Anyone able to provide a thought on any of the following series:
Juuni Kokki
Scrapped Princess
Juuni Kokki
Scrapped Princess
Try buying Japanese DVDs, then we'll talk about it again...mkillio said:Why does Anime cost so much money?
Compared to japanese DVDs very true, but its still pissing me off, that TV shows are packaged as 3episodes/disc instead of utilizing the available disc space ... 8 DVDs for a 24 episode show is just plain evil[maven said:]I personally don't feel that (American) anime DVDs are too expensive...
digitalwanderer said:I have Beserk; Chrno Crusade; Paranoia Agent; Labyrinth of Flames; GundamX; and Ah, My Goddess the Movie on deck waiting for me...which do you recomend I check out first? :|
Have you figured out what the *spoiler*'s are yet? Or why the *spoiler* have the special *spoiler* they do with the *spoiler*?london-boy said:well i havent seen any of those so....
but basically, EVA is a total headfuck, im at the point when *spoiler* goes berserk and eats the *spoiler*, when little poor *spoiler* gets assimilated, disappears inside the 01 then comes back.
I expect things to get even stranger....