Sony Doesn't Have To Tell Me to Wait for a PS3: Microsoft's Doing Their Dirty Work!

london-boy said:
Just think that for every pissed off selfish american there are many happy europeans, who will for the first time not "get fucked" by huge delays for european gamers. But i guess you don't care about that.

Exactly, a point being missed by a large number of Americans right now, we in Europe are grateful.
Jon Brittan said:
Exactly, a point being missed by a large number of Americans right now, we in Europe are grateful.

Yes...until some number in Euope don't get the console they "deserve" on launch day, and then bitch and moan about MS allocating "their units" to Japan. :LOL:
Alpha_Spartan said:
I didn't wait three months to prepay the Xbox 360. I tried to do it earlier (June) and EB was full. They called me back in August and said that MS was allocating them more systems and so I preordered. Then two weeks ago, I get a call that MS reneged and I was cut to second shipment. So I panicked, got a refund and tried to wing it yesterday. I wasn't up to spending the night out in the cold and rain sleeping on the concrete so I lost out on a premium. I could have gotten a Core, but rejected it on principle. It's a rip-off.

Hahaha, sounds to me more like your grind should be with EB and not with MS...

You went to pre-order after all of the slots were full, EB then told you they could get you a system for launch, later told you they couldn't and that it was MSs fault (obviously), then you couldn't be bothered to wait like all the other people who were desperate to get one and yet you still expected to be able to walk into a store after the overnight queuers has finished their shopping and find a Premium system?

Sorry to laugh, but as I and l-b have said above, we Europeans are actually quite grateful of this worldwide launch...

Joe DeFuria said:
Yes...until some number in Euope don't get the console they "deserve" on launch day, and then bitch and moan about MS allocating "their units" to Japan.

Personally I couldn't care less, even after waiting for second and third shipments they'll still be here before a "traditional" launch
scooby_dooby said:
Oh well, try and put it in perspective, you should get one soon enough, retail stores will be getting shipments in, just call around, keep tabs.

I would be pissed to if I hadn't got mine, but hey that's why I woke up at 6AM and stood outside in the cold for 2.5 hours.

btw: the EBAY price should plummet pretty soon, I hear there's ~15000 on ebay now
I beat you. How about 5:15am and three stores at a time. My biggest mistake was putting Sears over ToysRUS. I actually went to TRU before anyone else, but some devil possessed me to check out Sears (store associate said they would be getting 50 systems). With the thought of 50 systems and the fact that I was the first one there (in the warm mall instead of the windy, rainy cold outside TRU), Sears seemed like the better choice. However, when the gates opened, not only did I find out that they were getting only two core systems...they hadn't even arrived yet! When I went back to TRU, the line was 15 deep and the store gave out a few tickets. I gambled and lossed. It was kind of fun, but the fact that I had to go through all of this because my preorder was reneged on, really pisses me off. It's not easy to stare at 3 games and having no system to play them on.
I will say one thing though, whatever MORON though that 33% core consoles on launch day was a good idea should be kicked in the balls.

If tehy want to sell the core that's fine, but get a fuckin clue, at launch everyone wants the premium, if you can only ship 66 consoles to walmart, don't ship 22 fuckin cores for crying out loud.

Launch should've been 90-95% premium, cause no-one wants that other shit right now anyways. Then ease in the core around x-mas or going into 06.
NucNavST3 said:
So the question would be, if you don't get a PS3 would you head to Revolution, and if you don't get either do you just stick to the PC/Mac?

For a good experiment, when the PS3 is available to pre-order, wait 3 months before you pre-pay (just to make it fair) and then when it launches, you can let us know if you got one or not.

If rich billy is handed a brand new PS3 while he who has preordered it many months before launch probably yes because he would be pissed off with Sony for piss poor service :p
Joe DeFuria said:
Yes...until some number in Euope don't get the console they "deserve" on launch day, and then bitch and moan about MS allocating "their units" to Japan. :LOL:

And in the meantime the Japanese will go... "?? mmm... exo-boxo-ro-to-ree-sixto-roo..... [walk past]... WOOOAAA Naked Sailor Moon Babes 2005 for puh-ray-stattion-wan!!"

