Senua's Saga: Hellblade 2 [XBSX|S, PC, XGP]

RobertsR1 is among those that don't like the overall image the developers have pursued, which is fair enough. It's differing cinematic tastes rather than anything technical. Hellblade 2 isn't supposed to look anymore realistic than The Northman or Fury Road.

I get that but per-object motion blur is kinda objectively good. So curious as to why someone would want to disable it.
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I get that but per-object motion blur is kinda objectively good. So curious as to why someone would want to disable it.
There is a lot of misunderstanding about motion blur and what it's supposed to do. It's not entirely unjustified since many (especially older) games had crappy motion blur that only applied to camera movements, or object motion blur that would freak out and blur moving objects even if they were static on the screen.

Nowadays I think kids see their favorite streamer immediately turn off motion blur in every game they play and assume that's the right thing to do. Not realizing that
A) the streamer is probably an idiot
B) the streamer has a godly PC that can run the game at 240+FPS on a 240+Hz monitor which makes motion blur less important. But it doesn't make motion blur useless. No high refresh rate monitor could properly display something like this without motion blur. You'd probly need <.1ms frametimes and a 10000+ Hz monitor to even begin to show the helicopter blades correctly without motion blur.
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As a contemporary comparison, I'd been thinking about how Hellblade compares to Love, Death and Robots 'In Vaulted Halls Entombed'. That episode was done on UE, with metahuman rigs. It's interesting, as Hellblade's virtual humans are a step above, I think, and being animated in realtime.

It's not like Sony Pitcture Imageworks are slouches when in comes to digital characters.
With this amazing level of fidelity, 2D sprites for blood, dust and other particles stick out badly. That's something I hope developers concentrate on in the future.

UE is already working on this, it just wasn't ready in 5.3. Experimental in 5.4. The animation rate of some things like fire looks kind of choppy and it definitely stands out. Would have been nice to have something more sophisticated for Hellblade 2.

maybe they'll update the game, just like fortnite does, if MS give them the budget though.

For a game like this I wouldn't think the cost of integrating a new UE version would be worth it. I don't know if anyone will skip buying the game because of the quality of some fire animations or some rain or whatever.
For a game like this I wouldn't think the cost of integrating a new UE version would be worth it. I don't know if anyone will skip buying the game because of the quality of some fire animations or some rain or whatever.

I doubt this game will even have dlc where an upgrade like that could be beneficial. If anything updates will just be quality of life updates.
maybe they'll update the game, just like fortnite does, if MS give them the budget though.
Can you name any other similar game, Uncharted or Tomb Raider or anything, that's had such a graphical upgrade post launch? I can't think of any - it's very hard to justify as a business expense. Closest I can think of end up more GaaS such as No Man's Sky, where constant updates yield constant sales.
a big engine upgrade i remember after release, was for The Crew 1 on PS4/XB, notable the switch to PBR materials, but it was coming with an expansion "wild run"

Can you name any other similar game, Uncharted or Tomb Raider or anything, that's had such a graphical upgrade post launch? I can't think of any - it's very hard to justify as a business expense. Closest I can think of end up more GaaS such as No Man's Sky, where constant updates yield constant sales.

Not exactly the same thing, but The Hitman series sort of did that with each release, though I think you had to own the sequel to play the earlier levels in the updated engine.
also Red Matter 2 from Q2 to Q3, one year after release, but that's a small team and a small game, that may have been a lot easier to do.

With this amazing level of fidelity, 2D sprites for blood, dust and other particles stick out badly. That's something I hope developers concentrate on in the future.
That's true. I wish that just as we got RT, that we got hardware silicon dedicated for real time advanced volumetrics for effects like smoke, water and fire. These constantly stick out always. How much I hate it when smoke effects turn around towards our direction or look like transparent billboards on otherwise highly believable environments
That's true. I wish that just as we got RT, that we got hardware silicon dedicated for real time advanced volumetrics for effects like smoke, water and fire.
Dunno that they warrant specific hardware. AFAIK they aren't a problem that fits a specific solution that doesn't map well to existing hardware - wide compute and ML units.