Silicon Knights and Nintendo split

cybamerc said:
IST said:
That is a major blow to Nintendo. Losing SK could have been easily shrugged off, but I dunno how they will recover from this.

What? I hadn't heard of the anouncement that they had just stopped developing for the GC, not Nintendo itself. Besides, I don't want my GC to die off so soon. :(
Nintendo is still backed up by companies like EA... And I bet they'll have loads of stuff to announce too, so don't worry. ;)
Even if Factor 5 had completely dumped Nintendo I would still roll my eyes at that statement. I like F5 but they're hardly a household name and their best selling games all have the Star Wars name attached to them. In the grand scheme of things Factor 5 is pretty much irrelevant.

That said I do personally hope for more F5 games on Nintendo system. A new Rogue Squadron on GC2 would be sweet.
Sure, who needs Rare, SK, F5, Eidos and Rockstar? Nintendo is losing Cube developers left and right. It's a pretty serious problem. It won't be long before EA pulls support.
cybamerc said:
Even if Factor 5 had completely dumped Nintendo I would still roll my eyes at that statement. I like F5 but they're hardly a household name and their best selling games all have the Star Wars name attached to them. In the grand scheme of things Factor 5 is pretty much irrelevant.

That said I do personally hope for more F5 games on Nintendo system. A new Rogue Squadron on GC2 would be sweet.

I'm with the line of thought that Factor 5 isn't going to be the last developer to leave the GC. That's the main reason why I said that ws a major blow. My other reason has been invalidated.
Sure, who needs Rare, SK, F5, Eidos and Rockstar? Nintendo is losing Cube developers left and right.

I agree on Rare and Eidos, who needs them. Eidos have only produced one good GC game (TimeSplitters 2) and EA will be publishing TimeSplitters 3 on GC. Rare have been a massive waste of money for MS ($300 million :oops:) and would have had no effect what so ever on GC (GBTG.. need I say more..).

SK I am a bit annoyed about. They don't seem like the most productive dev. But IMO the small amount of games they produce are always quality.

Factor 5 are merely moving on to Nintendo's next gen system. When Bungie finish Halo 2 they will be in the same situation.. will you then consider that a loss for MS? I doubt it.

Rockstar were never a GC developer... how can you lose what you've never had?
more than often i read here some news or topics speaking about the so called "failures" of Nintendo. We almost have titles like "Nintendo is doomed" !

My point is not to say everything is perfect in the world of Nintendo, but i think its competitor (i mean Xbox) is not in a good situation too.

Like someone else said before (Teasy ?), it's been 10 years since some cassandras annonce the end of time ... hem 'xcuse me, ... Nintendo.

To come back to topic : where is it said that F5 will developp on PS3 or Xbox Next in the interview ? Are the words "Other platforms" making you think so ? Ask yourself : if the President of Factor 5 had said a such thing, don't you think that IGN would have been more than happy to "name" these consoles in their new... ?
Well, it could be that Factor5 is going multi-platform and has not decided which systems to develop for. There is really no indication if the dev team will remain exclusive to Nintendo in the home, so that doesn't count PSP development, or move onto other next gen systems also. Julian Eggebrecht is a very outspoken Gamecube evangelist and I doubt he and the team would suddenly change their relationship with Nintendo. I do not know what they are going to do now but I do suspect they will continue to remain exclusive.
I would consider bad game developers that sign up with a company worse than this case (Factor 5 doesn't dump Nintendo, SK doesn't dump Nintendo)... ;)
Sonic said:
Well, it could be that Factor5 is going multi-platform and has not decided which systems to develop for. There is really no indication if the dev team will remain exclusive to Nintendo in the home, so that doesn't count PSP development, or move onto other next gen systems also. Julian Eggebrecht is a very outspoken Gamecube evangelist and I doubt he and the team would suddenly change their relationship with Nintendo. I do not know what they are going to do now but I do suspect they will continue to remain exclusive.

I agree with all what you say here. At this time, there is no way to know what the future of Factor 5 will be. My personnal feeling is that they will still be exclusive.
Teasy said:
Rockstar were never a GC developer... how can you lose what you've never had?
All your competition gaining what you never got is pretty much as bad as losing what you had to another.

F5's comments don't seem to translate to the same thing SK said, though... But in the end, who knows?

At any rate, the developer landscape has just gotten more boggy for Nintendo, which is never a good thing.
Teasy said:
Rockstar were never a GC developer... how can you lose what you've never had?
Rockstar published Smuggler's Run Warzones for the GameCube which is a slightly updated version of Hostile Territory for PS2. The Cube version came out almost a year after the PS2 original.
Johnny Awesome said:
Sure, who needs Rare, SK, F5, Eidos and Rockstar? Nintendo is losing Cube developers left and right. It's a pretty serious problem. It won't be long before EA pulls support.
I had typed up a huge response without noticing that I wasn't logged in. Oh well. I can't leave the EA troll alone though. EA kept supporting the N64 thoughout its life despite it's troubles. EA is not going anywhere. Don't let factual circumstances keep you from trolling though, Johnny Boy.
cthellis42 said:
EA's not going anywhere mainly because selling to everyone benefits THEM most. ;)

sadly they mostly have 6 titels in the top 10... Just because they have licences and big marketing pockets...
All your competition gaining what you never got is pretty much as bad as losing what you had to another.

Re-read Johhny's post and then mine, he was specifically talking about GC losing developer support recently. GC has not lost Rockstar's support because they never had it in the first place.

P.S. Rockstar have been working on XBox and PS2 since the start. So they're hardly gaining a dev unless Rockstar officially stopped XBox/PS2 development and then officially started again recently :)
cybamerc said:
Even if Factor 5 had completely dumped Nintendo I would still roll my eyes at that statement. I like F5 but they're hardly a household name and their best selling games all have the Star Wars name attached to them. In the grand scheme of things Factor 5 is pretty much irrelevant.

They also have Turrican, but that's pretty old now.
cybamerc said:
Teasy said:
Rockstar were never a GC developer... how can you lose what you've never had?
Rockstar published Smuggler's Run Warzones for the GameCube which is a slightly updated version of Hostile Territory for PS2. The Cube version came out almost a year after the PS2 original.

Bleh, I rented that game because of all the hype the ps2 version got, and all the hype IGN gave the gamecube version.....biggest piece of crap I ever played. Every level is exactly the same, no detail, crap ai, and no fun. How could IGN give that game a higher score than half the nintendo games they rate?(luigi's mansion, mario kart, and more)
Fox5 said:
How could IGN give that game a higher score than half the nintendo games they rate?(luigi's mansion, mario kart, and more)

That's an easy question.

