mcsven said:
Interesting perspective.
In my experience, the social skills that can be picked up in your private life are some of the most valuable tools that you will have in your professional one. There is often a choice presented to professional people: stay technical or move into management. It's amazing the similarity between the skillset required to pick-up women or talk to new people and those required to motivate a team. I wouldn't undervalue what you can learn at a party - whilst having fun (and maybe, if you really master it, picking up high-end women for free!).
well, it's not so much that I lack social skills. even last semester when I was creepy / pervy everyone loved me in spide of those few uncomfortable moments after I said something that I shouldn't have. I often have long, engaging, and also flirtatious conversations with women whom I have never seen before or have never talked to. I have people who treat me like a friend whos names I don't even know. And, actually, the creepyness turns out to be because I was trying to convince myself that I was something I am not- the type of guy who sleeps around a lot without making a commitment. Now that I'm not trying to be that guy I'm even more popular. My profs also all love me... with the exception of my kickboxing instructor who doesn't speak enough engrish to form even a single sentance properly (which really doesnt matter because he's totally an awesome martial artist and really good at teaching even with almost zero verbal instruction) so you really can't much tell what he's thinking. Of course, then there is my philosophy instructor who doesn't really seem to care much about anything at all but I think he considers me mildly intelectually stimulating.
My only problem was that I didn't understand the mechanisms of a high-school- / college-type party or a club. That has absolutely nothing to do with social skills and is much more similar to a lack of knowledge of a foreign culture.
Also, I do not plan on moving from a technical job to a managerial one. I may end up practicing law for a firm right out of school however, I do not expect to stay at the bottom for long. Most likely, I will end up making money for myself and later end up in politics. I plan on running for senator (and winning) and possibly trying to land a possition in the supreme court.
Now, for those of you whom that scrares tremendouly- you don't really know me that well. My personality on this forum seems to have developed into it's own organism and really doesn't represent anything other than a warped, perverted version of my inner child. Also, I've learned a lot about people, morality, and life in general over the past few years. I know that I've made some mistakes in my real life and it took me a while to understand them as well as being a real whiney, childish jerk here. I really wish that you guys could actaully get to know the real me because I'm sure that you would find me much more likeable.