DISCLAIMER: Not to be taken in a racist manner.. never know with these politically correct americans around...
scooby_dooby said:
I will say one thing though, whatever MORON though that 33% core consoles on launch day was a good idea should be kicked in the balls.

I'm betting whoever did that will get a long as the core systems actually do sell out in addition to the premium ones. (I'm assuming that MS makes a little bit more money on people buying the core at launch than they do on people buying the premium)

Supply and demand people....
Supposedly MS has been having problems with it's hard drives for the launch, so I really feel that part of this 'flood of cores' was simply MS saying: "The hell with it, get those XBox's in core packaging and send them out." That's my theory at least, because it would seem stupid to hold back on sheer console volume based on lack of HDD's.

I'll say this, better x number of premiums with y additional cores than only x premiums period.
Joe DeFuria said:
scooby_dooby said:
I will say one thing though, whatever MORON though that 33% core consoles on launch day was a good idea should be kicked in the balls.
I'm betting whoever did that will get a long as the core systems actually do sell out in addition to the premium ones. (I'm assuming that MS makes a little bit more money on people buying the core at launch than they do on people buying the premium)

Supply and demand people....

Yes and we all know that supply and demand drive these things, and supply and demand are influenced by the consumers... so in the end the MORON is...... us.

I got up at 6AM only to wind up 2 places in line from the last console, the guy that got the last one was there at 3AM and the people who bought all the permium units had stood there for over 12 hours. Obivously no one wanted the core eitherl, as they sold all the white boxes before the green ones ever got touched and all the HDDs went with those. Today I talked to a guy who had been working another Best Buy for years, and he said they had at least twice as many PS2s at launch. I'm not sure what MS is trying to pull off here, but they certainly aren't trying to win any friends.
Tap In said:
for the record, my HDD works great on my X360

just thought I'd mention that. ;)

Thanks for mentioning. :)

One would hope that the majority of shipping HDD's *would* function properly though! ;)
kyleb said:
I got up at 6AM only to wind up 2 places in line from the last console, the guy that got the last one was there at 3AM and the people who bought all the permium units had stood there for over 12 hours. Obivously no one wanted the core eitherl, as they sold all the white boxes before the green ones ever got touched and all the HDDs went with those. Today I talked to a guy who had been working another Best Buy for years, and he said they had at least twice as many PS2s at launch. I'm not sure what MS is trying to pull off here, but they certainly aren't trying to win any friends.

Can we once again please just add "... in America" to the end of that, the one territory they least need to "win friends" in.
london-boy said:
Yes and we all know that supply and demand drive these things, and supply and demand are influenced by the consumers... so in the end the MORON is...... us.


Exactly. All I'm reading is that people certianly prefer the premium...but that doesn't seem to stop the cores from selling out once the premiums go.

Supply and demand doesn't work based on what people want. It's what they are willing to buy. :)
kyleb said:
I got up at 6AM only to wind up 2 places in line from the last console, the guy that got the last one was there at 3AM and the people who bought all the permium units had stood there for over 12 hours. Obivously no one wanted the core eitherl, as they sold all the white boxes before the green ones ever got touched and all the HDDs went with those. Today I talked to a guy who had been working another Best Buy for years, and he said they had at least twice as many PS2s at launch. I'm not sure what MS is trying to pull off here, but they certainly aren't trying to win any friends.

Uhm did you not notice that the X360 is launching worldwide (well except for aussie losers :LOL: kidding) pretty much at the same time. Whereas PS2 had months to recover from the Japanese launch, and still had quite bad shortages...
Of course there were more PS2s!!

people who bought all the permium units had stood there for over 12 hours
Oh cool is it a 6 months perm? How do they look?! [that joke is gonna be completely lost on 99% of the people here...] I'd love to have a perm'ed console! A console with an afro!! Sassy!
Joe DeFuria said:
Exactly. All I'm reading is that people certianly prefer the premium...but that doesn't seem to stop the cores from selling out once the premiums go.

Supply and demand doesn't work based on what people want. It's what they are willing to buy. :)

Yes. So you're a moron too.

I'm not cause i don't buy things. I get "presents" :devilish: