Should I always be polite here?


Should I? I think it's something mysterious called "Nettique".

If I think some participants in certain threads behave like 6-year-olds, can I say so without naming any names? If I did (and I did), what is wrong with that? And why should a participant (not a B3D staff/mod) feel it necessary to "reprimand" me (called me a "troll") for my doing so when he most certainly knows all I want/did is to increase the signal and not the noise here?

What is "Nettique" and why is it important?
Actually it's "Netiquette", which comes from "etiquette" (meaning social convention or behaviour rules).
Should I always be polite here?
You could start by just trying out being polite once here and see how you like it, then make your decision based on your experience with that.
IMO, no. this is the place you can vent and express yourself with all of yourself. while protected from those who would resort to violence to get their 'point' across. it's great! unlike any other vehicle for discourse! not oral, written, no personal contact, no identity (for those vindictive passive aggressive types)...true free expression with your own personality, however 'damaged' it may be. a great experiment! no pinheads with their 'ideas' as universal edicts limitations/regulations on everything. there are NO victims here IMO.
It's not neccessary to be polite ALL the time - any number of people here aren't, after all (just witness RSPC forum).

Just don't be a drama queen, Rev. That's all. :D
My opinion is that if you have to resort to being impolite, then it is not worth saying it.

Either whatever you have to say is simply not worth saying, or whoever you are talking to won't get it however you say it.

That said, a little good humored cheeky comment can help get someones attention, but I would never say anything you wouldn't be comfortable saying to someone in real life.

digitalwanderer said:
You could start by just trying out being polite once here and see how you like it, then make your decision based on your experience with that.

london-boy said:
What's wrong with being a bitch?

Only if you pull it off with style, not petty vindictiveness and jealousy.

The board members at B3D are a bunch of immature children! See, I just increased the signal over noise level here. Honestly! You do believe me, don't you? All I want to do is make things better around here. I have no interest in 3D but I sure do care about this website, though I chose to quit rather than stick around and contribute to this place that's so near and dear to my heart. Oh, and after I quit I made all sorts of really immature threats against the site and Dave. I even threatened to start a "war" against Dave, with slings and paper bullets of the brain. I think that's the highlight of my contribution to B3D, quitting for the second time and really burning the bridge behind me.

So, honestly, I don't know why someone could even think to suggest that my motivations are less than pure as freshly fallen snow.
John Reynolds said:
Only if you pull it off with style, not petty vindictiveness and jealousy.

The board members at B3D are a bunch of immature children! See, I just increased the signal over noise level here. Honestly! You do believe me, don't you? All I want to do is make things better around here. I have no interest in 3D but I sure do care about this website, though I chose to quit rather than stick around and contribute to this place that's so near and dear to my heart. Oh, and after I quit I made all sorts of really immature threats against the site and Dave. I even threatened to start a "war" against Dave, with slings and paper bullets of the brain. I think that's the highlight of my contribution to B3D, quitting for the second time and really burning the bridge behind me.

So, honestly, I don't know why someone could even think to suggest that my motivations are less than pure as freshly fallen snow.

I kinda feel like children feel like when they learn their parents are getting divorced. Not sure why.
Pot meet kettle.
I don't believe attacking Reverened's going to achieve anything.
You could have worded your post in a non-sarcastic manner to get your point across.

John Reynolds said:
Only if you pull it off with style, not petty vindictiveness and jealousy.

The board members at B3D are a bunch of immature children! See, I just increased the signal over noise level here. Honestly! You do believe me, don't you? All I want to do is make things better around here. I have no interest in 3D but I sure do care about this website, though I chose to quit rather than stick around and contribute to this place that's so near and dear to my heart. Oh, and after I quit I made all sorts of really immature threats against the site and Dave. I even threatened to start a "war" against Dave, with slings and paper bullets of the brain. I think that's the highlight of my contribution to B3D, quitting for the second time and really burning the bridge behind me.

So, honestly, I don't know why someone could even think to suggest that my motivations are less than pure as freshly fallen snow.
K.I.L.E.R said:
Pot meet kettle.
I don't believe attacking Reverened's going to achieve anything.
You could have worded your post in a non-sarcastic manner to get your point across.
Or he could have made it even more antagonizing and flamey like a certain ex-staff member who likes to come around here and "not make trouble". ;)

Someone calls you a six year old and I guess the curteousy circuits just don't kick into high gear, weird ain't it? :-|
digitalwanderer said:
Someone calls you a six year old and I guess the curteousy circuits just don't kick into high gear, weird ain't it? :-|

Well, see, if he'd just called you a six year old, I could understand. :p

Heck, if he'd called me a six year old, I'd say "how nice that Rev thinks I'm young at heart!", but then my pollyanna-ish tendencies are well documented. :LOL:

If he'd even said that all the B3D regulars on that thread were acting like 6 year olds, that would be a bit over the top in my book but within the realm of "fair comment" given hyperbolically.

But what he actually said was:

the average level of maturity of B3D forumers are those I expect of my 6-year-old son's friends.

Note, average, so some of y'all are well below that. :cool: And it is a general attack on the entirety of forum members, not even just those who participated on that particular thread.

And, y'know, if you want to throw hand grenades into a packed room, then certainly the internet is the place for you --but don't be surprised (and worse, put on your aggrieved martyred party hat) when the hissing pineapple comes rolling your direction in response.

Altho, I gotta add that I particularly liked that it was his 6 year old's friends, rather than his son. At least he showed a little bit of Proud Pop there, which is about as human connection as we've gotten out of him in some months.
Just because Rev is acting like a buttox doesn't mean everyone else should follow.

I think Rev has made his point and now it's time to move on.
I think there's something about a terrorist attack in the P&R forum.
K.I.L.E.R said:
Just because Rev is acting like a buttox doesn't mean everyone else should follow.
Ah, but what if we want to... ;)

Seriously Kruno, the man laid the words down so he should expect a reaction to 'em.
Then you'd just prove Rev's point that B3D poster's maturity averages around that of his 6 year old son's friend.
Rev is just trolling, baiting forum goers into reacting to his words.
K.I.L.E.R said:
Then you'd just prove Rev's point that B3D poster's maturity averages around that of his 6 year old son's friend.
Rev is just trolling, baiting forum goers into reacting to his words.
I'd argue that. I know quite a few 6 year olds who are much more mature than me! ;)