So yeah, i'm trying to get into college


I laugh at you! HA HA HA!
So, some of you may have seen my "Pwned my manger" thread. Well, i'm done with that laborish job and am thinking of going on to bigger and better things. College. I was actually warmed up to the idea because of my little sister (shes 18 i'm 20) is going to be going to a local college. I haven't touched college yet because... oh..and I dropped out in the 9th grade but have my GED (about 3 years ago). I dropped out because I was bored of school in general


Yeah, bad decision.

So i'm eyeing up programming and anything that will help me with it. I've actually been thinking about it for about over a year...but I hadn't acted on it because my last job was kinda draining. So its more or less not a passing thought, i'm willing to devote myself to this. Even if I have to eat and shit mathematics in my spare time (or any form of it). I was actually talking to a programmer that would ride the same train as me and she recommended Computer Sciences (I believe she commented that she worked with Oracle Databases).

Now (i've commented on this in the past) but math is not really my strongest subject. Even so, i'm willing to buy reading material and take in the knowledge on my free time. I'm trying to narrow what I need to read and just learn so i'm wondering what exactly (mathematically) does Computer Science encompouss? That would be helpfull to know so I can see exactly where i'm standing (effort wise) with trying to take up Computer Sciences.

I could probably google all this...but I want to hear from people directly (to comment directly on my situation). The determination is there, now its time to kill the procrastination :devilish:. Hell...if this doesn't work out...theres always the army right? :devilish:. I know there are people in worse situations than me, so for me (in my current situtation) theres no time to feel sorry for myself anymore and time to act.
BlueTsunami said:
Now (i've commented on this in the past) but math is not really my strongest subject. Even so, i'm willing to buy reading material and take in the knowledge on my free time. I'm trying to narrow what I need to read and just learn so i'm wondering what exactly (mathematically) does Computer Science encompouss? That would be helpfull to know so I can see exactly where i'm standing (effort wise) with trying to take up Computer Sciences.

Well, you gonna need basic Calculus (basic Analysis) and basic linear algebra. So you might best go with some cheap books like Schaum's Outline for Calculus and Schaum's Outline for Linear Algebra. They're probably not the most detailed books around, but pretty easy to read. Plus, they're pretty affordable.
I found myself doing nothing but maths.
Programming itself is very easy to learn but if you want to solve real problems maths is essential.

I can't do crap without maths.
Well I think so far you have had the two extreme points of view.
The reality is that it depends what projects you undertake. If you are working on databases etc, you will need very little maths. If you are implementing 3d renderers you will need quite a bit of maths.
It is definatly worth getting a good basic understanding of calculus and algebra etc.

But often programming is simply implementing an already existing algorithm, where the actual complicated maths is worked out and you simply need to know how to understand and implement it.

The thing to do is to find a course that looks good to you, and then find out what the Maths requirement is. You will at least then have something to aim for.

I should have mentioned that I am indeed doing 3D stuff with OpenGL and to properly understand this stuff you really need to understand maths.
I would say that, IMHO at least, it's worth learning the basics of programming (C++ probably) on your own time to see how you do before diving in head first. Personally, I am hopeless at programming - I just don't seem to have the ability to do it very well despite being reasonably able at mathematics. Some people just have a knack for it and are much better but my brain obviously just doesn't work in the same way.

I got my degree in Computer Science about ten years ago but now work in the family business which (thankfully) means I do practically no programming. Some of my other friends who stayed in the IT industry are now earning an absolute fortune, however, so Computer Science is certainly not a bad choice for a college education!
Hi Blue,

Ok, there are a couple of things here you should keep in mind.

1) This depends on the college you go to, but is probably the most important thing I can tell you. The computer science program at the higher end universities (and those that try to mimic them) generally has very little to do with programming per say. It usually involves a lot more theory; Usually algorithms, finite autonoma, data structures, data organization, etc. If you are lucky, they may give you a reasonably adequete backing in object oriented design and design patterns in one or two of the required classes.

A number of my teachers at the University liked to regard knowledge of these topics as what differentiates Computer Scientsits from "common" programmers. Keep this in mind when you make your decision. If these topics interest you, you'll enjoy it. If you are just trying to learn how to write visual programs, a good 2/3rds of the ciriculum will be only tangentally useful.

2) The next thing you need to know is that you will be taking a *lot* of general classes at first. The first two years of your degree will probably be composed of 3/4th general classes and 1/4th computer science classes. You will likely be taking a full year of physics (if you are in an IT program), a year or two of calculus, and a smattering of other classes such as statistics, biology, writing, literature, psychology, history, etc. Generally you will also need to choose classes that meet one of several requirements. For example, at some point you will probably need to take a class that meets a "Environmental impact" or "multicultural studies" requirement.

3) The most math intensive classes you will take are of course the calculus and statistics courses. You should also expect some mathematics in the physics courses (probably calculus based), numerical analysis (something like it is usually required in computer science, but is very similar to what you will learn in your first year of calculus), and a bit of easier math in algorithms. The hardest class you will likely be required to take as far as mathematics are concerned will either be multivariable calculus or differential equations.

Ok, having said all of this... I would recommend going. :) It is a lot of hard work, but it is also a lot of fun. Right now, you look at programming as goal, but by the end of college you will have thousands of different directions open to you to pick from. Programming will only be a tool in your arsenal to persue any of these new goals. It rather addictive honestly. You will look back and see how much of the mountain you've climbed, only realize how much bigger it looks than you thought when you started.

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