Seeing people post about Amiga games makes me sad
Considering the Amiga 500 was out at the same the NES was just shows how much muscle it had. It easily could produce games that looked 5X better than the NES.
I mentioned it in my list but the first time I saw Shadow of the Beast may have been the biggest "wow" I ever uttered in gaming. Coming from games lik Super Mario Bros. and then seeing a game like that was amazing. It was powerful enough that many would argue it was still more powerful than the Genesis and SNES even though it was very old at that time.
That also goes back to the time where I thought Psygnosis was the pinnacle of what a gaming publisher was. Games like Beast 1&2, Killing Game Show, Leander, Amnios, Awesome, Lemmings, Nitro, and Blood Money were so good for their time.
Amiga R.I.P
*BTW does anyone know what ever happened to Reflections or Tim and Lee Wright?