Sonic the Hedgehog (X360/PS3): It's a one way track..

What a video, i cant believe they did that with sonic, specially in front of amy.

Sonic Team really drop the ball. I would love to see another team making use of the ip, maybe some big reputation team like AM5. Also, i never understood why they disbanded smilebit, considering that Jet Grind Radio was both an innovative and addictive game on the dreamcast.

And regarding the game working on 3d, its just a personal oppinion, but i think that the Sonic levels in both Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 were really good. What really killed the pacing of the game was all that additional characters levels as well as the camera. From time to time (when my dreamcast was still alive) i could plug it in just to play the first level and green forest on sonic adventure 2. Both levels were fast, fun, had enemies, platforming, etc. They really had everything that would make sonic work on 3D. Two bad that they were only 2 levels out of a whole game.
Sega used to be bad at making money and good at making games. Now they're good at making money and bad at making games.

"Old" Sega died along the DC. When their games no longer had to uphold the reputation of a platform they became free to look bad for everything they ran on.

I hope Nintendo never leave hardware.
If they want a fast game with a 'loose' feel, all they have to do is copy F-Zero or Wipeout and replace the car with Sonic.

And considering they made the last F-Zero, you really gotta wonder what's up...get the former Amusement Vision guys on the task!
Sega used to be bad at making money and good at making games. Now they're good at making money and bad at making games.

"Old" Sega died along the DC. When their games no longer had to uphold the reputation of a platform they became free to look bad for everything they ran on.

I hope Nintendo never leave hardware.
So true. But judging from old time developers like Capcom, I was expecting Sega to concentrate their resources on making unique awesome games just like them now that they dont have to bother with console profitability. But like you said they dont seem to care because they dont have to uphold the reputation of the platform to ensure its success.

For me today Capcom is the new "old" Sega. With the difference that they make great games and profit at the same time. And what amazes me a lot is that not only their old franchises remain succesful and big. They come up with NEW quality games as well.

From last year till today we got new names like DMC, Viewtiful Joe, Okami, Lost Planet, Dead Rising and not only.

Sega gives the impression that they are making games just for the sake of making games that are just ok(excluding VF which is great). Unlike them Capcom gives the impression that they make games because they LIKE DOING IT TOO, not just to make money with "just ok" games, but games that have a soul, a character, with emphasis on creativity.

Thats what I want to see from developers. Commercializing gaming and ruining franchises that used to be great examples of that creativity is a disgrace.

I feel like I am being underestimated as a gamer. And unfortunately thats what Sega is doing. Just using the names of BIG games that offered some of the best experiences in gaming history just to sell today's games for a profit.

But the gamer knows what he liked and what not from games like Sonic. Sega just doesnt care. If you ask me they are still as arrogant as they were with the Saturn and this wont get them far unless they change their attitude with their franchises.
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Most of these 3D Sonic games, you have to first figure out, what the designer wants you to do at each obstacle. Once you figure that out, its pretty hard to die, even if Sonic controls like a 300mph brick.

Pretty much.

I absolutely loved SA2. I got every emblem in that game twice (once on DC, once on GC, though both times I used exploits for the chao bits).

That said, I *hated* Sonic Heroes. The Sonic Adventure games in general were great because just winning wasn't very difficult, but there was some cool depth in really memorizing the levels and optimizing your score and speed (which due to time bonus was a constant tradeoff). Heroes meanwhile was a pain to play through initially, the enemies all took multiple hits to kill, stupid worthless levelling system, switching would frequently slam you back past through a hard section (absolutely worst in the casino level where you'd get characters stuck in the slots so you'd be screwed), and a host of other unforgivably horrible bits.

The demo of the new sonic seemed a lot more like SA to me. You'd pick your route, figure out where the points were, and run through. I died a couple times as I learned the level, but could breeze through it in almost no time after learning it.

If the demo actually IS indicative of the rest of the game, I'd probably like it.
I don't really understand what the whole big deal with the New Sonic is. It really isn't that bad, and it certainly isn't a 2/10. Come on people plenty more mediorcre games have come out.

Graphics wise it's actually decent enough. Gameplay wise it is a different story.

The controls feel stickier and more sluggish. Jumping and the jump attack is a great example of this. The lock on system doesn't react the same way as it did in SA (hits like a thud instead of a bounce). Speedwise, I felt it was actually a bit slower then SA even though they mention that the camera is now in a lower position to generate a higher sense of speed. It doesn't. This is all coming from the demo by the way. The enemies now take multiple hits and it would have been nice if they implemented this by for example when locking on to an enemy and attacking him you would bounce off but then be able to lock on again, but noooo you hit the ground and repeat all over again. Those air streams are rubish you can't even grind them.

The best SA level in my opinion was Wind Canyon (second sonic level).

The physics engine is nice but I am not sure how its going to help overall. The game is very pretty and colorful and in true sonic style, and I am glad that they actually focus more on speed characters instead of crappy Knuckles exploration.

Stop winging everyone, it really isn't that bad.

I am going to buy this game.
Read the various reviews out there

Good grief, I hate the Sonic Team, I really do.
It's like they're trying the best they can to make Sonic games as shitty as humanly possible. And after reading some of the gameplay comment and watching the cutscene linked on the previous page I can say that Sonic Team and Sega Studios USA have superhuman capabilities when it comes to creating bad Sonic games lately.

I swear, even Traveller Tales would probably deliver a way better Sonic game than the Sonic Team itself, TT wouldn't be able to release a AAA game, but at least it would be a "B" game, way better than what the Sonic Team did here.
Can Sonic ever work in 3D? Sonic was all about speed, and speed doesn't control well in 3D platformers unless they're just a straight course (is that what this is?). Isn't this Sonic in name and protagonist only? How can they get it to play with the same feel as the 2D originals?

I agree 110%. I dowloaded the 360 demo on Sunday. After 5 tries of not getting past the very first corner without running off the edge with my 39 year old left thumb I let my 16 year old daughter try. She made it past the frst corner & all the way to the "wind bridge" example without dying. However, although I have no coordination, she reported that is was no fun. Just give us normal Sonic... or something.

edit: Ok after reading the comments of some others who have played the demo, I don't feel so old! :eek:
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If the Sonic Team was run by monkeys, they'd would work on a 2.5D (2D gameplay, 3D graphics) Sonic and they'd, at least, realease it via the online distribution platform of the X360/PS3. But hey, there's so much you can expect from simian primates.

If I remember correctly, when I downloaded the demo, there was the option to get the full game. I think it was 400 points.