Sony Doesn't Have To Tell Me to Wait for a PS3: Microsoft's Doing Their Dirty Work!

Jon Brittan said:
Can we once again please just add "... in America" to the end of that, the one territory they least need to "win friends" in.
I have no trouble adding "in America" to that as long as we also add the likely half a millon or so that will be collecting dust in Japan.
Bah, there'll be more in no time at all. If you are on the second shipment, I bet you get yours sometime next week.

Not to rub it in, but I ordered mine yesterday at 9:30AM and it'll be here in a couple hours. :oops: ...nope. IT' HERE!!
Ordered from where? I'm on no shipment, the only places I have found taking pre-orders are promising nothing until next year.
london-boy said:
And in the meantime the Japanese will go... "?? mmm... exo-boxo-ro-to-ree-sixto-roo..... [walk past]... WOOOAAA Naked Sailor Moon Babes 2005 for puh-ray-stattion-wan!!"

DISCLAIMER: Not to be taken in a racist manner.. never know with these politically correct americans around...

Jon Brittan said:
Can we once again please just add "... in America" to the end of that, the one territory they least need to "win friends" in.

I would think America is a continent, not a country...
london-boy said:
Oh cool is it a 6 months perm? How do they look?! [that joke is gonna be completely lost on 99% of the people here...] I'd love to have a perm'ed console! A console with an afro!! Sassy!

Are you referring to Diablo 2 items...?
Apparently MS decided to sell them directly on ebay instead of sending them through greedy retailers.
london-boy said:
Just think that for every pissed off selfish american there are many happy europeans, who will for the first time not "get fucked" by huge delays for european gamers. But i guess you don't care about that.

Damm straight bitch!!! I'm getting my sweet PAL xbox 360 on launch. So spartan, kiss my ass, worldwide = Very Good = Great MS!
So you only just realized what complete bastards MS are.

BTW I'm sure MS didn't allocate a rediculess number of Xbox360s to Japan. It's in the their best intrests to have as few Xbox360s unsold as possible.
Alpha_Spartan said:
FYI, I could have gotten a system yesterday (a Core) but turned it down. Two weeks ago, I found out that my TOTALLY PAID off Xbox 360 preorder was cut to the second shipment (whenever that is). I did nothing different than I did with the Dreamcast and Xbox launch, yet this time I (and others) got screwed by this worldwide crap.

Secondly, what's up with there being more Cores than Premiums? Even the old ladies I was in line with yesterday knew that the Core system sucked. Didn't MS realize that the bulk of their sales would come from early adopters who wouldn't think twice about paying $400 for a system.

I am in the same boat with you.. I pre-ordered back in June. But, even at that time, they told me that it is highly probable that I will get in the second shipment (which is within a week of launch).. So, they were fair, and I know that I am not getting one from them at launch (Btw, I am 13th in the line).. Then, I tried to get one yesterday.. But, as I am not that entusiast, I went to closest target around 7Am. Even I went that late, I could have got a core system yesterday. But, I turned that it down, because I do not think getting a core system makes sense.. So, what will I do? Play WoW or some of the PC games lying around for a little more while. It is not a big deal at all.. After all, I know that I will eventually get one in a week or two..

Finally, If I am MS, I would allocate the max number that make sense for Japan... If someone in NA or EU can not get in at launch, probably she/he still will in the first two or three months. But, if someone in Japan who makes an impulsive purchase decision cannot find one at launch, she/he will probably pass later and decide to wait until PS3 comes (remember there is most probably at most 4-5 months between 360 and PS3 launches in Japan). I think MS will definitely try to sell as much as possible in Japan to gain a foothold there.. They already have a lot in here and EU.
Alpha_Spartan said:
And here I thought that preordering in January (before the system was even officially announced) was stupid. However, hindsight is 20/20.


OMG that's so funny. Yeah I should have preordered the PS3 last year.
Alpha_Spartan said:
Worst. Fucking. Launch. Ever.

Hell, I preordered in August and still got fucked. < ... > I might as well get a PS3.
You better pre-order one now then or you're gonna get fucked again! :LOL::LOL::LOL:
Also Alpha, it's important to keep in mind that if X360 can manage to establish a strong foothold in Japan, that will mean more japanese developer support, and a wider variety of games for all X360 owners worldwide. So, it's really in all our best imnterests (as owners) to see X360 succeed in japan.
compres said:
I would think America is a continent, not a country...

Your point? I mentioned "Territory" not continent or country.
I could legitimately argue that America the name can represent both the continent and the country (Most of us Johnny Foreigners refer to the US purely as America).

To be back on topic, Scooby is right too, worldwide penetration is also very useful for worldwide developer interest. There's also the fact that (from MSs viewpoint, hopefully...) market penetration along with shortages can develop interest as much as push away those who can't already get their system, Sony really played the PS2 shortages well with regards to marketing it as being *too* popular.
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Well I didn't get one either *sigh* it was so bad in my town the newspaper did a story about how bitter some guys were they didn't get a 360.And or newspaper never really cares about videogames until somebody gets killed and blames the videogames for the death. IMHO this really was the worst launch eve!. One could argue till they turn blue in the face about a worldwide launch and how America's the strongest territory and didn't need x amount of units and blah blah blah. The fact of the matter is people got screwed *bad*. I just want to send this message to MS you don't fuck over your strongest userbase! Oh well life goes on. I'll just wait for the PS3 and the Revolution. :devilish:
scooby_dooby said:
I will say one thing though, whatever MORON though that 33% core consoles on launch day was a good idea should be kicked in the balls.

If tehy want to sell the core that's fine, but get a fuckin clue, at launch everyone wants the premium, if you can only ship 66 consoles to walmart, don't ship 22 fuckin cores for crying out loud.

Launch should've been 90-95% premium, cause no-one wants that other shit right now anyways. Then ease in the core around x-mas or going into 06.
Try 62 cores and 4 premiums. The ratio was like that all over the place.
Alpha_Spartan said:
Try 62 cores and 4 premiums. The ratio was like that all over the place.

Yeah I've read everywhere that people are saying the samething. MS's strategy is "core package FTW!!" I don't see why. Even though I'm not buying an Xbox 360 I agree with scooby. People buying a 360 now definitely would pay $399 for the premium pack.
Sovere said:
The fact of the matter is people got screwed *bad*. I just want to send this message to MS you don't fuck over your strongest userbase! Oh well life goes on. I'll just wait for the PS3 and the Revolution. :devilish:

Why does every person who didn't get a machine insist they were screwed, but if the launch in Europe was delayed 6+ months, it'd just be "how it's always done."

The B3D camp seems to have a clear line between those who think the worldwide launch "fucked them over" - mostly from those in the US who missed out - and those who think the worldwide launch is great - because for the first time ever, they're not being fucked over.

I'm in Camp 2. Now, back to post in the "Bitch at MS in the Australian launch thread".

And by the way, if your purchase of an Xbox360 was purely dictated by getting one on day one, or not at all, you clearly have too much money to waste. Send some my way please!
Alpha_Spartan said:
I didn't wait three months to prepay the Xbox 360. I tried to do it earlier (June) and EB was full. They called me back in August and said that MS was allocating them more systems and so I preordered. Then two weeks ago, I get a call that MS reneged and I was cut to second shipment. So I panicked, got a refund and tried to wing it yesterday. I wasn't up to spending the night out in the cold and rain sleeping on the concrete so I lost out on a premium. I could have gotten a Core, but rejected it on principle. It's a rip-off.

Shouldn't you be mad at EB for telling you they could get you a machine at launch, and taking your money? Did you try every other retailer in June?

As for the reneg bit... interesting, but I've heard all sorts of whacy stories about retails. JVD works for a game store, and has said EB have pushed back the blame on MS in other cases, usually being a flat-out lie. EB are satan spawn.