Some 360 games getting price reductions

Diamond.G said:
I found this on TXB, didn't see it posted here so I thought I would give out the link.
Gamespot UK News

Nice to see the prices of some games being reduced, even if they are older games.

niiiice ... well it's good to know they're learning some titles justify the cost increase and others dont (gun)
This is one of the bigger advantages of releasing first. Besides defacto exclusives and getting a jump on install base, you also have a back library of titles that get the bargin price treatment. When a game has sold all it can at $60 and is starting to show some signs of age as sequals and competition begin to filter into the market you can squeez out some more sales at a lower price, attract consumers who were interested but not for $60, and/or clear inventory.

Unfortunately most of the titles listed are portware or really rushed/underwhelming launch titles with a ton of missing features :???: Let me known when PGR3, Oblivion, GRAW, CoD2, Condemned, Kameo, and FNR3 hit $20 :p

Me = Cheap!
Acert93 said:
Unfortunately most of the titles listed are portware or really rushed/underwhelming launch titles with a ton of missing features :???: Let me known when PGR3, Oblivion, GRAW, CoD2, Condemned, Kameo, and FNR3 hit $20 :p

So we'll see you around..november-ish?? :p
scooby_dooby said:
I don't think these are classics.

The 360 certainly has its share of portware BUT I would say after giving a few of the launch titles a fair shot there are some genuinely good games there. Kameo comes to mind. Revolutionary? No. A bargain at $20? Yes. Classic? hmmnnoyehmmno
I get the feeling retailers are already making pretty big margins on some of the older games. I've seen one retailer selling the premium system with perfect dark zero included free. So I'd guess the margins must be pretty high if they can still do that at a profit.
Graham said:
I get the feeling retailers are already making pretty big margins on some of the older games. I've seen one retailer selling the premium system with perfect dark zero included free. So I'd guess the margins must be pretty high if they can still do that at a profit.

True - anyone know the sales numbers for 360 games so far?