Sony Doesn't Have To Tell Me to Wait for a PS3: Microsoft's Doing Their Dirty Work!

PARANOiA said:
Why does every person who didn't get a machine insist they were screwed, but if the launch in Europe was delayed 6+ months, it'd just be "how it's always done."
I feel screwed. I pre-ordered in May still didn't get the system walked away with my $400. I was always a bit miffed how most countires have to wait so long for a game or a launch release so I can certainly see where you are coming from. My question to you is why do you think Europe traditionally gets the shaft every launch and every game release?

The B3D camp seems to have a clear line between those who think the worldwide launch "fucked them over" - mostly from those in the US who missed out - and those who think the worldwide launch is great - because for the first time ever, they're not being fucked over.I'm in Camp 2. Now, back to post in the "Bitch at MS in the Australian launch thread"

Wow the everybody in the U.S. is bitching angle. It's not about that. I have had reservations regarding the supply of the 360 since the whole core and premium packages and worldwide launch crap was announced. I knew that someone was bound to get screwed it happened to be the US this go around *shrugs* my whole beef with MS is that that everyone who *wanted to purchase the system could NOT *purchase* a system. It was a supply issue not a OMG WTF does Europe and Japan get all my premium systems. I don't have any entitlement issues like I deserved to get a 360 or that the US is somehow better than Europe and Japan and desrved to get all of their supply. Life goes on who knows I may purchase a 360 later or I won't.
I'm happy for you guys in Europe and hope you guys can get your 360s. BTW if having a complaint about something makes it bitching well then by all means I guess I am bitching.

And by the way, if your purchase of an Xbox360 was purely dictated by getting one on day one, or not at all, you clearly have too much money to waste. Send some my way please!

My purchase of the 360 was based on my love for gaming and wanting to have one ASAP not to mention Bioware's continued presence on the 360. Bioware was the reason I bought the first Xbox. I really didn't care about the launch window games or the marketing campaign generating hype. I was just buying the system for the future support of one of my favorite devs. I wish I did have money to waste! LOL I'm the stereotypical struggling student. My 360 money will go on getting myself a HDTV.
WHy does there need to be "blame" anywhere? Theres more people that want them than are available today, it happens. Maybe MS is keeping a steady flow of them, maybe they'll be one big shipment, maybe they are lying bastards trying to artifically create a fenzy, MAYBE -just maybe- they made as many as they could and this was the first batch they could pack up and ship out.

We'll probably never know the truth and if you really want one i would think youll get one soon. Did you cancel your preorder? My guess is those are the people that MS will cater to next, the rest of the preorders, since those people are likely the most pissed off (e.g. Alpha Spartan).

Anyway, hang in, its worth the wait. Me and the kids are having a blast with the new games.
The people whose existence is so highly based on these things are inexorably prone to lash out if anything stands in their way regardless of rationality. First adopters for highly desired, highly powered and cutting edge products are far more likely to get various problems. Welcome to reality. If you thought MS was going to overcome that just for this one product (or was it just for you?), duh.

Join me in waiting till mid to late 2006.

And if you're getting a PS3 as a retort, please do so and be done with it. If you have any problems playing one at launch, please come back here and apologize.
The launch was botched because the system was too popular?

Once again I ask Alpha Spartan, what was your proposed solution?

Also MS has said 3 million in 90 days. If that's so, then you really have little to worry about, you should easily get one within 90 days, which isn't that long.

I keep asking these complainers their proposed solution (nobody has answered yet) because there isn't one.

Do you want them to wait? Well, argubly that's dumb. Not launch worldwide? That's dumb too. Then you just have all the foreign people whining.

Is MS supposed to just fabricate more units? Cant do that either.

The real solution is they should have charged closer to a market price the first month. Say 699. Economics 101. Then there would be no lines and no shortages. The shortages are because of an artificially low price.
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Sovere said:
My question to you is why do you think Europe traditionally gets the shaft every launch and every game release?
Because invariably the EU gets new hardware+software last by several months and at much higher prices!
Bill said:
The launch was botched because the system was too popular?

Once again I ask Alpha Spartan, what was your proposed solution?

My solution would be to hold back launch until you built up more supply, plus move Japanese launch till next Spring.

It appears that not only did MS botch their supply (stores got 1/3rd the number of units they were promised so pre-orders went unfulfilled), but their manufacturing process is spitting out a number of duds.

This whole thing appears rushed.

For this reason, I doubt the PS3 will launch in Spring. They have 4 months left till spring, and final hardware hasn't even been put into developer's hands yet. If it does, it will be an extremely limited "paper launch".

I'm tired of low availability launches.
DemoCoder said:
My solution would be to hold back launch until you built up more supply, plus move Japanese launch till next Spring.

It appears that not only did MS botch their supply (stores got 1/3rd the number of units they were promised so pre-orders went unfulfilled), but their manufacturing process is spitting out a number of duds.

This whole thing appears rushed.

For this reason, I doubt the PS3 will launch in Spring. They have 4 months left till spring, and final hardware hasn't even been put into developer's hands yet. If it does, it will be an extremely limited "paper launch".

I'm tired of low availability launches.

I dont know a firm launch qauntity, so I cant say how low availability was. If it was 300K units, that's one thing. If it was 1,000,000, that's another. I really cant say. The 1/3 units thing sounds so anecdotal.

The manufacturing process is not spitting out duds, that's Sony ****** FUD. Very predictable. I could have told you two weeks ago about those posts. They're inevitable. And they always come from some poster unfriendly too MS in the past, as well.

Sure there are some duds. Just like there are some duds if you go buy any electronic item. Just like Xbox1 though, of course it's greatly exaggerated. Unless you have hard scientific data? Proving a higher rate of Xbox360 failure compared to other video game consoles?

So your solution is launch in spring. Fine that's your opinion, but I think it very unwise. In spring they may well have sat on shelves. Making the holiday season is crucial. And just look at all the free publicity Billy Boy is getting. Everybody know the Xbox360 is a hot item now. Hell, weren't some people accusing MS of purposeful shortages?
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DemoCoder said:
My solution would be to hold back launch until you built up more supply, plus move Japanese launch till next Spring.

So, instead of a limited number of people not getting an X360 one gets one?

I think you can easily see the value in having one holiday season of Xbox sales pre PS3. I don't have any problem with MS's they have the absolute number of XBox's available that they wanted? Maybe not...but I think delaying launch into the new year would be a much worse decision. (This is assuming that PS3 does launch 1H '06).

We will not be able to judge the "launch" of this console the new year. "Launch" is not one day. It's the first month or two of sales. It's also silly to try and evaluate this launch until we also see how Europe and Japan go. (First month or so of sales.)
#1 there's no reason they couldn't have launched it 2 weeks later and had another 200k units, plus the Japan units. The Japan launch is even dumber considering the additional pressures on developers to localize game content for Japanese as well. Some of the launch titles are buggy, and some development resources must have been wasted on localization for foreign markets that could have been delayed for a few months.

#2 are you claiming there is no scenario under which limited availability was a problem? What if they only had 100k units for all of North America?

In other forums, you'd complain about NVidia and ATI "paper launching" products, or products with extremely limited availability. You don't think companies should be criticized for poor execution in the console market?

Me? Yes, I'd be willing that no one gets one until they have sufficient supply and all the bugs worked out. (there are a significant number of people complaining about overheating issues now)

The weekly shipments approach makes it extremely hard for anyone to obtain a system after launch, because a) stores usually don't tell you the exact day another shipment is coming and b) they will be getting an extremely small number of units each shipment.

How is a person with a job, and kids, who can't go checking Best Buy every day of the week, supposed to obtain a unit? Imagine you're a parent trying to get a unit for your kid for Christmas (because the kid knows it launched)

I'd rather Microsoft not do any weekly shipments to retail stores (except for preorder fulfillment) But instead, stock up another 750,000 units, announce a "second launch day" nationally with all stores having their shipment at the same time. It is much easier and much more deterministic for the consumer.

As it is right now, an ordinary non-hardcore consumer can't even plan how to get one, nor predict *when* they might be able to obtain one. I'd rather something not be announced for sale, if only 1 in 10 people who want to buy it will be able to obtain it.

The christmas season argument is rather moot. The people who mostly bought it on Nov 22 are hardcore. Whether MS launched in January or in November, they'd sell them. Instead, you're gonna have millions of parents frantically trying to get their kid a system before Dec 25, only to find that it is impossible.
Alpha_Spartan said:
Worst. Fucking. Launch. Ever.

Hell, I preordered in August and still got fucked. No one has Xbox 360's. What's up with places only getting 2 systems? Why are there more cores than premiums? MS can't ship enough Xbox 360's, yet they can give 10,000 free consoles to punks who can drink the most Mountain Dew. To add insult to injury, "Velocity Whore" Paris Hilton, gets a free Premium Xbox 360 with the fixin's while I and many other paying customers had to choose between going empty handed or MS milking our titties with the Core system.

The launch was rushed, botched and badly timed. They were so eager to launch first and they got what they wanted. They played right into Sony's hands. If I can't get an Xbox 360 before Christmas, then I might as well get a PS3. Looks like I may be heading back into the Sony camp. It takes a cluster fuck of these proportions to cause me to jump ship out of pure spite. Screw MS. It seems that everywhere Peter Moore goes, the team ends up shooting themselves in the foot. So much for their insurmountable lead. MS won't even have 1 million units sold in the states at the end of '05.

You are not missing much my man (I have a premium pack, PGR3, and COD2...the best MS has to offer, and I'm still left wanting much, much = definitely dissapointed).

MS should have always used the following as their slogan:

Overhype. Underwhelm. Never Deliver. (thus, monopolize through unethical business practices)
DemoCoder said:
#1 there's no reason they couldn't have launched it 2 weeks later and had another 200k units, plus the Japan units. are aware of the thing called "black Friday", right? This weekend is an inflection point in terms of X-Mas sales.

The Japan launch is even dumber considering the additional pressures on developers to localize game content for Japanese as well.

I simply don't see how you can call the Japan launch dumb when you (and I) have no idea how successful or not it will be.

Some of the launch titles are buggy, and some development resources must have been wasted on localization for foreign markets that could have been delayed for a few months. can always delay anything for a few months. The question the retun worth it?

#2 are you claiming there is no scenario under which limited availability was a problem? What if they only had 100k units for all of North America?

Did I claim there was no scenario? By all accounts though...every store in the U.S. had a moderate amount of stock. Demand just outstripped supply for launch day.

In other forums, you'd complain about NVidia and ATI "paper launching" products, or products with extremely limited availability.

Go and check....I do no such thing.

You don't think companies should be criticized for poor execution in the console market?

I think it's questionable to characterize this launch as poor execution...when we have no real handle on the reality of the U.S. let alone the world-wide market.

Me? Yes, I'd be willing that no one gets one until they have sufficient supply and all the bugs worked out. (there are a significant number of people complaining about overheating issues now)

"Significant" defined as "X number of forum posts"...just like PsP disk ejections...XBox1 disc scratching....

How is a person with a job, and kids, who can't go checking Best Buy every day of the week, supposed to obtain a unit?

I suppose you'll have to ask them? Unless of course all these 360s are being picked up by single people without jobs and/or kids.

The christmas season argument is rather moot. The people who mostly bought it on Nov 22 are hardcore.

But it's now officially on the market. People spending money for x-mas have competition for their dollars.

Whether MS launched in January or in November, they'd sell them.

I disagree completely. If they launch in Jan, there will be fewer sold. Sure the hardcore will pick them up. But (again, you seem to be assuming that ONLY the hardcore will be able to pick one up between now and x-mas) everyone else will find other stuff to spend money on.

Instead, you're gonna have millions of parents frantically trying to get their kid a system before Dec 25, only to find that it is impossible.

The system launched YESTERDAY for christ's sake! Come back in 3 weeks and if there is still "millions of parents frantically" running around, we can start to talk.

All you're doing right now is whining that you're not as hardcore as you might think you are. ;)
scooby_dooby said:
Maybe because the EU consumer do not buy as much as the other regions.

Australia has the highest uptake up Xbox's (adjusted to population size) in the world, yet we're 99 days late. So that arguement doesn't stick, sorry.
PARANOiA said:
Australia has the highest uptake up Xbox's (adjusted to population size) in the world, yet we're 99 days late. So that arguement doesn't stick, sorry.

Who cares about per capita? It's irrelevent. Total number of consumers is what counts.

EU sell less than japan which sells less than US correct? So is it really so hard to see why EU gets the shaft?

btw: the fact australia is an ISLAND in the middle of nowhere, prabaly plays into it a bit!

p.s. according a a J allard interview I read in a vancouver newspaper canada has the highest per capita uptake, so take that australia!