose.
What kind stupid [expletive] commentary is that.
She should have stopped at, Sony didn't have much to announce, so they didn't and compensated another way. MS failed to capitalize on a massive opportunity that I'm sure they won't get another chance to; a sad ending to what should have been a complete success story for them. End of story.